half life2 godfather

Dec 22, 2004
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i'm not sure if this has been posted (i did a search) but here is an image-based version of the godfather movie using half life 2 characters rendered in garry's mod. :naughty:

funny shit, especially some of those facial expressions.

if this is a repost, all apologies. if not, have fun. a word of warning however, it takes a little while to get thru.

half life 2's the godfather

pointless shit :x
all he did was changing their facial expressions.
wtf. that was random. but random is funny,, so hats off to that man :D
Hmmmm is it just me or is the normal maps on the face is very high-res and the shadows pretty good....or is it photoshopped? :p
Wow, most of the people were postioned badly, at first I thought it would be good... I was wrong. Very, very wrong.
rofl, I love the part with the dead "horse" in the bed. And father gregori's response when Barney asks to screw his daughter.
I want to know why the hell their faces look so much better on his comp than mine =(
Funny, but Kleiner should have woken up and found Lamar next to him, not the fast zombie..(damn fast zombies).
Note to Death.Trap: Best quote ever..."woah! i'm sl0w.." :LOL: