Half Life - no music?


Feb 20, 2012
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OK ladies and gentleman; I'm afraid I've got a problem with my hl game. I have the original half life disc and I've just began playing the game - the problem is that there's absolutely no music. I've looked up the problem on the internet and it seems you can only play it when the cd is in the drive, but still nothing happens. So my question is this: is there any way to move the music files into the hl folders and play them without any cd? Keep in mind this is the WON version I'm talking about (every other solution I've found is for the steam version.)
I do remember having the same problem a long time ago. I can't remember exactly how I fixed it, but make sure your PC is able to play music discs directly from the drive. If you have multiple CD drives, check that the disc is in the first one. Anything like that can stop it working.

Failing everything else, you can always add it to steam.
Why don't you register your game on Steam? It's easy and free and hella more convenient than using a CD. The Steam version is more up to date to prevent any possible random crashes you may encounter, and the music works fine.
I can think of a reason.

lol i c wut u did thar
But in all seriousness, I can assure you this is a legit copy. The thing is, the music even worked perfectly in the past; I only reinstalled it a few days ago.
I might just register it on steam, that would probably be easier - but I'd still like to solve the problem.
Remember kids,google is your best friend :D
But you could have 2 probs.
Either you aren't using your first drive(like Lobster Said) or the HL version you are playing has probs with win7(i guess you run it on 7,because HL goes without any probs whatsoever on XP).
Try upgrading(or downgrading)your version.And see if the audio properties ingame are ok,you could have the cd music checked off.