Half-Life 2's Maximum Map Size

I have to agree with Sniper on this one. Trying to make a map 'just' for vehicle play would be pushing it. hl2 will be much better to do this because it will be able to create much more total area.
Any racing game on source i think would be pretty cool. especially with all the different things that would be possible
Maybe when there is a giant crash, one will be able to see all the bits and pieces flying off, now that will be cool :eek:
you also have to keep in mind that having a map that big adds ambiant realism to the whole game. The first time I saw the E3 vid and the scene outside with the buggy, it showed telephone poles, or whatever, trailing off into the distance for what looked like miles. I didn't think my jaw would drop anymore.
Yes, Xtasy0, I'm pretty sure it was from one of the emailed questions, I don't remember which thread it was on and I can't seem to find it.. but some kid was like "CAN I DO STUFF WITH BULLETS SO THEY DO COOL STUFF LIKE TRAVEL TIME AND STUFF LOLZ LIKE COUNTER STRIKE HEHEHEHEHEHEE" and whoever replied from valve said something like "We prototyped it, but it didn't fit into our game design, but it would be easy for modders to use"
Originally posted by Slash
Yes, Xtasy0, I'm pretty sure it was from one of the emailed questions, I don't remember which thread it was on and I can't seem to find it.. but some kid was like "CAN I DO STUFF WITH BULLETS SO THEY DO COOL STUFF LIKE TRAVEL TIME AND STUFF LOLZ LIKE COUNTER STRIKE HEHEHEHEHEHEE" and whoever replied from valve said something like "We prototyped it, but it didn't fit into our game design, but it would be easy for modders to use"

oh, ok, i thought gabe just said they prototyped it but didnt include it because you need a different game to make it useful, or something, guess i missed the it's easy for modders part :)
You can "easily" scale up/down a map's size within a mod by changing the hull size and the POV of the player. This is why maps in HLRally will appear to be bigger than standard HL maps, for example.

Rather than having a 'human' player that is 72 units high, and 30-something units wide, they have cars that are only around 20 units wide. So, by 'scaling' their player models down, the maps can be made to appear much larger. 1 unit in HL rally is equivalent to perhaps 3 or 4 inches, so a HLRally map 'appears' to be 3 to 4 times bigger than standard.

Therefore, if you were to scale players/vehicles down within HL2, you could simulate a BF1942-sized map.
erm, might this affect the phsyics engine, cos they said that it wold determine properties based on textures an volums of objects didnt they? If tahts true then it would skrew up the system. But then again i might be wrong :D!
Ah, physics scaling equations. I only took physics up to last year of high school, but recall that volumes (and thus weight) scales to a power of 3 (cubed), and a structure's ability to support weight is a function of the cross section of it weight-bearing frame (bones & musculature), thus a power of 2.

To recap: I am 180 cm tall, and can support, say, twice my weight of 80g (so 160kg). If I were scaled to four times my height (720cm), my weight would actually become 80x4x4x4=5120kg, but my body structure could only support 160x4x4=2560 (half my weight). Thus, my bones would snap under the weight of my own body. Which is why elephants have relatively thicker legs than ants.

But basically it's a simple calculation, so should be able to be done in-engine, by setting some scaling variables. Am I close here, physics majors?
Heh well... there are units of measure converters out there. I don't think people will have too much trouble finding one.

Lets make a world mod for HL2 where you can walk around
the globe and have fire camps and meet other people.
Lets not!

HAHAHA!!!! :thumbs: that's the funniest thing I've seen today, even funnier than that "L33T Cereal" picture

So back to the unit scaling...
I can see where a mod like sven co-op would be able to take full advantage of the maximum map size in HL2. Even an underground tunnel complex map(like in HL singleplayer and many sven maps already) could be made that large if you had a mapper willing to make it that long and come up with interesting gameplay.
too late, someone is making a Half-life 2 roleplay mod. Won't that be screwy. heheh