Half-Life vs HL Source

#1. Barely any difference, new water and a FEW updated textures. But only minorly updated.

#2. No.
Ah. . that kind of sucks. . not that there's really any insanely good HL mods as far as i know (OMG DBZ MODXORZ)
Isn't HL:S's autosave broken?
That's what stopped me from playing it - I got through the first half-dozen load points, then a headcrab knocked a shelf onto me and... "Welcome to Black Mesa."
Better lighting
Better Physics system (ragdolls etc)
Water as mentioned
Better Audio system
Wait for Black Mesa, though.
Wait for Black Mesa, though.

Theres gonna be spam all over this forum when that comes out. (Stuff like "BMS SUX, THEY DID TOO MANY OF TEH CHANGEZ!" or "BMS RoXXoRZ! Teh game be so sechsay!" :P)

I would say it's pretty much the same accept for what nutcrackr said.
True, but HL: Source really didn't improve on anything. If anything, it introduced new bugs into the game, and certain things were now harder or ruined because of a) Physics or b) Stranger AI.
The moral of this story? Play the god damn original version.
I was just going to say that. It takes a while to get used to (like all games especially CS ;)). The other fun mods out there are "They Hunger" series. http://manke.planethalflife.gamespy.com/ It's a single player story about zombies. I'm sure you will like it. Also Sven Coop is a fun co-op game when played with your friends. Online play in pubs is rarely fun unless you want an irritating 5 yr old yelling at you or people rushing through the maps goals. http://www.svencoop.com/ If deathmatch is boring for you then check out "The Specialists" http://www.specialistsmod.net/ There are tons of weapons you can pick up and it will make you feel like you are in a Matrix movie. You can use power-ups like slow-mo which rival F.E.A.R gameplay. It's a shame that HL:S cannot play HL mods because there are so many fun mods for them that are still played by hundreds of people this very minute. So saying
Ah. . that kind of sucks. . not that there's really any insanely good HL mods as far as i know (OMG DBZ MODXORZ)
Is really far from the truth. In fact those are the only HL mods worth checking out.