Half-life: Morto In




Morto In

Black Mesa-Warehouse A-21:32
Automatic weapons fire filled the corridor. Then screams.
Dr. Livid and Dr. Kayle ran. The two scientists were trying to make a break for the exit. Ever since the Residence Cascade earlier this morning, they had been on the move, shooting xenophorms with handguns picked up from dead security guards.

Dr. Livid suddenly stopped.

"Oh shit."

Dr. Kayle didn't even hesitate as he dove to the ground. He heard a pistol being fired. Looking up, he saw Dr. Livid standing stock still, a xenophorm lay at his feet.

Further down the hallway stood a security guard.

"Come on, you two!"

Both scientists followed the young security guard.
Soon the group came upon an elevator leading up to the main body of the warehouse.

"Hey look, either of you seen Dr. Freeman? I'm supposed to give him a message."

Both scientists shook their heads.

"Damn, ok well the exit to this warehouse leads outside, there are two trucks with a couple of scientists trying to fix them."

The elevator came to a stop. The two scientists made a break for it. The lone security guard waited at the elevator.

From behind a large crate a lithe figure watched the two scientists. Wearing a black tightsuit, the figure suddenly leaped 10 feet straight up. Coming down she landed on a crate overlooking the two as they stopped to argue.

"Wait we forgot, Dr. Eishman is back in the lockerroom!"

"No he's...Whats that sound?"

Deeva watched from her position up on the crate. "That sound" was in fact the sound of the three scientists out back screaming as her companions shot them.

Taking the oportunity she leaped down.

Dr. Livid suddenly noticed a figure in a black tightsuit behind his friend. He didn't have time to shout as the figure stuck a knife into his co-worker's back.

Gasping, Dr. kayle fell to the ground. Before his corpse even hit, Deeva had leaped up, doing a summersault in the air she drew her silenced colt .45

Dr. Livid raised his pistol. He started firing as the figure came down. The Glock 22c expended bullet shells as he fired.

Deeva almost smiled, what a horrible shot. Suddenly her colt seemed to cough, and Dr. Livid felt nothing more.

Manually re-cocking the colt, Deeva inspected the body. The .45 had gone clean through his skull. Even with the blood on it, she could still read the ID Tag.
Dr. Oliver Livid. Level 4 security clearance.

Suddenly she heard the creak of a nearby elevator.

*-Op 1 this is Op 3, Over.-*

Op 1 or Jenna's voice filled Deeva's headset.

*-Op 3 this is Op 1, Im taking care of it over.-*

That elevator should not be moving, everyone should have been dead. The Black Ops unit consisting of Female and Male assasins had cleared most of E- Sector incuding the lower levels of this warehouse.

Running, Deeva came to a stop.

A lone security guard.

The elevator suddenly came to a stop.

Out walked priority one.

In a split second Deeva reviewed the facts:

Priority One:
Dr. Gordon Freeman
The supposed cause of this "incident"
Wanted for questioning.
Responsible for the deaths of dozens of marines.
Wore a powered HEV suit capable of withstanding most bullets.

The security guard spoke.

"Hey, Dr. Freeman, Im supposed to give you a message, whatever you do, don't-"

It took less then a second, leaping out from behind the crate Deeva fired the colt.

The security guard stopped mid-sentance and fell to his knees, his blood spilling over his blue uniform.

Gordon Freeman was already firing, Deeva came to the ground and ran for a crate. She felt several rounds get absorbed by her Hydroclhoric gel covered suit. Then she felt a horrendous pain.

She'd been shot.

In another second she had thumbed the clip and pulled the pin on a fragmentation grenade.

The spoon and body of the grenade hit the floor.

Op 1 ran.

Gordon cursed and dove for cover.

*-This is Op1 to Assault Team the target is on his way, over.-*

Her battle over, Deeva sunk to the ground behind the relative safety of a nearby crate. Ignoring the explosion, she inspected her wound. The 9mm submachinegun round had penetrated her body armor and entered her stomach, probably piercing her kidney.

Blood bubbled up and out of the wound, drenching her, and the floor surrounding the female assasin.

Sinking into unconsciousness, Deeva heard footsteps.

City 17, Several years later.
District 13A-Hotel B- 13:42

Eric sat in the old cushioned chair. The young man was tired. The combine had ruled earth with an iron hand ever since their arrival.

"Why do you question our benefactors? Wouldn't it make more sense to learn from them? I mean honestly-"

Dr. Breen, head administrator of Black Mesa, the link between the combine and humanity, and Eric's old boss ruled City 17 as a dictator, he had been put into power by the combine when he offered them his "vast knowledge of the human race."

He was disgusting.

Eric sighed. The scene outside was the same, day after day. Citizens could not speak to each other out doors, Citizens could not be outdoors after dark, Citizens would comply with a combines' orders. A Citizen who did not comply, would be detained and "re-educated" in the glory of "our benefactors"

Dr. Kliner and his team of scientists from Black Mesa were the head of the underground resistance, they helped with the underground railroad.

They had invited Eric to work with them, but at the time he had declined. Foolishly he had listened to the charismatic Dr. Breen and had been suckered into it. Most of the populace had.

Now Eric sat in his chair, wearing common civilian clothes, his hand rested on the .357 lying on the desk next to him. A box of shotgun shells lay at his feet, the shells spilled upon the floor. An empty shotgun lay next to the chair. A bloody combine officer lay a couple feet away.

The citizens cowered, Breen and the combine dictated, Dr. Kliner ran the resistance.

Eric smiled. He walked a different path.
very clever, i like the tie in back to hl1 with the black op assassins. Deeva seems like an interserting character, hope she makes a comeback.

Chapter 2: Deliverance

City 17
Sector 19-Urban District
Canal Street

Laughter. There was two of them.
Shifting her head Deeva noted their apparel before looking back down at her newspaper.
Civil Protection. Just great.

Rain pattered on the sidewalk around her. Deeva looked at her reflection in a puddle forming near her left shoe. The face staring back at her was of african-american decent, probably in her early twenties. The civilian clothes just didn't suit her. She almost missed her old tightsuit.

"What's with that civilian?"

"Got me, lets get her out of here before the captain leaves the party."

Good #C-32214, more commonly known as "Captain Pain"
was still at the hotel across the street. She hadn't been sure.

"Civilian please come with us."

"Hey Joe- I mean #C-22213, uh this one seems kind of lonely.
I mean can't we at least give her some company, before she goes home?"

"#C-33315 you are a sick bastard, I can't help but agree."

"Please, I just want to go home."

Shivering for good effect, Deeva eyed "Joe"

His partner put his arm around her.


The silenced .45 USP didn't make a sound has it discharged.

#C-33315 suddenly leaned forward, blood already trickling down his side.

"What th-"


The sound of the round hitting flesh was complimented with the sweet cresendo of the victem's weapon discharging as he pulled the trigger in his death throes.

The fun was just starting.

Sure enough, four combine police officers rushed out of the hotel.

Deeva was already moving, a loud crack sounded as the glass of the single
lamp post was shattered by a bullet.

In the next second Deeva was surveying the street from behind a nearby trash can.

The combine spread out looking for potential targets.

Proper grip.

"oh my go- Captain, look!"

Thumb the clip.

"Shutup and watch the windows!"

Sneak a peek.

"Hey look!"

Twist and pull pin.

Frag out.

Leaping upwards Deeva came down amidst a rain of USP rounds.

One of the officers was unlucky enough to have not sealed his suit right. The bullet made a home in his gut.

The other three fired.

The grenade landed just behind the captain, his white armor identifying him
as a Super soldier.

As soon as it hit, Deeva ran.

The ensuing explosion sent millions of metal fragments in every direction.
The combine were literally ripped apart.

The smell of charred flesh filled the street.

The Captain managed to stand up and stumble a couple of feet torwards the hotel.

Too easy.

#C-32214 or "Captain Pain" felt something cold and hard slip between his ribs.
It was the last thing he ever felt.

Three minutes later backup arrived.

They found six dead combine officers. Yet their weapons had mysteriousley dissapeared, and there were no ammo caseings or brass. A review of the city cameras showed that the recording devices had mysteriously shut off for two hours.

Deeva watched her client.

"Uh, look I really don't have much to pay with, but I can tell you some information.
I get around alot, and Im a janitor for the combine facility to the south."


The 23-yr old man watched the woman nervousley, almost sorry he had hired her.

"Good, I will return in two days, your going to show me a map of the facility."

She walked out.

Breathing a sigh of relief Wayde Young returned to his home.

*Dana this is Deeva*

*Deeva this is Dana*

*Dana I just went to the store, the groceries were not so expensive after all."

Deeva hid her excitement, soon the mission would start.
cool story i liked the part where deeva kills the metrocops I hope u make more
[From the Author]

* Resinance cascade: The unlikely scenario that something in Black Mesa will go wrong. Its mentioned throughout the first Half-Life. The scientists mutter it, and evetually in HL2 I think Dr. Breen mentions it.

Anyhow thanks for the support. Sorry about the next chapter, I am dealing with school, work and the Army, and now even worse: Homecoming. Ugh.
Don't worry Ill have the next chapter out by this weekend.*
[From the Author]

* Resinance cascade: The unlikely scenario that something in Black Mesa will go wrong. Its mentioned throughout the first Half-Life. The scientists mutter it, and evetually in HL2 I think Dr. Breen mentions it.

Anyhow thanks for the support. Sorry about the next chapter, I am dealing with school, work and the Army, and now even worse: Homecoming. Ugh.
Don't worry Ill have the next chapter out by this weekend.*

Resonance cascade cant remember which... wither c or s but definetly not residence or resisnace...-_- but im not ruining your fiction, You Rock at storys 8/10
Chapter 3: Non-Compliance
City 17, District 46B-Appartment 13A- 19:00

Jessica Hamilton sat reading a book. The twenty-one year old woman was leaning forward in her chair,
her glasses on the tip of her nose. Her beautiful, blonde hair was done up in a bun. She muttered the words
of the novel as she read them.

"Annabelle rushed to her lover, intent on saving him from the lonely life of a soldier-"

Turning the page in anticipation, Jessica felt a quick prick on her thumb.

"Oh, **** me."

Laying the book aside she went the apartment's single bathroom to get a bandage.
After applying the adhesive strip she found herself looking in the mirror. The face looking back looked nothing like a young healthy woman.
Instead, Jessica could make out the white stripe down the side of her hair, where she had suffered a concussion. She had little gray hairs growing in along her bangs,
the doctor said it was stress. Her usually pretty eyes held a sort of pain in them, yet they also held a wisdom, a knowing of the world usually reserved
for the elderly. It was true life had taken its tole on Jessica Hamilton.
Her family was gone, her boyfriend was dead,the world seemed a cruel and lifeless place.

She lived for her job. As one of many informants for the Resistance and Dr. Kliner she reported combine movements and raids to the Rebels.

Jessica heard a loud knock on her front door.

Moving quickley she rushed to the door, her hand fell upon the .22 laying on the desk next to the door.

Looking through the peephole she saw a familiar face.

Eric Leyawhien

He looked like he was anxious to get in, fidgeting with something under his coat.

Opening the door Jessica eyed him as he bolted it shut.

"Eric, whats wrong?"

"Jessica, I...I have to leave."


Eric was a terrible sight, he looked exausted and half-starved, the stubble around his face showed that shaving wasn't on
top of his list of priorites at the moment. Also was that...

"Eric! your hurt!"

Eric looked down at his leg it had speckles of blood on it.

"No, thats not mine."

"Eric what have you done?"

"Jessica, the rebellion where are they, better yet Ben, yeah Ben could help me."

"You know I can't tell you that, look Eric you need to calm down I th-"


Eric suddenly pulled a .357 revovler out from under his coat.

Jessica sighed.

Eric suddenly looked at her, god what had he done.

He felt his hands grow weak. The pistol slipped from his fingers, the loud thunk of the gun hitting the
floor was the only sound in the room for several minutes. Eric sunk to his knees.

"Jessica, they got Steven and Ariana."

Jessica and Ariana where two Rebel agents who had been houseing Eric and spying on a combine armory.

"Oh, god quick where are they!"

Jessica ran for the secret transmitter device under her mattress.
Then Eric's voice stopped her cold.

"Oh, I imagine they are talking with Sam and Deligh."


"yes, they are dead, the combine found their stash."

Jessica thought a moment, then she bent down picking up his revolver and secured it in her arms safe.
Then she grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Eric who was crying.

Jessica helped Eric over to the couch,laying him down she put the blanket over him.

Sighing she sat down in her chair.

Eric was one of the original members of the Science Team at Black Mesa. He had been an assistant for
a scientist named Dr. Echo, who had been the head of the Beta core.

During the incident he had watched the love of his life tortured and killed. It had pushed him over the edge.

Jessica didn't know the exact details, but he had made it out of the facility, and then had become a gangmember during the next
few years, he had become a killer, the most feared man on the streets of Detroit where he had made his home. Then the combine came,
he was thrown in a Combine "re-education center."

Sighing the young woman hoped he didn't lose it again.

Then she felt more than heard the door open.

That door had been bolted shut.

Whipping around Jessica found herself facing a young african american woman, she was dressed in some sort of black jumpsuit,
a pistol was holstered at her waist, along with several grenades.


Deeva smiled.

"Long time no see, Dana said you could help me."

Jessica could see the light in the young operative's eyes.

"Maybe I can, maybe I can't, what do you need."

"Oh just some combine clearance codes, nothing big."

"What do you need them for?"

"Oh you know, just going to visit a friend in Sector C."

"The Armory?! Jesus Deeva thats-"

"Insane. Me? Never!"

Jessica sighed. It was going to be a long day.
Interesting method of storytelling - very short sentances, sort of barked out. I'll be watching with intrest.