Half Life E3 Movie Improved GSI


Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Half Life 2 E3 Movie Improved GSI

where can i download that movie? (no wait line) i had some links but i lost them... :( i know its stupid question.... sorry if i'm "disturbing" you people :) but thanks anyway for help...
You may just want to bite the bullet and download from gamershell.com www.fileplanet.com or fileshack.com
Waiting is a rather small price to pay.

search for the updated new version.
Pffff and why they don t put new movies god dam it those assholes delay the game for 2 months and we have to wait again dam bastards.
Just downloaded this new improved GSI movie and now download accelerator is asking me for a password before it will save the thing. it is connecting to pub.xferla10.fileplanet.com in order to validate the password. Any one have any clue whatsoever what this is about and what the password is ?
That's what I thought, however I am being asked for a password.
Oh well.
I shall re-dowload it without using download accellerator this time.
Originally posted by nw909
Improved means better and GSI means Gamespy insider.

the I stands for Industries, thats what they call themselves GameSpy Industries.
Also, in order to download from FilePlanet you need to be registered with GameSpy ID.
And DAP doesn't work after 24 hours of.."not-downloading"-ness...you know what I mean.