Half-Life2 not as good as the competition?

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Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Half-Life2 not as good as the competition?

According to a few magazines Half-Life2 is not the best game of the year and a few reviewers claim or will claim "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" and Halo 2 are much better games.

Do you think Valve wish they had not cut stuff from the game or at least created a Half-Life2 themed deathmatch? or maybe they should let reviewers review the game unsupervised :LOL:

I believe Half-Life2 will be better but this is something to consider :)
Can't compare console games and pc games, because it just doesn't work.
dont listen

halo 2 and gta san andreas are out for xbox and ps2. hl2 will own them like hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plus it doesnt matter, it doesnt exactley take a rocket scientist to see and realise the sheer amount of detail and work valve have put into HL2, that on it own , makes it own.
bloody console players. find the 'ON' button for the pc and youll never go back to that stupid box connected to the tv. play a REAL game with a pc...and hl2 WILL own halo 2, and any other poor excuse for a game (ahem i mean all of them) that is released on consoles...

Thats true... Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas and Halo2 aren anything new... HL2 has realistic physics and lots of modding possibilites.. and high AI... HL2 owns halo2 and san andreas easily
Agree, there are alot more people playing console games then there are people playing pc games. And most people that play console games are casual players, they play under 10h a week.

Oi! 10000 * ½ posts!
Alieni² said:
Thats true... Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas and Halo2 aren anything new... HL2 has realistic physics and lots of modding possibilites.. and high AI... HL2 owns halo2 and san andreas easily
Played both of those games? Why can't we accept that other people apart from Valve make good games too and just enjoy them? I'm looking forward to GTA:SA on the PC *and* HL2.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Can't compare console games and pc games, because it just doesn't work.

Agreed. Hl2 will be a better game over fun factor and everything thats how i feel.
Pureball said:
bloody console players. find the 'ON' button for the pc and youll never go back to that stupid box connected to the tv. play a REAL game with a pc...and hl2 WILL own halo 2, and any other poor excuse for a game (ahem i mean all of them) that is released on consoles...

I don't think elitism helps matters.
Can't compare console games and pc games, because it just doesn't work.

yes it does:
a game is a game (experience) and that experience is all that matters...

When you watch a movie in a theater and buy the movie later and watch it on DVD at home...the movie is not worse..
whats the difference?? big screen???

You can compare action movies to drama in terms of (HOW GOOD THEY WERE)

you cannot compare GFX and such... but the overall experience..
I think Half-Life 2 will be the game of the year. How would you know they are saying Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas are better?
There is no competition.

It's completely subjective which you prefer, and just because a few magazines say one game or another is "game of the year" doesn't make it so.
The only competition HL2 will ever see, will probably be HL3
and just because a few magazines say one game or another is "game of the year" doesn't make it so.
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Half life 2 looks set to be a very good game. With a limited market. Not everyone has a PC, and of those who have not every1 can run it. So immediatly there are much more people there to vote for Halo 2 in polls, and more buisness for mags if they say San An is a better game.

San An is the third GTA game on the same engine (I know there was GTA and GTA2 but this is the third on the GTA3 engine). It's bound to be a great game.

Halo 2 is a sequel, with little in the way of new things. Although, again, it looks like a great game.

Half life 2 is a sequel on a brand new engine, with features appearing in it that have never been seen in games before.

IMO Half life 2 will be better. But It's not cuz "San An sux" or wateva, it has just more going for it.
I can believe that GTA:SA is a truly great game, after all, GTA3 and GTAVC were great for me, i could install GTAVC right now and play it for hours on end.

Only thing i'm going to say about Halo is that i didnt like it. Though it's ending was great! I have yet to see any media of Halo2 so i'm not going to comment on it.

At anyrate, these are all very different games, and even then they are also on different platforms. It's downright stupid to try to compare them.

It should be more like, IF you want a game with an intriguing storyline and mysterious characters, go for HL2.
If you want a game where you can do almost 'anything', go for GTASA.
If you want a game.. (i dont know anything about Halo2 so i'll stop)
Why are people so obsessed with fighting over it, Do these people have any idea how long its been since we have had some truely competative titles hitting the shelves, for ages its been one occasional graphical improvement after another every 6 months, now we are getting a crap load of ground breaking titles with great advances in there own fields, all the games are gonna be great!, true everyone has there own style, but in the end its all good for the industry.
Not another thread about it. Simple: wait for and play HL2. We have waited, we are on this forum b/c we love it. Why bother what colleagues of mine write in mags?

And yes: I know how to switch on a PC and I still play all platforms. Okay, doesn't count, it's my job :p

Still, who cares? HL2 will rock, simple as that.
how can u compare gta:sa and hl2 , they r 2 totaly different types of games! also which magazines said that?
I think the original poster is talking about the scores given out by Game Informer:

Halo 2 10
HL2 9.5

Can't we just value them independently and not against each other. All of them will give us loads of amazing gaming hours and we gain nothing by debating which one is the best. Peace! :D
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't practically every gaming magazine that has reviewed Half-Life 2 said that it is the best First Person Shooter ever created?
I love these versus style threads. Like there is ever a winner and if there was it still wouldn't stop me from buy both (or in this case all three).

And what is it with the console bashing? Consoles are great. If you are a real gamer you don't care what system the game is on. You only want the game.

No doubt San Andreas will be game of the year on the PS2.
No doubt Halo 2 will be game of the year on the xbox.
No doubt Half-life 2 will be game of the year on the PC.

In the end, those gamers with access to all three are the real winners.
halo 2 is just the same as halo 1 but just with extra features other story and not a lot of new stuff
KillaH said:
halo 2 is just the same as halo 1 but just with extra features other story and not a lot of new stuff

Exactly the same with GTA:SA.

Anyway, it's just a matter of opinion.
I'm waiting for someone to post links to the magazines that claim HL2 will NOT be the best game out there. Or at least give names and issue numbers.

Frankly, after all of the reviews I've read, from PC magazines, HL2 will easily be the best game this year, and could be the best FPS ever. Of course it can not compete with consoles for sheer purchases due to the huge install base, nor will it beat out Sims 2 due to it's massive fan base of average people.
I'm gonna have to agree with She here. It's rather foolish of anyone to segregate "good games" to either side, that goes for both console and PC fanboys.

There are plenty of good games on both sides, and if you limit yourself to just one of those sides, then your missing out.
KillaH said:
halo 2 is just the same as halo 1 but just with extra features other story and not a lot of new stuff

Halo 2 has actually added a lot. It will rule the online play in the console world but that is the console world. Again PC and console are very different. GTA is just crap and always has been. Sure it is open ended and you can go around and be an evil prick and laugh about it but a lot of games are open ended now days. It brings nothing new. HL2 on the other hand brings lots of new things to the table. The reviewers recongnized that.

Halo 2 will get best console game of the year, and right fully so. I have played the MP beta over X-Box live as most people up here in Redmond have. It is an awesome online package for the console crowd and it will set the standard for online console games. HL2 will get best PC game of the year easily and I believe it will have a greater impact overall and probably get overall game of the year most places but some places will name Halo 2. I don't envy the people at Gamespot there job in deciding this. They are going to get flamed either way.
at the end of the day, all 3 games are sequels, and theyre all merely expanding on their predecessors... some more then others

you cant really compare gta to hl2... its like comparing tetris to mario, 2 completely different genres.

i think you can compare halo to hl2 though... but your opinion down do that is just what it is... personal opinion. to me halo isnt all that good, multiplayer is good... but the game would be better on PC.

i think its going to be close between gta and hl2 for game of the year. but possibly gta will win, because of mass commercial appeal.

hl2 may well be better single player, but it just doesnt have that fun factor and replay value that the gta series do.

that doesnt mean the experience of playing hl2 cant be amazing though
who the **** cares? as long as you enjoy the game, then whatever.
The console world has different standards than the PC world. A console game can actually get marked down for being "too complex" while PC gamers relish the thought of deep gameplay.

Keep that in mind. It's not an apples to apples comparison.
SoSorry said:
Half-Life2 not as good as the competition?

According to a few magazines Half-Life2 is not the best game of the year and a few reviewers claim or will claim "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" and Halo 2 are much better games.

Do you think Valve wish they had not cut stuff from the game or at least created a Half-Life2 themed deathmatch? or maybe they should let reviewers review the game unsupervised :LOL:

I believe Half-Life2 will be better but this is something to consider :)

You have to be an idiot to compare a full blown PC game to a couple of CONSOLE titles. I say this because of the limitations of the hardware. Maybe in 3 years consoles will produce games that we could take as a rightful competition to PC games, but by that time the bar will be raised in the PC realm as well. So the hardware and flexibility wins. Until consoles can do everything that a PC can do, and come with a keyboard and mouse(basically become a PC), PC will always have the better gameplay experience. For now consoles serve the purpose of entertaining ignorant couch potatoes until they get a brain and see the difference.
HL2 has no PC competition. Console games are normally better than PC games because the devs know the exact hardware they are working with. Anyway, HL2 is a diff genre than GTA, and Halo 2 is made for tools.
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