Half-Life 3 Community Feature Wish List

Feb 21, 2005
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Purpose: To provide Valve with a comprehensive list, constructed by the Half-Life community, of desired features to be changed, omitted or added to the Half-life 3 engine. This will help ensure that the release version of Half-life 3 will approach the ideal, playable, editable, and moddable gaming experience. Here is what I have so far. Let me know what other features you think would improve the next new engine...

A: The HL3 engine

1) No more Binary space partitioning (BSP)
Half-Life and Half-Life 2 were both watersheds in the gaming industry and set the bar high for their rival contemporaries. Both used Binary space partitioning (BSP) in the development of environments, and it served the games well, but clinging to this aging method can only hold back some of the possibilities for the next big HL game. BSP is strong, but not very flexible. Concave geometry is invalid in creating environments with BSP geometry. To successfully incorporate modern high-poly architecture into a BSP enviroment, one must use the cumbersome and limited terrain tool, or craft meshes in another program and convert them into a native format for the game, also cumbersome. Many gamers wait in long-term anticipation for the release of HL3, and it only makes sense to develop a next-gen engine, or use a pre-existing engine that can handle world geometry much, much better than Quake II can.

2) A new radiosity method
While developing on a new, non BSP engine, it would be advisable to develop a new way for lighting, one that is more dynamic and does not take hours of compiling. If, as of 1999, UnrealED's 3d window can show display how lights will look where they are placed, then it makes sense that there is a way to create shadows nearly instantaniously.

3) Boundless map (virtually)
With the inclusion of physics, vehicles, thrusters, and alike, Editors and Modders have been creating high-velocity aircraft and other vehicles. But as any Gmod player can tell you, the size limit of the maps still leave much to be desired. We need to be able to develop maps that extend far, far beyond the tight limits we have now. With the implementation of the two previously listed desired features, this should not be a problem. Imagine what it would be like to experience spacebuild with a boundless map. If the engine requires some kind of limit, it should still be many, many times the size of the current limit.

4) Physics dynamic models
Currently, the dynamic models can be animated, but cannot interact with any physics prop or the world. This is unacceptable. If I want to make a robotic arm that can pick up objects, I should be able to create it from one single dynamic model, and not world geometry.

B: Editing

1) More GUI entity options for output. If I wanna create a GUI ingame, I should be able to bind more keys than WASD and the mouse button. If I'm building an aircraft, if I wanna bind something to the J button, I should be able to do so. (technically I could bind it in console, but it would only work for my setup and would not work for people who downloaded it.)

2) Portal Function (not to be confused with portal gun)
Unreal Tournament (1999) had a static portal function for seamless transitioning between two remote planes. Modders/Editors may find a lot of uses for a scalable portal function. We could even create opposing portal brushes against each skybox wall and create an effect to not unlike flying around the world. Imagine what that could do for space build.

3) Better Particle generation
Many games include flexible, easy to use entities for generating particles. Half-Life 2 does not. Currently, If anyone wants to create a custom particle effect for their map that is more dynamic than an env_shooter, they must do some coding. Unreal has had in-editor custom particle generatrion for years, and I think Half-Life 3 should, too.
Do you not think you are jumping the gun abit...

Episode 3 will be released next year, around the same time as Portal 2 then we will be waiting another few years for Half Life 3.

Remember, Half Life 2 took 6 years to make.
Also, and most importantly, Valve make their engine features to suit their requirements in developing their various game projects. Public usage comes later, and doesn't have a great deal of impact on their thinking.

I need sauce on this thread.
Wow, I don't even know what I'd add to the engine. I may be regurgitating an idea above, but a more dynamic lighting system would be a hoot. Say what you will about F.E.A.R. and Doom3, but their dynamic shadows are pretty good (although I'm not sure if that's a feature of the engine, or how they're implemented in the map).
lets say it will take 6 years, counting from the realese of ep3. Then I want it to be amazing, assuming that computers can do a lot more than now.

*Wind - Wind that affects how the plants, trees, clothes moves in the wind. Or if you see someone with a coat or something jump down from a building a want it do dangle upwards.

* An environment that you can interact with, shoot at a rock - stone is falling of, leaving the rock with a hole where you shot it. Crowbar a Wooddoor and see it break WHERE YOU HIT IT. If you throw a grenate I want the ground to be blown away where it landed, not just making it black, but really moving some of the ground.
Both of those are possible to do right now but i dont see valve implementing it.
I don't just want physics - I want a fully-fortified physics engine, where props don't randomly turn into geometry, where brushes that move actually obey the laws of physics, where I can build a brush based helicopter and the only thing I have to do to make it get off the ground is increase the rotation speed (not fake it by moving the whole thing upwards 1,000 ft)!

I want physics to be so good that that I could only recreate the puzzles if I had 3 years of freetime and millions of pounds!

I don't care about the rest. Better graphics might be a good thing, but all I really care about is the physics.
I have a few questions about the BSP format. It remained largely unchanged in Half-Life 1 (which is based on Quake 1 engine), does anyone know how far was it modified in HL2?

What would the advatanges of changing BSP to something else be? Could it be possible to create more complex geometry within the map editor and not use prop models for everything? I think that would require a completely new map editor and I, presonaly, think that the current way (basic BSP geometry + models as props and stuff) is best... but I'm not a 3D artist and my maps are pretty basic ;)

I agree with Pi Mu Rho - whatever Valve decides to do with their engine is based on what _they_ wan't to do with their games, not what the mod community expects. Valve could only make good tools to use the engine's features and it's up to the mod developers which engine suits their needs the most.
I agree with your ideas (especially leaving BSP geometry), but I think it's bit early to talk about Half-Life 3.
I just want more friendly modding tools. Hammer was to complicated for me. The Crysis one was nice.
I would love to be able to use mental ray instead of vrad.. I know it like the back of my hand :)
Light fixture models that don't rely on seperate entities to cast light
oh yeah

the option to make a seperate UV chanell so that models can have lightmaps instead of crappy vertex lighting

essentially more hacks to make the lighting system seem more unified ( I know a true unified lighting system is inefficient and too much to hope for)
The bsp format isnt bad, its a great base to build an engine on and it isnt outdated or whatever ... Also what this engine need is like Shinobi sayd, lightmap UV channels on props which would make this or the next engine look SOOO much more next gen.
And, and realtime lights which blend with the lightmaps, so that a shadow of lets say a NPC would blend with the surrounding shadows. Just like in BF2.
Anyway you should name this thread the "Source 2 Wishlist" : D

Not an addition to the engine, but important none the less, Bring back Xen or some other alien planet, I want to see a lot more aliens and alien environments Like Half-Life 1 had. Maybe even bring back the old aliens like gonomes, snarks, and gragantuas.

The Half-Life series has lost some of the suspense and excitement of Half-Life 1.

Can't wait tell Blackmesa Source. :borg: :cool: