half-life-wierd life...joke by pick your nose


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
sense there isn't allot of fanfics..might as well make a random one while I'm waiting for the right side of my brain vend out more idea's for wanderlust...

setts in the current half life 2 settings with the labs and walnuts...

Alyx: DOG!! quite pooping in the lab. Dad's going to be angry when he smells it!!

Gordon: FOUND IT! *holds up cellphone*

Alyx: Found what Gordon?

Gordon: My old cellphone! Now I can text-message my homies like in the bathroom,my pool or when I'm banging my bitchs!! where you at?

Alyx: I'm in here, cleaning up dog crap on the floor.

Gordon: BLING!! *types* cleaning...up....dog...crap..on...da..floor...

Alyx: Quite messing around Gordon!! We need to figure a way to do the uprising in a non-kill-no-one-fasion

Gordon: I be busting more rythms then a busted radio! I did this to your mama!! she was phat with a p! Reminds me I need to take a pee! In the toilet cus it's yellow like moutain dew that shrinks your willy like willy nilly-


Gordon: opps..Forgot to take daz meds like that..*looks in the mirror* OMG!! I gained 5 pounds!!! I'm fat!! no one loves me I'm too fat to sit down!! WAHHHH!!

Fan fiction so bad, it's borderline spam.
Its quite worrying and sad that I pour my heart out into my story in this section and get no replies, yet you get 4+ for this! :sleep:
Man, literature is doomed for the next generation...
I find no need to feed the trolls so they'll come back and asking another bite again
I find no need to feed the trolls so they'll come back and asking another bite again

I don't know but, I don't think anyone would be coming back after that slop of a meal ;)
You can't purposefully make a funny/stupid HL2 fanfic. You have to try your hardest, and yet have no grammatic or spelling ability in the least, and the end product is a story that has effort, but a hilarious and stupid plotline. I read only 3 line sof your story and I can already tell it was like.. a tenth assed. [spin off of half-assed.] No one wants any more of your story. And stories that aren't done by harcore newbs can't have story errors. Dog's a ROBOT! A ROBOT!@!R!@# WTF!
I shall write a better story right now.
One day Alyx walks up to Gordon, and says, "Hello Gordon, it's a nice day with the suprassion field cramping up our hormones and an unending army of unimaginable power attacking us hell-bent on our extinction and assimilation."
And then she comes to the horrible realization;
"Oh right, you can't speak."
The End.
Not bad, Frost. Expand on the dialogue, would you? :D