Half-Life2 Box Art Revealed?

Yes Dvd versions do usually cost more, save up your money and make sure you have the money so you can get the dvd version when its out.

I say the dvd will cos about 40 - 50 english pounds
lemmingzappa said:
Yes Dvd versions do usually cost more, save up your money and make sure you have the money so you can get the dvd version when its out.

I say the dvd will cos about 40 - 50 english pounds

There's a difference between DVD versions and DVD SE sets.


Normal CD version = x CDs, box, manual = normal price
Normal DVD version = 1 DVD, box, manual = normal price
SE DVD version = 1 game DVD, 1 extra content DVD, misc items (stickers, etc), usually a special made box = more due to the extras/fact that it's a collectors edition

Here's an example/proof:

DVD version (non collector's): http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/242719.asp -- $39.99
CD version: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/237437.asp -- $39.99
I thought Vegeta was banned 0.o
Six Three said:
I thought Vegeta was banned 0.o

I was unfairly banned for one month on the 17th of January this year. Jeese now you got me all mad at it, why did you have to bring that up? :angry: (not angry at you, angry at the banning)
Well, to be honest, the game hasn't even gone gold now...chances are, the box art are bound to change.
I think it looks aweeeeeeesome. Be proud to put that box up on my mantlepiece.
The box could have Barbie on it for Christ's sake, doesn't matter to me as long as I get the game!

Well said.

IMO the design looks great. I mean, the first HL had gordons face on the cover didnt it now?
The original HL had different boxes in america and europe
I like the simplistic look, i whiped this up awhile ago, the quality aint great. its kinda simalar to the "official" ones exept the picture dosent take up the whole box. (note: it aint as good as there ones lol)
i wonder what the screens on the back will be like... /me scrpaes the barrel for some new information
I reckon it'd be good if they used Anry's (That's the guy's name, isn't it?) pic of Gordon bashing the crap out of an antlion...
Where has the news post for this gone from the front page? ;(
Triggerhappy41 said:
Well said.

IMO the design looks great. I mean, the first HL had gordons face on the cover didnt it now?

Not here it did, here it was a rusty orange colored box with a lambda and "Half-Life" on it.
lemmingzappa said:
Yes Dvd versions do usually cost more, save up your money and make sure you have the money so you can get the dvd version when its out.

I say the dvd will cos about 40 - 50 english pounds
How'd you work that one out? Deus Ex: IW was normal £35-ish and that was DVD. So unless HL2 DVD has some bloody good bonus features, there's little reason they could jack the price up by almost 20 quid.
el Chi said:
How'd you work that one out? Deus Ex: IW was normal £35-ish and that was DVD. So unless HL2 DVD has some bloody good bonus features, there's little reason they could jack the price up by almost 20 quid.

Its gonna be a "bloody good game" :P
UT2004 was the same price on DVD. But for some reason I think Play.com were selling it for half the price of anyone else. (not including the UT2003 rebate). Odd, that.
Not here it did, here it was a rusty orange colored box with a lambda and "Half-Life" on it.

This was the regular box, but the GOTY edition had gordon on the front.
Fragzone.se got this picture in an e-mail sent from Vivendi Universal Games Nordic. Tom from vivendi Nordic says in the e-mail that this is how the Half-Life 2 box will look when the game goes for sale.

Zerox said:
Fragzone.se got this picture in an e-mail sent from Vivendi Universal Games Nordic. Tom from vivendi Nordic says in the e-mail that this is how the Half-Life 2 box will look when the game goes for sale.


Looks nice
Zerox said:
Fragzone.se got this picture in an e-mail sent from Vivendi Universal Games Nordic. Tom from vivendi Nordic says in the e-mail that this is how the Half-Life 2 box will look when the game goes for sale.


Isn't that the same thing... Except we can see the side? :p
Shuzer said:
It's also 90187302830912 times higher res :)

Are you sure you randomly punched in those numbers correctly? :)
vegeta897 said:
Are you sure you randomly punched in those numbers correctly? :)

That was a precise calculation!

Actually, if the res was that much higher, it'd be:

Unfortunately, photoshop won't let me resize it that much to demonstrate the sheer size :(
Shuzer said:
That was a precise calculation!

Sorry master. I have doubted your greatness!

Back to the boxart, now that I see another shot of it I think that's gonna be it.
vegeta897 said:
Sorry master. I have doubted your greatness!

Back to the boxart, now that I see another shot of it I think that's gonna be it.

I like it.
I'm probably reaching, but, is that a photoshopped pic of Gordon ingame?
His shoulder is aliased, looks really odd.
Good point... Perhaps poorly photoshopped? Like, not slightly blended into the bg, it's definatly not from an ingame shot. Isn't that from that one image of him walking with the crowbar?
The "aliasing" is probably just a result of JPEG artifacts from the compression.
Spiffae said:
I flattened out that box for easier viewing:

Look everybody, the Box-Flattener! Can I have your autograph!? :P
vegeta897 said:
Look everybody, the Box-Flattener! Can I have your autograph!? :P
oh for god's sake. i'm trying to do a service for the people here... it looks much better flattened out. if you want the skewed 3d version, go look at that, and then go die in a corner, alone.

I still have the regular original box, the orange rusty one from 1998 :D

The halflife2 box looks great..it will be a holy moment when i have that in my hands :D
Am I the only one who doesn't really like that box? He looks so bloody smug...
el Chi said:
Am I the only one who doesn't really like that box? He looks so bloody smug...
looks more dark and brooding than smug to me.
I love HL2's gritty style, nothing comes close to it.
and I love the redesigned Gordon.

then again Im getting the Silver (if thats the special edition) box, for me.. and Also the G-Man box for my brother.