Half-Life merchandise


May 17, 2003
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Anywhere on the net I can get some? Failing that, any sites that do gaming merchandise in general? I cant really find mcuh on Ebay, apart from that lifesize Orc i wished Id bidded on :x
Apart from T-shirts im not sure they made much else but im sure some one will correct me. Which sort of leads on to the question of what HalfLfie Merchandise should they make? Personaly I would like the offical HL crowbar :D
Hmm, Half-Life socks would be cool... or Calhoun-themed wellington boots...
Your grandma rocks, stitching rubber! :)
Go email those fellows that made the final fantasy movie armor and the master chief :P armor to.

Ask them to make you an HEV suit. After seeing what they pull off, they could make a great looking one (along with the helmet to if your so inclined, recall the HEV suits have a helmet, but gordon doesn't wear one when you see him "has to keep the cool shavy look" but its obvious he is wearing it in both games when in combat (other wise he wouldn't have a H.U.D. now would he?)

As for the t-shirts, back before the whole source code was stolen thing, they were going to send me one, but litterally 2 days latter this happens and I guess they forgot :hmph: :(
PainLord said:
Anywhere on the net I can get some? Failing that, any sites that do gaming merchandise in general? I cant really find mcuh on Ebay, apart from that lifesize Orc i wished Id bidded on :x

I suggest Taking a look at Valve's Official Online Store, Its Very cool.

I'm sure he's still checking the thread for updates after a year and a half.
Ok, Admins - I'm saying this because it was brought up, so don't kill me...

Those looking for Half-Life 2 shirts and posters can go here
...not sure why that's funny...but I couldn't edit my previous post, so...