Half-Life 2's GMod Keeps Locking Up!; TF2 Trouble, etc.


Jun 2, 2011
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Hey everyone, I just signed up so I could post an annoucement here: I'm having trouble With GMod.

Issue: When I Start my own Server, it Freezes up 15 seconds later after loading the map.
I've deleted all of my addons, except for 2 (Which aren't a very big pack)
I've got The "Combine Sniper Swep" addon from garrysmod.org
I've got... "wiremod" addon from svn.org or something...

And when I start my server, I always start getting this weird lua Error: "CanRunConsoleCommand" And repeats the error 2 times in Yellow on the right side of my screen.
I don't know how to get my pc's info, (Sorry mates, ikr stupid info there) and... I've just updated my driver, and it STILL does it. I don't know what to do. I've reinstalled it, and it still doesn't seem to work. Sometimes it says "hl2 not responding" and...steam just sometimes...messes up on me for no reason. I'm postive I didn't get a virus. My computer is running fine with and without steam. But I'm having another issue with team fortress 2: I launch the game. It says it's preparing to launch the game. It Stops giving me that notice, and it doesn't do anything. I've waited 5 minutes and nothing. And I've been trying to get information from others expierencing this problem, but the problem is a bit different; alot of players are having issues connecting to other servers... and I'm having an issue starting a server. I deleted my "DownloadLists", addons folder, Cfg folder, Cache Folder, Reinstalled gmod, and nothing works. Several times reinstalling gmod, I realize my files change and I realize those files disapear and reapear next time I reinstall my game... which is...funny, but weird. Anyway, please help me; if you have any suggestions, please post a comment. Thank you.


Uh... i'm being patient, but I'd appreciate it alot of someone would reply soon... >.>