Half-Life2 Delayed Again???

I think that you just gave me a heartattack! Stop that!


will come..
no worries..

btw TBA stands for To Be Announced (the release date) not NEVER EVER RELEASED...
lol i just posted a thread about this like 20 seconds ago.

hope it just means that Valve nearly finished but they need to wait on things that might take a short time or a long time.
first of all.....whats TBA stand for?? and thats european release schedule.....not US....mwahaha....
nah i dont think that they KNOW its DELAYED but i do think it will be delayed
I think the keyword in this article is EUROPEAN release schedule. It is my understanding that games and movies are ussually released later in europe if they are american made. So it would make sense that the european date is shady.
I'm still saying September 30th, 2004.

For an april release (most sites saying March 31st - April 2nd), the game would have go to gold early/mid-march. If the game was going to go gold in 6-8 weeks, wouldn't the hype have started back up by now? The closer I get to the implied release date, the more I think we're just not that close yet.
European schedule or not... Gabe said the game will be shipped at the same time around the globe.
TBA: stand for "Time to Bullshit Alot"

Well the release date is April, Yesterday I went to the gamestore and looked at the release timetable for PC games it says TBA, I asked around and Ive been told its April. :)
TBA = Valve has not given Vivendi any idea when the game will be ready because they themselves have no idea when it will be done. I'm not even sure Valve knows how to identify when it will be done.
So basically, TBA stands for "When it's done"™.
Tyl3n0L said:
European schedule or not... Gabe said the game will be shipped at the same time around the globe.

qouted to make it clear to spoilt yank whores with there early games! :angry:

i hate TBA. usually means they have no idea when it will be released. and im hoping by around late feb they can at least set a date in stone or else it will prolly fall to a summer release.

maybe even sept 30 2004 :)
I posted this in another thread:

"It's rare that a good surprise just fall out of the sky -- or spit out of a printer as the case may be -- here at IGN, but this evening we were lucky enough to receive Vivendi Universal's preliminary release list for 2004 and 2005."
Well, on IGN there is a list of games coming out this year and it has Half-Life 2 for April. "Half-Life 2 --April (PC)" Sorry if this has been posted before but just wanted to tell you guys in case you haven't seen in. I think this gives us a little more hope that HL2 will be released in April.

From the list on IGN, it said HL2 will be out in April. Here is the link for the article:
Tyl3n0L said:
European schedule or not... Gabe said the game will be shipped at the same time around the globe.
Gabe could have ment though that that would be accomplished through steam. from what I've read, It sounds like vavle is pissed at vivendi and they could care less what they think. Interesting point though
Ok! Maybe we'll see HL2 in Summer 2004 then. That is, if we're lucky. But anyway, if that list is indeed correct and they intend to bring CS:CZ out on March, there's just no goddamn way HL2 would be coming out in April.
perrkele said:
there's just no goddamn way HL2 would be coming out in April.

Oh there is a way for it to be released. Since your new I won't jump on you.
TBA as in they still have to announce its release
nothing's changed
This news doesn't surprise me.

With the recent announcement of Valve partnering with Limelight Networks to upgrade Steam, it seems to me that they are readying to officially launch CS:CZ.

In my mind CS:CZ is the true test of Steam's worthiness to deliver HL2. They (Valve) will learn plenty from observing how the Steam launch of CS:CZ goes. i.e. preloading the game on HD before official launch date (mentioned to Spitcodfry when he was at Valve), making actual sales thru steam (testing the commerce aspect) etc.

I believe that Valve talking ever so slightly recently, and whispers of a possible Ver 1.0 SDK release soon is not a sign of HL2's imminent release but rather of a CS:CZ release.

:dork: Believe you me, I still believe we will see HL2 around April *2005*
G0rgon said:
TBA: stand for "Time to Bullshit Alot"

Well the release date is April, Yesterday I went to the gamestore and looked at the release timetable for PC games it says TBA, I asked around and Ive been told its April. :)

HAHAHHA i like that.. Hopefully it will be april

Looks like like another delay to me. Whether there was any truth behind the purported April release date we'll never know.

Vivendi may have just pulled April out their arse because it seemed like a long way away, but not long enough so as to completely Piss Off and tear out the HEARTS of everyone waiting for the game.

Imagine at around late September early October 2003 you heard stuff like "December 2004".... "January 2005" from Vivendi/Valve.

I've seen this many times before. A vague piece of information is revelead, slowly more pieces of information are released to support the initial vaugery.
Uh guys........since the official delay confirmed by Valve back in September......there was no word from Valve on the release date....its all just been speculation.....by everybody....Whats the big deal?? Until we get official word from Valve, we'll never know
DiSTuRbEd said:
Oh there is a way for it to be released. Since your new I won't jump on you.

Oh, but I'm not really that new, to be honest. Been here ages even before registering, so please feel free to jump on me if you feel like doing so. :)

My point is (as many have said before me) that they will NOT release another game in April if they're coming out with CS:CZ in March. That's just not gonna happen, as much as I'd like to be wrong. They won't get that many buyers for CS:CZ if HL2 is just around the corner. Yes, still there are a lot of people who love CS and want to play this addition, too. Yet, most of those people have machines that are able to play HL2 as well, so most likely those not 100% addicted to CS will more or less want to wait for the Big Thing. A month is not going to be enough for CS:CZ to sell, especially now that Valve needs to be putting out stuff fairly regularly due to those $10/month subscription thingies. It won't really be good business to throw out two games within a month or two.

So yeah, in my opinion this is another delay once again. Hopefully we'll see the game in Summer, but I wouldn't be amazed if we start hearing stuff about another Sept. 30th release date once again. :( I wish I could be as optimistic as some of you guys seem to be (but then again, now I won't be THAT dissapointed in April).
More than a huge mistake, probably lose about 20 or 30% of there gamers to other games because of the others releasing and such.
IF the americans get it before teh europeans i swear i will go adn get it and then go kill every copy of hl2 in america until its out in europe!
I will write a virus that kills american computers if the releases arent on the same date!
*going ballistic*
peeewl.. i got a shock when i looked into this thread. stop things like that. :)
i just got an email from gameplay.com telling me that hl2 has been delayed until september 24th
Yeah, that's been on this site about four times giller. It's only an estimate by gameplay.com.
Just to crush all the remaining hope some people here could still have but HL2 will NOT ship in any way before Fall 2004! Expect a Christmas release.
TBA : Total Bloody Arseholes.

I've got many more important things to think about than HL2, but if they do delay it till the summer I for one will be not amused.
vacs said:
Just to crush all the remaining hope some people here could still have but HL2 will NOT ship in any way before Fall 2004! Expect a Christmas release.
You can back up this claim how?
not to start up any flame or anything....but if valve decides to delay the game again, there will be massive retaliation from hackers, irc members, just about anybody.

Almost complete versions of Half Life 2 are already circling the globe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia, and other countries who don't give a F*ck about valve's little FBI arrests here in the US.

If Valve decides to delay this game again, it will only hurt valve, mainly because it will let those "retailers" in other countries spread the game over the internet, in retail shops overseas, and so forth.

Plus, Valve will have a TON of disappointed fans....oh wait, Valve doesn't give a sh*t, that's right.

SO, go ahead valve, I am a nobody, I am just here to tell you what will happen. If you think that the beta leak was big, wait until you delay the game again...lol

Oh and one more thing valve.....fire your PR guys.

Spread the love people.
How can it be delayed when it doesn't even have a release date? Shush.
atkamano said:
Almost complete versions of Half Life 2 are already circling the globe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia, and other countries who don't give a F*ck about valve's little FBI arrests here in the US.

is there a smiley that could convey my state of mind right now.


its the alpha, wich sucks, wich isnt finished, wich is over a year old, wich sucks, wich isnt finished, did i mention its not finished?
To Dougy:

I have played both the russian version and the Hong kong version of the game.

They are both newer builds than the alpha (or beta, whatever u wanna call it)

They have also been adding some new models, and maps to it. Granted, it's not the official version of the game, maybe not the official models of the game (although it has Alyx and the most important characters), it is a very playable game. Not like the ALPHA or BETA, through which u have to run it in developer mode and sh*t just to get a map loaded.

Anyways, my point was that Half Life 2 is circling the globe, and soon almost everybody will have it. (i personally brought back 15 copies to the US...of course, i cut them all up when I arrived.....of COURSE.)

To the guy that said there was no release date: That's exactly the problem. If a company states a release date, then they should explain why they delayed it. "Source Leak".....ok fine, that's exceptable. But let me tell you something: It does not take one year to modify the source to avoid "possible exploits" in the code. Exploits will be found no matter how time you spend to secure the code. Prime example: Microsoft. So basically Valve is pulling sh*t out of their asses, and most people on this forum, including the admins, are just going after the carrot that Valve is waving in front of their noses.

"Follow the carrot, follow the carrot, we'll release it, we'll release it, we're done, we're done...wait, we're almost done, we're almost done.."

Bottom line: Valve was not done, they had a couple maps, they lied, and they do not want to admit it.

Spread the love.