Half-Park Episode 14

Heh pretty good one ;] (and what's with this 1 comic strip in 3-4 months schedule ;p those are good enough that I'd like to see those more often ;[)
Lol, pretty clever.
I like the combine, they're almost cute witht hose helmets.
very funny
I see they are begining episodes whit HL2
Wsh said:
Heh pretty good one ;] (and what's with this 1 comic strip in 3-4 months schedule ;p those are good enough that I'd like to see those more often ;[)

It takes me three months to make a Half-Park comic. Each episode is lovingly crafted from the finest Corinthian photons, aged to perfection and polished to a high shine.

Either that, or I'm lazy. :)
Now that ya mention it, that flash did seem really bright. Shouldn't that make the screen go black or something though? Like Gordon is closing his eyes against it or something? Or maybe flash bright then go dark? Because you're able to see better in the dark for a moment after the huge flash (because the screen is brighter!) which doesn't make any sense...

Or maybe I'm just thinking about this a bit too much :cheers:
Lol its my first time seeing those comics pretty funny! =D
samuelk said:
It takes me three months to make a Half-Park comic. Each episode is lovingly crafted from the finest Corinthian photons, aged to perfection and polished to a high shine.

Either that, or I'm lazy. :)

Excellent work - I hadn't seen those before, but my coworker and I were laughing hysterically. Keep up the good work! :thumbs:
Great stuff , I loved how you can replicate the south park graphic style. Awesome job!!!!
I like these. They're cute and funny (sometimes very funny).

I'm glad that you're not rushing them, because otherwise they could become stale; but 3-4 months is a bit much.

It's good to see that you're now poking fun at the Half-Life 2 E3 videos now. I'm sure you can find lots of excellent material there.

Keep at it, we love 'em.
With everyday you don't make one, HL2 will be delayed! :D
What a funny comic. Strangely I had never heard of that before. Thanks for posting this
for a second i though gordy was high or something
I thought Half-Park was long dead. But seeing as it's not - that gave me a laugh, goodo. :)
I like the cut of your jib, my good man.

I thought HP was never going to be updated again, but I'm glad it still is alive, no matter how long it takes you to make one.

I liked this one, it was teh funny, and the combines were drawn awesomely.
I love the eyes. I can just imagine one of those weird "Wooble-wooble-wooble" sound effects playing in the background as his eyes spin round and round...

These'd be good animated.
half parks are sooo cool! i think they are all soo funny.

like the one where gordon is looking in barneys helmet reflextion! sooo funny
man they are funny! definatly my type of humour :)

more more more! :D
Zomg! Half-Park live again! :eek:
Great work, make more, kill your parent... I mean... keep it up!