Half Life rated 2nd Scariest game of all time.

yeah. whoever made that list obviously hasn't played ss2 or any of the thief series. hell even blood 2 was scarier than half-life. anyone remember the bone leeches?

the cathedral levels in thief 1 (and down in the boneyard) are probably the scariest parts of any game i've ever played. i also found trail of blood in thief 2 to be pretty eerie.
This is Half-Life, not Half-Life 2 discussion. Moved to off-topic.
hmmm, I wouldn't call HL scary. Resident Evil was. And so was ShaqFu *shudder...
Funny how many people talking about SS2 being so good and scary, but yet it sold poorly and was overlooked in favor of another Quake clone. Where were you guys 5 years ago?
Serious Sam is far from scarey, and even further from good.
I played the alpha veriosn of doom III and that was some seriously creepy shit.

I hated AVP whilst playing the marine campaign also.
Originally posted by primalscream
Silent Hill, the first one, is the creepiest game ever. The only game I find scary. Resident Evil isn't scary at all.

HL1 wasn't scary, dunno about HL2 yet, too early to tell

oh cmon wat about that dog comin thru the window!!!! it scares me everytime
i must admit, when i played resident evil2 for the first time really late at night... some parts i almost shit myself..
reak, that doesn't reflect the quality of the game. system shock 2 got nothing but rave reviews, and it's easy to see why. it's a great game, far better than any quake game or its crappy cousins.

maybe you're making some point that i'm not getting? it's late here :p
Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
reak, that doesn't reflect the quality of the game. system shock 2 got nothing but rave reviews, and it's easy to see why. it's a great game, far better than any quake game or its crappy cousins.

maybe you're making some point that i'm not getting? it's late here :p

Yes, point is, I love that game, I got it when it came out. It got great reviews back than too, but people apparently didn’t give a flying thing about it and went with buying another quake clone. Game sold poorly, and it seems now, everybody talks about System Shock 2, but where were these people before? I mean, Through Looking Glass always made original games, but they never sold very well. All of their games are high quality, with great atmosphere behind them. All that talk about originality is like empty words, when people get original game; they are too scared to buy it. Same goes for many games, like Planescape: Torment, etc. I guess I find it funny to see people talking about them.
System Shock 2 and Silent Hill are the scariest games I've played, bar none. Resident Evil was sufficently spooky, but I found Res Evil2 and res evil 3 not scary at all. The first time I played Half-Life I was quite young, so the first few parts of Anomalous Materials scared the crap outta me :)
Return to Cathedral in Thief I is the scariest level in any game I have ever played. Trail of Blood in Theif II was really spooky because of the ghosts that were in all the building. Could you guys refresh my memory of Down in the Bonehoard?

Aliens vs Predator 2 demo Marine campaign mission was scary as heck going into those infested places.

Half-Life was only scary at two parts for me, where you fall into the tank with the Ithyosaur, and in Power Up when you get chased down the hall by the garg.

System Shock 2 sounds really interesting. I think I will try the demo.
Originally posted by MF-BoltressHL2
Return to Cathedral in Thief I is the scariest level in any game I have ever played. Trail of Blood in Theif II was really spooky because of the ghosts that were in all the building. Could you guys refresh my memory of Down in the Bonehoard?

Aliens vs Predator 2 demo Marine campaign mission was scary as heck going into those infested places.

Half-Life was only scary at two parts for me, where you fall into the tank with the Ithyosaur, and in Power Up when you get chased down the hall by the garg.

System Shock 2 sounds really interesting. I think I will try the demo.

Oh god, Return to Cathedral... Man, you are absolutely right, this is one of the most terrifying levels in history of gaming, I never was SO afraid playing a game. God, I spend like 30 mins sitting in the corner, in shadows, doing nothing, too afraid to move.
oh :) i see now. well, back when ss 2 came out i didn't even know of its existence :( if only people knew of how awesome LGS was back when they were still in business. maybe we'd have thief 3 being made by them and ion storm then.

speaking of return to the cathedral, there's a level very similar to it for thief 2. i've been hammering away about it on the forums, but it's just too good to pass up if you have thief 2. complete with ghouls, haunts, and very tense moments :)
it's down the page some.

done in the bonehoard would be the level where you have to steal two gemstones and the horn of quintus (?). it's also imo one of the hardest thief missions, and the map is completely useless.
What's the Trail of Blood Mission in Thief 2. It's not the one with those monkey things is it? I don't remember it. You know what's also sad: I've never beat Thief 1 or Thief 2. While I love them both, esp. Thief 1, I would get near the end and then lose interest. I treid to beat Thief 1 recently again, but failed, again. I think it may be cuz the graphics are so old, but the atmosphere of these games kicks butt. Has anyone done any graphical updates for the game?
trail of blood is the one where you're first in a forest, and you have to get the two gems and put 'em into the woodsie lord's eyes, then you jump into his mouth and you end up in a really weird place with monkey people and eye plants. the monkeys creeped the hell out of me, personally. i guess it was how they walked.

you should definately beat thief 2. it has a very cool story. some of the missions are very long, though, like life of the party (The roof-tops one).
yea, I should have beat both of them. But I just didn't like the Thief 2 bad guys. The robots were just lame in my opinion, but they were bearable. I understand that a lot of people felt the same way about the zombies in the first one, but I liked them...

Yea, I thought that was the Trail of Blood mission. I found it pretty creepy and weird too, gave me the chills.
cyborgguineapig Pathways into Darkness was a pretty scary game too...but then I was like 10 when I played that game but you know what it's like when you're young.

Life of the Party was one fun level. I love it at the beggining when those guards are arguing about who's religion is the best...then they kill each other so you don't have to. 8)
Even tho Return to Cathedral was the scariest it was quite fun helping Father Muris(?). Since then I say blessed as bless-ed instead of blest.
they don't argue about whose religion is best.

Red: ...and I'm telling you, that the only stench heartier than your rotting burrack of a master, is the liquor on his fetid breath! If he comes near the Lady von Burnen again, we'll boil his knickers!
Purple: Oh ho! Mighty fine words coming from a knock-kneed, inbred page-boy such as yourself. Our good master Willy wouldn't be caught near that frumpy little trollop, unless he were holding her back at the end of a halberd!
Red: How dare you defile the name of someone so good and virtuous as the Lady von Burnen! Our Lady is a saint among mortal women; an angel so pure that heavens couldn't hold her!
Purple: Hahaha! Your Lady? An angel? You're lucky the dark-side whore-keeps aren't bashing down her door for stealing their clientelle! Why, just last night, I saw her out back warming up the stable-boy!
Red: Such slander will not be tolerated while we're on watch! You'd best run and rescue your helpless limp Lord, before he flounders in his own vomit, or wakes up naked in a hen-coop! Scurry off, or he'll acquire some unnecessary ventilation!
Purple: Is that a threat, you shriveled old mage? You going to prick us with your sewing needles? On this side of the street, we shoot like soldiers, so don't make promises your arrows can't keep!
Red: You've gone!! You've gone too far this time, you camel-mannered, turgor-dwelling molly-coddle! An arrow in the throat oughta shut you up!
Purple: Have at thee!
my most favorite npc conversation ever :p
Hah.. Doom II is on that list. What stupid bitches. They dont even have SS2 on there.
That makes me hate them.