Half Life: Dark Horizon Project Team Members Needed


OXM Madman

Half Life: Dark Horizon Story

On June 19th, 2057, 20 Families lost their sons and daughters to the Military. They were told it was simply another death in the Rebel War. But no one ever understood the pain they went through..... On Project Jericho. No one who is alive today can understand what happened. There are only the facts:

- May 3rd, 19:37, 2057: 20 Families sons and daughters are sent to Camp.

- May 14th, 13:02, 2057: 3 Dead Soldiers are found in Africa wearing Military suits, a Moon on the top left of the shirt. Their face is horribly disfigured.

- May 25th, 15:24, 2057: A large incident involving a Portal including multiple deaths, is reported by the press worldwide. Location of this event is classified.

- June 7th, 16:56, 2057: A group of Atlions destroy the Dakota Military Base. Only a few press report it.

- June 19th, 12:09, 2057 - 20 Families informed of their sons and daughters deaths.

Yet nobody can understand what happened there. Only the men who rot in hell right now, understand what happened. Yet, a mysterious figure known as the G-Man is using a certain someone involved with a similar event as his pawn......

You play Gordon Freeman between Half Life 1 & 2 as you try and find out what happened. Only to stumble across something much darker.....

Half Life: Dark Hoizon Jobs Avalible

We need some Team Members for the Mod. Below are the spaces that are currently available:
-PR Manager (1 available)
-Location Concept Artist, Gun Concept Artist, Model Concept Artist (1 each)
-Gun Modeler, Gun Skinner (3 each)
-Map Creators (5 spaces available)
To try for any of these spaces, send me a E-Mail at [email protected], including:
* = Must Include

A Piece Of Your Work* - Send as a Attachment a piece of your work
Previous Experience - Your past experience with other Mods
Why You Think You Should Get The Job* - Title Explains Itself
Your Name- Title Explains Itself
Your Age* - Title Explains Itself
Your Contacting E-Mail* - Title Explains Itself

Now, let's make the most awesome mod ever!!!!! :sniper:

P.S If you wish to see the Profile for the Mod, please visit http://mods.moddb.com/6870/
Your story may be a whee flawed. The portal storms ravaged the world directly after Black Mesa. Unless I'm missing something.
actually, what year did HL1 Occur?

I think HL1 occured in the Year 2000.
and HL2 in 2010