half life sdk


Oct 7, 2003
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whats your guys experience with the half life sdk (the first one) I just want to get familiar with c++. I have read a couple books but I want some real hand on experience. Would the half life sdk be good to fool around with or should I use something else.
The argument of where to start your hl modding career has been brought up many times. There are two different bits of advice people usually give -

1. Learn c++ then start modding
2. Learn c++ BY modding

I chose number 2, but looking back, number 1 seems like a much better idea :)

Good luck, feel free to ask any questions here
It looks as if i will be in the...
3. Learn c++, don't look at hl1sdk, code for hl2sdk.
why not look at it? understanding how halflife 1 works will be valuable when it comes to hl2 coding.
i really need to download the first source code, but i can hardly code at all. :(
I'm not THAT knowledgable, though I've studied the sdk.
Know you pointers!
Yes I agree, looking at the HL sdk, is very vauable, and it can only help you gain knowledge in programming. I have been programming for a few years now, and it even taught me a few things :) As a developing programmer you can never learn enough. As a note a programmer never really stops learning ;)

well i did download it. i was expecting one long peice of code HA!

theres got be like 200 of those things o_O :p
Thadius Dean said:
was expecting one long peice of code HA!

Tried to do that on my first larger project, result:
*scroll* *scroll* WHERE THE **** IS THAT MOVEMENT REQUEST! *scroll*
So HL2 code editor work with c++???
Do you know any good sites or books to learn c++?
The courses are just too expensive.
The HL2 SDK will be in C++, yes. On learning the language, someone posted this very good tutorial which I am working through as I type.
It doesn't have to be Visual C++ 6, does it?

Edit: nm, just read your other post.
gooball said:
reap, the HL2 SDK won't have it's own C++ editor, you'll need Visual C++ 6 to use it's project files.

how much does it cost ;(

Or does the DEV-C++ work on it?
Dev-C++ should work, although you'll have to re-create the project files (or wait for someone else to post them).

That being said, I've heard of some people having problems compiling some code with Dev-C++'s compiler (generally due to it being more standards compliant!), so some code may need to be edited.

Edit: I would recommend MinGW Developer Studio or MSVC++ (if you can pay) over Dev-C++, though I haven't used it for quite some time and it may have improved.
You can get VC++ 6 Standard for about $50-$100 on Ebay. About $100-$150 for Pro.
i have one question ..... i have coded a bit for half life 1 but only easy stuff like changin weapon ammo capacity.... how do u figure out diffrent types of codes... like how can u figure out a code to make a buy zone thing