Half Life Deathmatch and TF2 updates on xbox30

Feb 16, 2011
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I was wondering why you cant download half lfie deathmatch for xbox. is the xbox 360 able to play half lfie deathmatch or doesnt it meet the requirements of the game? for tf2 my friend said that the updates would take up all the space on hte hardrive, but i dont think thats true because my friends computer hardrive is smaller than my xbox hardrive. the reason that im asking this is because i borrowed tf2 for pc off my friend and im too unco on pc games to have any fun=( why did valve reject the xbox community??? WHY!!!!!!! I also knowe how to write an awesome angry faice >8[]
The XBOX version of HL2 isn't made by Valve (correct me if im wrong) its mostly ported from pc to xbox.
Yeah I think you can only get HL2 deathmatch on a comp. but don't bother it sucks,
HL2DM was never ported to any console and TF2 is unlikely to receive any further updates on consoles.