Half-Life: Decay - Released

Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
H λ L F - L I F E

The official seven year old and last third Co-Operative Half-Life expansion by Gearbox Software, the creators of Opposing Force and Blue Shift has
finally been ported from the Playstation 2 to the PC for all fans to experience! Here is the official site where you may download the free port:

Half-Life Decay Creations Official Website

How to play
Single player game

Download the decay_eng.exe and install under your half-life directory: C:\Program Files\Valve\SteamApps\[Account-Name]\half-life\decay

Decay doesn't have usual single player mode as Half-Life has - it creates local LAN server instead and adds controllable bot (switch with
"G" button
as second player. So to start playing "singleplayer" Decay you should use "Play Decay" menu and start server for "dy_accident1" map.
Bot doesn?t have any clever AI, it can merely protect itself, so you have to use the player switching frequently.

Be aware that you can't choose any other map from the start - they all are locked by default, as in original PlayStation(r)2
version of the game, and are opened as you progress through the game.

The other important note is that Decay doesn't allow any game saves (as original game) so if you are killed, the mission is automatically
restarted. The only saved info is your progress through the levels and stats, which is done automatically upon mission completion.
You can view your stats either by opening decay\manual\stats.xml or using shortcut in Decay?s Start Menu folder.

Internet Game - Details for how to Set Up Server

Half-Life: Decay is a 2 person game and you can play not only with bot but with your friend. You can easily set up home LAN server
and your friend will be able to join the game immediately, but with the Internet game it's all a bit other. The only way to do this is to have
one of the 2 people host the server.

1. Download the Dedicated Server (under the tools tab in steam).

2. COPY your Decay folder (from your Half-Life folder under your steamapps folder: - "steamapps\[account-name]\half-life\decay") into
the Dedicated Server folder. "SteamApps\[Account-Name]\dedicated server\half-life\decay"

3. Open dedicated server, and you'll get a GUI menu. Change the values as follows:

A. Open the top dropdown box and make the game Decay.
B. The server name can be whatever you wish.
C. Map can be any, you can always change it in-game.
D. Make sure the network is set to internet, or no one can join your game.
E. Make sure Max players is 3. no more, no less (VERY IMPORTANT).
F. UDP port - 27015 is fine, don?t change it unless you know what you are doing (there is no need to change it whatsoever).
G. RCON Password- you have to have one, but it can be anything (its the password that controls the server).
H. Valve Anti-Cheat should be selected, but it doesn?t need to be.

4. After you hit Start Server, the game will be up.

5. To join the game, start up decay, and look for the server, BUT don?t look for it under the internet tab, it will be under the LAN tab for
you, but everyone else will see it under Internet.

6. Join in, and have fun.​
Who would have thought it would actually be released. Especially since the guys name was Hoaxer, and he's been giving "release dates" for 2 years now. The first "release date" was sometime in 2006, and as each "release date" came and went, it must have looked more and more like bullshit to anyone that actually cared enough to keep track. Judging by their forums, a few people cared about a project by a guy that was clearly bad at organizing himself, and most baffling: he would give release dates "in two weeks" etc - when apparently he actually had 2 more YEARS of work to do. Forgetting the fact that the entire game was probably originally made from scratch in a few months. That's the kind of guy I want to keep track of lol.

But credit where it's due I guess, he did bring the last piece of HL1 history to the masses and to PC.
The key to releasing a game on time: announcing the release date when you know you can make the release date

Half-Life: Decay has earned +10 respect and I cannot wait to play this.
This mod took so long that I simply bought the PS2 version anyway. Welcome nonetheless.
Yeah, I just finished it and it is quite spectacular. I have never played the Playstation 2 version myself so this was a really fun experience.
It's going to be even more fun by the time I get another player.
A Mod that brings an unplayed (by me) Half-Life game to the PC... sounds good! :thumbs:
I'm on the last mission, I need to activate the yellow beacon, but nothing happends. Just after the briefing, Dr. Keller goes downstairs and sits in front of a computer, we (I mean me, I play alone) go into the beacon yard and nothing happends. There are 3 switches in the yard, but none of them can be pulled or something. I guess it's not about sitting and waiting forever. Did I miss something? Restarted the map a few times, still the same...

Sorry for the quality of the image, ACDsee streched it up, I printed on wide screen.


  • huh.JPG
    47.8 KB · Views: 397
You have to wait a bit at that part.
Yeah, it worked finally, after a few tries.

Well, I have finished the game, it was the only Half Life mod I never played. Playing alone and switching between charcters was a little bit frustrating, but it worked. Overall, the game wasn't bad, but also, no that good. But as a loyal fan, I will keep it in my computer and I'll play it again over some years, in the big Half Life series.

Good things:
- it has some connections with the original Half Life
- I guess single player coop is fun, never tried it though
- some new dialogues of Barneys and Dr. Rosenberg
- good character animations and modelling

Bad things:
- missions
- unable to quicksave
- I hate having M4A1 instead of the classical SMG
- linear gameplay, boring objectives
- no Xen, no barnacles, no bullsquids, no tentacles, no G-man
- pretty few weapons
- very dull way of showing the resonance cascade, a few flashes and that's it
- boring ending, not even the smallest satisfaction that I played this game for a couple of hours
Well, (due the limits of PlayStation 2) it's visually not the best, but gameplay is fun. There's G-Man at the beginning.
Who would have thought it would actually be released. Especially since the guys name was Hoaxer, and he's been giving "release dates" for 2 years now. The first "release date" was sometime in 2006, and as each "release date" came and went, it must have looked more and more like bullshit to anyone that actually cared enough to keep track. Judging by their forums, a few people cared about a project by a guy that was clearly bad at organizing himself, and most baffling: he would give release dates "in two weeks" etc - when apparently he actually had 2 more YEARS of work to do. Forgetting the fact that the entire game was probably originally made from scratch in a few months. That's the kind of guy I want to keep track of lol.

But credit where it's due I guess, he did bring the last piece of HL1 history to the masses and to PC.

No, it's a virus.
Well, (due the limits of PlayStation 2) it's visually not the best, but gameplay is fun. There's G-Man at the beginning.

He doesn't look as mysterious as he does in low-def :hmph:

When I saw him in the elevator I was like "oh its just afro gman, okay" instead of "o shi" :laugh:
Well, (due the limits of PlayStation 2) it's visually not the best, but gameplay is fun.

Did the PS2 have a higher max entity count? Also, do you see Barney Calhoun somewhere in game?
I waited 30 minutes upon entering the last map and nothing happened.

dot dot dot
Make sure that once you're outside, the door you entered from is shut closed. Walking back towards it once you're out usually causes it to this.


After a few moments, he will activate the displacement beacon and you are required to turn on one of the three crystals. He will update you on the
progress, once he states it at one hundred percent, you need to activate the second, then third after that. After all crystals are active, a Manta Ray
teleports through the sky and starts attacking the beacon. Use all your Rocket Launcher missiles to destroy it. Get in the armory room for more
ammunition, once it is destroyed, you have succeeded.

The door never shut down, but I'll try again and move both players at the same time.

Did the PS2 have a higher max entity count? Also, do you see Barney Calhoun somewhere in game?

Yes. PS2 version (split screen) also renders the same screen twice times.

You see Calhoun at the end for few seconds.
Where exactly is the G-man in this game? I think I missed him...
Thanks for the info, test. I don't suppose you know the exact max entity count on the PS2?
I don't know the values, sorry. I can answer your further engine related questions, if you want.
Does anyone know if i can play this without a Steam HL1? Really want to use my copy with it
Yes, it works. Just install the game in the HL directory, in a folder named Decay.
god damnit, I hate being grounded... I'm missing out on so much stuff!!