Half-Live 2 Questionares

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The amount of serious answers blew my mind. Serwioiusly.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, LMFAO!! ROFL!!! This is hilarious!!!

I make some friendlies today, but some think of me as stupid-intelligenced. That is OKay, becuase I still make friendly people today. : )
Originally posted by Shuzer
The latter ;)

naa we're not gullible, I bet most of us while smiling sweetly and giving sensible answers were reporting him at the same time for trying to get the files ;)
Is there anything wrong with being nice? No. So what if he was trying to joke around. Some of you found humor in it. Some of it was funny to me but whatever. It's not like we were drastically changed in a bad way from helping the guy. Some of you guys were outright assholes. What if he isn't/wasn't joking? If you reaally care so much ask one of the mods to check his IP.
Originally posted by Deadlor
My god I can't believe you are actually taking this guy seriously. It's obviously a joke just look at his freakin website for crying out loud. It's just some guy trying to get a laugh and I must say he got it out of me. Reminds me of that Strong Bad email where that swede wrote in all unintelligible and Strong Bad replied in a similarly unintelligible manner.

*Nods while smiling heavily.*


Though I'm not sure, and don't care, if it is a joke. I didn't go to site, so I'll never have a clue.
I think I can shit on a piece of paper, scan it... then still make it into a better 'site than that.... :)

Of course, not like I'm trying to be mean, hehe. But seriously guys, this is a big fuggin' joke.

Notice how he hasn't replied since we all started posting that we thought it was a joke? ;)
hey supertrooper if u want info on pc call this number 911
HJAHHAHAHHAHAh gsldk;jgklsjda gs

at first i thought it was some dude from a foriegn country jsut trying to be all polite--- then i look at the website.. HAHAHAHAH

GREAT joke
Am I the only one who thought his website ROCKED? :(
omfg i have a stupid ass stats test tomorow....i have been down in the dumps all day. this just saved me. funniest thing i have read in a long time. i cant believe someone would fall for it.....nice job.

*shakes head*lmfao
seriously, not only that, but he probably won't get banned/ or anything for such a prank!
Oh well. 'Least he brightened some people(s) days, lmao.

I mean, honestly, I don't think he should be banned. It wasn't really offensive or anything; actually did the community here a little good if anything.
Supertrooper, r u using freetranslation.com to translate from austrial to English, cause when i translate Italian to English using that site, it doesn't really make sends, but u can get the overall jist of what they r trying to say.

This thread made me laugh, u prob won't be able to run HL2 cause ur pc is shit, that it, just upgrade.

I wonder if my typewriter can run HL2
It would be amusing if a foreign country made a mod better than CS/NS for HL 2, but you guys had to visit a forum that used a foreign langauge to get help/update info ect. from it :D

/me searchs for the matrian translation manual - whats martian for help ? :lol:

BTW ^^= joke
da Sie aus Österreich möglicherweise kommen, konnten Sie dieses verstehen ein wenig einfacheres, entschuldigen bitte mein Deutsches.

1. findet sein ungültiges, zum das Beta- und Sie zu downloaden nicht viel Hilfe auf hl2.net

2. Ihrem Computer ist die Weise, die, HL2 laufen zu lassen erwägen zu langsam ist leider, zu verbessern, wann das Spiel freigegeben wird.

hope that clears things up
That website was deeply horrifying with all the flowers and jingle bells gah.
LOL that made me laugh hard... That *&%#$! song is stuck in my head now and those flowers still burn in my memory raaaghhhh
Originally posted by alco
Am I the only one who thought his website ROCKED? :(

No! I agree, it's one of the top 5 sites on the internet!
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