
you have come very close with certain aspects...for a minute I thought you had seen the script or something,
the parasite pods for example
when I looked at some of the strategy guide

anyways good job so far! keep it up!
it seems like the game could begin where the story ends. still quality writing too. try not to let the actual storyline of the game influence this story too much. :thumbs:
This is the best fanfiction I've ever read.

Keep up the good work mate... you should release it as a paperback or something... I want an autographed copy :)

Who wants to make a mod of this with me? Kidding, I can't program worth shit. But this would make an EXCELLENT mod. Maybe Ol' Gabe will take a look at it :)
T.H.C.138 said:
you have come very close with certain aspects...for a minute I thought you had seen the script or something,
the parasite pods for example
when I looked at some of the strategy guide

anyways good job so far! keep it up!

Actually, those parasite pods can be seen in the ravenholm video. somebody on these forms hinted that they were used to carry headcrabs.
Hey, don't let the real HL2 storyline influence this work. Sure, the real story is going to be different in some ways, but let this one continue as you planned, and don't try to cover up for the differences!
right on..I wasn't trying to imply anything,just so you know..I just used that one as a lesser spoiler :)

you know hardly anyone can resist the temptation to highlight one..:D
That last comment was a little much...

But the new chapter is excellent
god dammit, i can't find the strat. guide anywhere. i checked gamestop, EB, walmart, toysrus, circuit city, and even target. :flame:

HALF-LIFE 2 TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:

I hate the people who ordered off steam because they get the game at midnight and ill have to wait til tomorrow night(damn 56k dial-up).
I know, I went to gamestop today and left with jack s*** :angry:
damn it, i have to wait til after school to play cuz my parents have to work and the mall opens after they leave. lucky bastards who have steam.:flame:

i could try driving the other car!
I got the game, but its so slow on my comp :frown:

I bought it at the Edison mall
Hey can we have the entire story in a word or text format please? I havent followen it since chapter 13 or so (they had just escaped into a building)
HLFAN1 said:
I got the game, but its so slow on my comp :frown:

I bought it at the Edison mall

i have mine set to the lowest settiings and it still gets a little lag after loading. i already beat the game though. i thought the ending was a little disappointing, but there is still awsome gameplay.
this is a real spoiler, seriously.

the second gravity gun is awesome. you can pick people up with it.
if you are waiting for the next chapter, guys, I want to beat the game before writing anymore...but I play slowly
Yeah, have fun beating it, you deserve it so much for all you've written :). And I am, after playing, amazed at just how many things you guessed.
i hate to read, but i actually printed this out and read it in class and at work, its really good...
I also beat it, I can honestly say it was one of the best games I ever played
Holy mother of god..........That is one of the most awesome pieces of literature I have EVER read in my entire life. I couldn't stop reading it!!!! Dude, thats some really good stuff.... Even though I beat the game before I found this, I personally think that having played the game first and THEN reading this makes it worlds better. I can visualize everything, your depth of detail is perfect - not to much, not to little. Man, this rocks.....Props to you, my friend.
I've read this on ff.net. Very impressive work. I'm amazed at the things you guessed. Hope to see more.
I am done with the game now...when I will start writing again, I don't know. There were some huge differences with the game and my fanfiction, like the location of eli's lab for instance, and the fact that there was no "two groups of scientists" plot twist. Otherwise, the game followed along pretty well with my speculations, and I think I can manage to write a pretty convincing story with an ending similar to that of hl2 fairly easily.
It gives me goosebumps to think how well I could describe the aftermath of the citadel explosion
Wow. This is a great read(chapter 15, I think).

What are you? Author? This seems WAY too big for someone to do in their free time.. anyways.. keep up the amazing work.
theotherguy89, your story is awesome. I finished chapter 33 and want to read more, are you planning on finishing the story? Please say yes
please start writing again!!
Ive finished the game on all 3 difficulty levels and im wanting somemore half-life!!!!
nbk said:
Wow. This is a great read(chapter 15, I think).

What are you? Author? This seems WAY too big for someone to do in their free time.. anyways.. keep up the amazing work.

I am a student, I have no job :dozey:

as for the writing, no can do this week, thanksgiving took up all of my time, next weekend I will begin writing again.
I hope you can make up a reasonable explanation for the end of the game when the time comes if you're planning to use the ending in the story. the ending in the game was just plain weird and not enough stuff was explained. im on my second time playing through on "follow freeman". cant wait for the next chapter.

it will be done in the course of... im not really at the liberty to say. :E
Where did you get all of that info from. I have been working on a fanfic for a long time for HL2 but where do you get all that besides the game?
Ya know this story could turn into a reall really good mod
We should start up a brainstorming session theotherguy!!!
halflifeguy said:
Ya know this story could turn into a reall really good mod
We should start up a brainstorming session theotherguy!!!

I can't tell you how many times this has been said.... :laugh:
I wonder how long it will take if he did decide to make a mod?
i'm trying to get ahold of this guy and see if i can help him create the mod for this...
maybe, after he finishes and sends it to valve, they'll like it so much that they might decide to make a mod of it.

yeah right :laugh:

"it's your pet, the freakin' head-humper". best comedy quote in the game
actually they could..............
like op4 they could go do the story of an expanstion pack from the veiw of a resistance fighter and they could use his story as the basis
sniper wolf said:
maybe, after he finishes and sends it to valve, they'll like it so much that they might decide to make a mod of it.

yeah right :laugh:

"it's your pet, the freakin' head-humper". best comedy quote in the game
I was fan of the

Nice job gordan, throwing that swich in all. I can see that your MIT degree really pays for itself