Half Life Source Code


Mar 22, 2005
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I noticed that some people were posting posts with reference to the Half Life Source Code, where on earth did they get that from?
source code?


(blue screen of death)
the Half-Life source code that's available in the Half-Life [1] SDK.
For a second there I thought this thread was going to have the original poster saying "omg ***** got hl2 sauce code ROFOSFOGGDO!"

But i'm glad it isn't :)
Danimal said:
For a second there I thought this thread was going to have the original poster saying "omg ***** got hl2 sauce code ROFOSFOGGDO!"

But i'm glad it isn't :)
What's an election campaign without competition?

The SDK was a massive download, 100+mb if I remember correctly...
0_o it was that big,ohcrapmedadsgonnakillmecuzidownloadedthatfatboySDK
it couldnt have been that big,i downloaded it from steam in about 5seconds exactly
Gordon's Brother said:
0_o it was that big,ohcrapmedadsgonnakillmecuzidownloadedthatfatboySDK
it couldnt have been that big,i downloaded it from steam in about 5seconds exactly
the HL 1 sdk, not released via steam back in those days.

and HL2's sdk is pretty big too, i doubt you actually got it in five seconds... it just dled without you being aware of it most like :D
Ennui said:
the HL 1 sdk, not released via steam back in those days.

and HL2's sdk is pretty big too, i doubt you actually got it in five seconds... it just dled without you being aware of it most like :D
oh i thought you guys ment hl2 sdk and yes it did take me 5 seconds,ok maybe ten :thumbs: seriosly
it probably took that long to initialize; the actual download should be much, much bigger.

Unless you're plugged into Valve's network, sitting outside their offices this fine morning with a laptop in the bushes?

The people might just have been referring to Half-Life: Source, which is the Source version of Half-Life 1.
200 / 5 = 40
You have a 40 meg per second line? :/
the half-life 2 source code (i got it from filedonkey) its not the sdk this has the world craft and the full hl2 engine source code (not including the graphis or models) i had the 300mb version there are many like 40mb (well compressed) but yea.
He means, that when it adds it to your list :p, it took about, 10 mins for me to download it.
ben5015se said:
the half-life 2 source code (i got it from filedonkey) its not the sdk this has the world craft and the full hl2 engine source code (not including the graphis or models) i had the 300mb version there are many like 40mb (well compressed) but yea.

Yes those 40mb ones are illegal, they were stolen from VALVe, what I am getting at is, don't download them.
yep, if you do I'd have to come pwn you.

I hate warez kiddies. As some of you saw in that [name of shitty warez steam] thread, before it got deleted.
Either way, at this point I'd have to say; HL1 Source code: outdated. HL2 Source Code: Illegal.
Valve ERC is an alternative :)

Edit: Wow, didn't know I had illegal stuff on my comp. Last I checked, HL2 code isn't illegal.
nbk said:
Valve ERC is an alternative :)

Edit: Wow, didn't know I had illegal stuff on my comp. Last I checked, HL2 code isn't illegal.

So naive.
nbk said:
Edit: Wow, didn't know I had illegal stuff on my comp. Last I checked, HL2 code isn't illegal.

*looks at join date*

Ahhh now I understand.