Half-life 3



Assuming HL2 rocks, and Valve keeps on putting out like a trooper, what would you guys like to see in Half-life 3?

Personally I'd like to see a great leap in AI. Most games nowadays screw up AI terribly, even though promising improvement (cough... Invisible War... cough). It would be great to see really great squad tactics, or interaction with physics. Now that the have these great physics, I wanna see bad guys topple things on you, or shoot out the lights or something.

So, again, what improvements would you like to see come HL3?
Well, first i wanna see what the AI is like in Half Life 2, then i'll say what i hope wll be done in Half Life 3.

Right now i just wanna see the AI in Half Life 2, hoping that it is everything they said it would be. I have faith it will be good AI, just like Half Life, but im not sure if it will be 100 percent what they promised
Cyperion said:
So, again, what improvements would you like to see come HL3?

I would like to see a drasticly new story. Something completely new, like the earth's time is out of wack, the sun is about or explode, or something else equally ridiculous. I just think a change from Xen creatures and scientists might be good.
Something entirely different? like....
There's a big cliff-hanger at the end of Half Life 2 and it leaves the gamers wanting more. Then Valve release Half Life 3, and instead of continuing with the story, they go off on a totally different adventure?
Sparta said:
Something entirely different? like....
There's a big cliff-hanger at the end of Half Life 2 and it leaves the gamers wanting more. Then Valve release Half Life 3, and instead of continuing with the story, they go off on a totally different adventure?

No...I just mean something different than aliens and crazy science experiments. Imagine this...at the end of HL2, you think you've solved the problem, and the g-man or someone is congradulating you, when suddenly a creature you've never seen appears, grabs you, and there's a flash...you wake up to see a doctor leaning over you.

"He looks just Gordon Freeman...you know, the scientist who foiled the Combine plot back in 2015..."

Another scientist: "But it couldn't be him...that was 2,000 years ago..."

Roll credits.

How's that for a cliffhanger/new direction???
256 PEOPLE!!!!...yah baby

Nowadays with the bandwidth out there this could be possible with the right coding...imagine though in CS waiting around for 3 hrs while the last 26 people were all AFK...heheheh...what would a votemap look like?..or any map for that matter....omg imagine what kind of map that would need!!!
phantomdesign said:
How about an all out war miltiplayer.....10,000 players!!!
but 256 is within the scope of normal server ops

10000 players, only a corporation hemoraging money could afford a server like that,, and there already is planetside :sniper:
A-Train said:
Nowadays with the bandwidth out there this could be possible with the right coding...imagine though in CS waiting around for 3 hrs while the last 26 people were all AFK...heheheh...what would a votemap look like?..or any map for that matter....omg imagine what kind of map that would need!!!

that type of gameplay (small rounds) does not work well with even 32 players

a system like bf42 where you have tickets and a spawn timer...
(i think firearms mod does this also)

imagine playing bf42 with 64 players ...and using a spawn system like CS......

it would suck horribly....you would have to wait 20 minutes to play........not to mention AFK people...

with more than 64 players ... it would only compound those problems.....

ww2 online has 100s/1000s of people playing at any given time.....but the map is so huge....you only see like 5 people in the span of 3 hours....(not to mention it has gfx that are not much better than doom2)

they key with so many players.....is to have maps that are not to spread out...but not to small either....

bf42 maps are pretty much perfect for 64 players....anymore than 64 and it would become nothing but a camp fest(wich it already is often times)
crabcakes66 said:
that type of gameplay (small rounds) does not work well with even 32 players

a system like bf42 where you have tickets and a spawn timer...
(i think firearms mod does this also)

imagine playing bf42 with 64 players ...and using a spawn system like CS......

it would suck horribly....you would have to wait 20 minutes to play........not to mention AFK people...

with more than 64 players ... it would only compound those problems.....

ww2 online has 100s/1000s of people playing at any given time.....but the map is so huge....you only see like 5 people in the span of 3 hours....(not to mention it has gfx that are not much better than doom2)

they key with so many players.....is to have maps that are not to spread out...but not to small either....

bf42 maps are pretty much perfect for 64 players....anymore than 64 and it would become nothing but a camp fest(wich it already is often times)

I'm thinking more like Firearms Halflife Gameplay for that many people
Typhon said:
No...I just mean something different than aliens and crazy science experiments. Imagine this...at the end of HL2, you think you've solved the problem, and the g-man or someone is congradulating you, when suddenly a creature you've never seen appears, grabs you, and there's a flash...you wake up to see a doctor leaning over you.

"He looks just Gordon Freeman...you know, the scientist who foiled the Combine plot back in 2015..."

Another scientist: "But it couldn't be him...that was 2,000 years ago..."

Roll credits.

How's that for a cliffhanger/new direction???
That would rock...just plain rock...
Are you watching this Valve? The kid has some great ideas! Hire him! Hire him I say!
Yup, of course I am his manager. What a silly question, Gabe! Yes, I'll just take care of that pay-check, shall I now?
Start working Typhon! What? No, I haven't got your salary! The very thought is ridicuolus! Continue working!
I hope the US government starts backing development/distribution of real broadband (without it we aren't going to be playing lag-free FPS games with more than 100 players anytime soon). Comparing our "fast" connections to those of some European and Asian countries is like comparing a 56k/s modem to DSL or Cable.

Take Korea for example:

* Home broadband connections are more than ten times faster than in the US... for the same price.
* Broadband is in more than 70% of homes (available to more than 90%).
* One-third of their economic transactions are through the Internet.
* They execute 70% of their stock trades on the Internet.
* Half of all banking transactions are done on the Internet.
* Constant retail orders around the clock for everything from groceries to furniture.

That kind of development doesn't come out of no where. The Korean government sank over $1.5 billion into helping create the world's most advanced telecommunications network... and it has already paid for itself. Too bad the US government pretends the Internet is all hype... and says that our connections are "broadband".

... and if you think the Koreans are going to stop there you are sadly mistaken. They are currently #4 in the percentage of people with broadband... and they won't stand for it! They (Korean government) will be spending $10,000,000,000 to bring their current broadband to every home by 2005... and another $2,000,000,000 (at least) to bring consumer speeds to 100Mbps and beyond.

We need to stop wasting trillions of dollars and put some of it to good use. If the government would put a little bit of trust behind the Internet and back its development financially we might be at the top of the list of wired countries... but I doubt that the government will put up any of its precious money until the US is completely left in the dust. We used to want to be the most technologically advanced country but now I guess we are content with sitting below the top 10... and dropping.
In Sweden the internet is even better, its government funded so I heard you could get 100 Mbps for 20 dollars a month.
Here (The Netherlands) I pay 50 euros (60 dollars) for a lousy 1.5 Mbit connection. But there is no technical limitation, even without fiberoptics we can reach 120 Mbps here, but the cable companies try and sqeeze as much money out of the customer for low speed internet. There is virtually no goverment funding for internet.
It's not goverment funded, they just paid to have the infrastructure done, the phone companies/ISPs get nothing from the goverment.
LoL...HL3 ok maybe in 10 years...Not even thinking about it yet
MaxiKana said:
It's not goverment funded, they just paid to have the infrastructure done, the phone companies/ISPs get nothing from the goverment.

Anyway, you get more speed for less money there. I see you're Finnish, how's the internet there?
Half-Life 3 is going to be a mind blowing experience unlike any game you have ever played before. There's games, then there's HL3.
The plot? It's ever evolving and changing based on the players actions and decisions.
The multiplayer? Think five hundred players, think massive sprawling citys, think vehicles, think strategy, think action, think HOLY ****!
The AI? The greatest ever. Like Far Cry's AI times several thousand. It reacts realisitically to the player and other AI controlled NPCs.
The characters? They can all become your best friend, your worst enemy, your lover, your boss, your team mate. It all depends on what you do.
The ending? A brilliantly ambidguous mind bending cliff hanger that has you questioning not only the game but reality itself.

The release date? God only knows.
Imagine real AI. AI that really thinks.I nstead of an annoying-as-hell paperclip telling you what to do you have an actual, thinking person who is, basically, your computer avatar. In games where you don't play a particular character, you could use them, and you'd never get bored because while your computer was on and you'd always have someone to talk to. Now imagine if you aply that technology to an action game...
I wanna see how HL2 feels first, then we can start talking HL3 :)
Sparta said:
Well, first i wanna see what the AI is like in Half Life 2, then i'll say what i hope wll be done in Half Life 3.

Right now i just wanna see the AI in Half Life 2, hoping that it is everything they said it would be. I have faith it will be good AI, just like Half Life, but im not sure if it will be 100 percent what they promised

I would like to see enemies run and shoot at the same time. looking at the movies, the seem to stay put before firing, unless thats just to improve their accuracy.
if they shot while running im pretty sure you would start complaining about why the AI cant ever hit anything.....unless hl2 doesnt account for innacuracies while running or fireing fully automatic, which i certainly hope it does.....
Yeh right, like they'll probably be bored with this franchise by whenever, and they'll bring something similar out with a different name.

That's how it works. Thats why u ain't seen much about quake 4 yet. Because there probably won't be one.

And it's also why the Tony Hawk series has gone from numbers to Underground (THUG, whatever). I mean Tony Hawk's 5 would have sounded like it needed a zimmer frame.

Half Life has already out lived itself, i've definitely played it more than any of the other thousands of games i've played in my life, i'm sure a lot of you are the same. And it looks like half life 2 will go the same way.
Smeghammer, there WILL be a hl3, they have allready started planing it, valve said that >_>
Yeh but it'll be called sommat like "Half Life:Wibbledy Wibbledy Wob" i bet.
"He looks just Gordon Freeman...you know, the scientist who foiled the Combine plot back in 2015..."

Another scientist: "But it couldn't be him...that was 2,000 years ago..."

That sounds pretty gud, and personally I don't wanna get my hopes up on HL3 being anything other than what I hear from a source, and all I know is that they've started to plan it.. don't want to think any deeper, i'll just concerntrate on HL2
LOL @ Uplink. HAHAHA.

Half-Life 3? Hmmm. I can't say. I want to play HL2! And I get it for free too! Sweepstakes = teh r0x0rZ ;)
I would enjoy a 10,000 player, no rules, crowbar war.. Last man standing gets a cookie.
I want to see realistic hair, realistic cloth, and a unified lighting model. And photo realistic graphics.
If we had graphics lk FF:the movie.
TIBS support - Total Interaction Biomechanical Suit - integrated Paynstation, 3d glasses and your movements were Gordon's
And last but not least - the 1st monkey comparable AI applicated in all caracthers.
I guess what I'd like to see is a game that introduces a realistic and credible number of well rounded believable opponents/adversaries within a storyline. Much as I love games like Max payne 2, MoHaa etc, I hate the unreality that eventually kicks in where you end up fighting impossible kamakize style odds. Not that it isn't necessarily exciting, but I find it makes for a tedious finale. I think HL managed to avoid the shootathon mentality that plagues many games towards the latter stages, and I would hope that HL² follows accordingly.

I don't want more opponents as a game proceeds, I want smarter opponents.
you should check out the ai of far cry.... it's going to be tactical formation, where the enimy will surround you etc. ...seen it with my very own eyes...in a video :)
America wouldn't have broadband like that, not at our current state. If we were a socialist country like Sweden it would be a possibility but it isn't right now.

In Half-Life 3 (which should take 12.5 years, since HL took 2 and HL2 took 5) I want very good squad AI, and a complete physics engine with simulated bullets, etc. The storyline should involve Gordon Freeman leading an attack on the Xen homeworld, through a portal in the old Black Mesa Research Facility. He'd be the leader of a preliminary squadron to secure the immediate perimeter (12 men or so) and something would go horribly wrong...

I also like the 2000 years in the future idea...
I do like the idea of Freeman returning to Ground Zero....
In HL3, as with many games in the future, I want REAL AI, you can talk to them like you do with other people in multiplayer. AI that can react to 30,000+ words and have a working brain.

Ah, I can't wait until this becomes a reality, if it does.