


hey well i jsut played half of half life 1 and it dosent seem to be as interesting as half life 2 im wondering should i play half life 1 through before i play half life 2? theres not much to the story yet either just battling remids me of old shcool doom and duke nukem. is there more on the storey later?
In comparision to HL2, the HL1 storyline is indeed much more simplistic. However I will advise you to play on to the end since HL1 explains how some HL2 details came to be (even though you won't recieve much unlike in HL2). Plus it's annoying to leave a game unfinished unless it really sucks. Also, playing all of HL1 will only help you appreciate just how far the HL series has advanced.
You should definitely finish the game, it didn't win so many awards for nothing.
definitely play throught hl1.....even though the graphics are dated now, the gameplay is still awesome.
You must play through HL. It is because if you don't play HL, you can hardly understand the story of HL2. When you play HL, you will not enjoy less since the gameplay in HL is better than HL2.
I assume you haven't been to Xen yet? Worth the price of tickets.
I still think even after all these years HL1 still kicks ass. It's EASY to see why it was such a big deal back in the day.
Has anyone ever tried what i call "The Vorty Jump" in half life 1?:imu:
the story in HL1 is a little weak and more than a tad simple - HL2 is more subtle and complex
But halflife is awesome after all these years still because it balanced so many things that other games excelled in individually. Great game still, although it can't compare to HL2 really despite our misplaced nostalgia
Has anyone ever tried what i call "The Vorty Jump" in half life 1?:imu:

If you explained what it is, we could tell you.
Hi, a bit off-topic, but since an active thread about HL1 is open, I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity. I have HL1 but when I try to run it, it says "Requires Service Pack 3 or Higher". I'm running Windows XP SP2, so what must I do to fix this and be able to play? Does anyone know? Thanks.
I'm running XP Pro SP2 and it runs fine for me :|

D.Breker: Play HL, out of a sense of duty if you must. I know that the beginning parts, and a train section in the middle are quite boring, but it's all worth it. I just finished a playthrough last week!
I played Half Life 2 first, only a little. A lot didn't make since. HL will reveal more on the story. Play the first first.