Half Life Fauna Study

Well, we can't tell if a Gonome could actually create that sort of stuff and set up his own lair, but the mushrooms grow everywhere Xen soil is found. I'd agree with Darkside that the Gonome lived there because it was a little piece of Xen that'd teleported in. Maybe it did some redecoration of its own but I find it unlikely it'd create its own lair from scratch.
That is not evolution, it is metamorphation (OK, I don't know if that's a word, I'm too annoyed to think). STOP LEARNING THE MEANING OF WORDS FROM POKÉMON!

Ok then from now I'll use metamorph based words. And I don't watch pokemon.
I'd like to throw forward a theory on headcrabs and gonarch if I may. As we know headcrabs are parasites that take a host, this would appear to offer a number of benefits to the headcrab including increasing the offensive/defensive ability of the parasite. With this ability the headcrab is able to kill a greater variety of larger prey thus has more sources of food. Presumably if times got hard the host would make for a mobile food source.

What if, however, the headcrab was also harvesting genetic material from its host/s for use in procreation? Rather than mating to create a new generation of parasite and relying solely on 'survival of the fittest' to slowly push evolution forward, headcrabs could take giant leaps forward in evolution by harvesting genetic material from their hosts. 'Survival of the fittest' would then apply and only the headcrabs would useful evolutions would be able to survive in the environment (i.e. faster headcrabs and poison headcrabs).

Gonarch, I believe, is the final development stage of the headcrab, much like a caterpillar spends its life gorging on food before metamorphosing into a butterfly, a headcrab gorges on food and the metamorphoses into a gonarch. Then, using the genetic material gathered from its previous host/s the gonarch can spawn a new generation of headcrabs.
Well, yeah we always knew the Gonarch is teh final stage of the hosts mutation. But anyway it dones't matter. :)
Well, yeah we always knew the Gonarch is teh final stage of the hosts mutation. But anyway it dones't matter. :)
No we didn't. They could be headcrabs that don't ever get a host for all we know. Or a headcrab using a host to give birth to a gonarch, we don't have a clue.

Also, harvesting genetic material seems even more far fetched than headcrabs being able to choose the mutations of their host. They would have to develope a way not only to 'read' the genetic code but also to interperate it and to figure out how to augment its own genetic code to include that without any horrific results.
No we didn't. They could be headcrabs that don't ever get a host for all we know. Or a headcrab using a host to give birth to a gonarch, we don't have a clue.

Also, harvesting genetic material seems even more far fetched than headcrabs being able to choose the mutations of their host. They would have to develope a way not only to 'read' the genetic code but also to interperate it and to figure out how to augment its own genetic code to include that without any horrific results.

Wait a second... that sounds like the Flood.
Mmmmm.... Halo in the Source Engine, now THAT I'd pay to see.

Anyway, back on topic, the headcrabs could always absorb genetic codes on a trial and error basis just to see which would survive, although I'd hate to see the lucky survivors.
Anyway, back on topic, the headcrabs could always absorb genetic codes on a trial and error basis just to see which would survive, although I'd hate to see the lucky survivors.
I'd hate to see the unlucky ones :x

On a side note, after 2 years I've only just noticed that pinned to Dr. Kleiner's notice board is a recipe for an 'Indescribable Salade'. If only it wasn't too low-res to read.
Maybe I've missed something essential, but the link says that the file has expired. Any alternative suggestions on how to get my grubby hands on it?
Hm, as to that, Ranmafan, you could always upload your files to rapidshare or upload them to the forum as zip attachments, as I do, so people can get to them.
Yes, please upload it here, or anywhere. I'm dying to read this thing, as I'm starving for well written HL lore in general.
Rapidshare hates my guts (as do many other victims), the .ZIP won't fit within the specified file size limit and as I said, the forum doesn't accept .RAR files. Maybe someone could do me the honour?

I did make the suggestion in the suggestion forums but nothing came of it.

Don't even think of Megaupload, it's almost as bad as Rapidshare.
No we didn't. They could be headcrabs that don't ever get a host for all we know. Or a headcrab using a host to give birth to a gonarch, we don't have a clue.

Also, harvesting genetic material seems even more far fetched than headcrabs being able to choose the mutations of their host. They would have to develope a way not only to 'read' the genetic code but also to interperate it and to figure out how to augment its own genetic code to include that without any horrific results.

No, thats the Flood from Halo, we don't know their final mutation stage or if there even is one. There's probably some fan fiction floating around somewhere on the web though.
I really must congratulate you on all this. I've only read the headcrab one thus far, and skimmed along through it (when I have enough time I will give your works the thorough reading they deserve), but really, it's good. Really good; great, actually.

I'm finding it funny how great minds think alike. As I said in my headcrab thread, I'd wanted to do this for a few years now--ever since before I signed up on these forums, which is over three years now. What's funny is, the original idea I had for doing these studies was to be written like the research of a former Black Mesa scientist. :LOL:

Also interesting is how we came to almost the exact same conclusions. We even use the EXACT same language; sensory cluster, for example. That boggles my mind. I've never seen your work and you've never seen mine, but we drew the exact same theories and the exact same terminology. Freaky. But that's all to the good, because it almost PROVES what we're saying is correct. Two completely different "scientists" ;) conducting the same experiment in different places, each unaware of the other, and drawing the same conclusions. Your drawing is exactly how I assumed the whole thing would look, as well. I like your drawings, btw. I don't find them crappy.

Anyway yeah, I'm going to give this a real good look over, compare it to some of my theories, not only the headcrab ones but some of the others...I've already got two new articles being written, but I've plans for a bullsquid and an ichthy one, so I'll see where we differ (if at all) on those. I see you did the hivehand too; you win an internet from me 'cause that's my favorite weapon of all time. I wrote a lighthearted article on its use for an old site called GotLag many years ago, entitled "How to be a bee jerk"...just replace jerk with a more offensive word. :LOL:

If both you guys wouldn't mind e-mailing me this data, i'd appreciate it... I'm a Half-Life fanatic, but I've never done ANY research
Nice job you two...
Oh? Damn, I've missed out on a lot of HL canon here. Can someone give me a link?

Wikipedia... you have got to get this info Down, all of you should...

What might be a good research project is the Race X, as well as other OP4 creatures. Oh, and that tiger shark fish thing with the claws... Why was it only seen once in HL2???
Is not there anymore. :(

Just checked the rapidshare... *This file has beend deleted (no downloads for a long period of time).

Can someone upload it straight to HL2.net? Maybe host it here?
On wikipedia? O.O I hope they didn't take it off, I look it up like EVERY time on Wikipedia
Hm...I was going to re-upload Ranmafan's works to rapidshare, but apparently all their drives are full. Never thought I'd see that happen. But, even better, hosted on Easy Share. It'll keep for a month, and renew everytime someone DLs it.

HL Study Series

Ophiguris said:
What might be a good research project is the Race X, as well as other OP4 creatures. Oh, and that tiger shark fish thing with the claws... Why was it only seen once in HL2???
Race-X creatures are planned, I dunno when I'll get around to doing them though. I can say that the pit drone will be the first one I do, though.

The ichthyosaur, the fish-creature, gonna do that one too eventually. Ranmafan did one as well; it's #5 in his Study Series. We only saw it once in HL2 because there was no good place to include a fight with it. You can fight them in Half-Life 1 if you like, though.
First download of that!

Wouldn't it be more efficient though to just host it on Hl2.net?
I agree! Because I can't read this 'study' file. I'm sure (based on feedback) that's it's excellent.
The files are too big to host on HL2.net, at least through the forums. Plus, I dunno if it's per thread or what, but the last time I tried to upload my own document (the vortigaunt paper) in my "Everything you wanted to know" thread, it said I exceeded the download limit. So even if this zip was 100k or less, I don't know if I could host them here if I tried.
You're a staff member, can't you submit it as an article? Or is that too much beuracracy?
You know, I haven't tried. :p

Samon and I have been talking about putting my articles on the site, but I don't know about anyone else's. And I'd probably have to ask Munro about putting up either (mine and ranmafan's). I've got actual site content to do anyway though, so I don't want to put that question forth right now.

Er...although if someone with authority reads this post, well then I guess I just put out the question, didn't I? :LOL:

For now I'm just going to host these files offsite. They won't die easily now; a month's quite awhile and if anyone reads this thread in like 3 weeks and decides to DL it, it'll remain for another month. If the files ever actually appear on the site as content you guys'll hear about it, from me and/or newsposts.

Ophi, does the link not work for you? PM me your e-mail and I'll see what I can do.
Ah, great to see people are still interested in my stuff. ^_^u

Sorry I've been away, been busy at school. But I guess I'll only be active again once Episode 2 is released.

Till then, cheers!

BTW: You could get the HL2.net forum to accept .rar file formats. They can be split into multiple files of a specific size. =)
Grr, i'm using a seperate computer so I can't download those files and read them yet... Grr