Halflife 2 & AfterMath



Hey, this may sound stupid, but all i am is just a relly big player of HL2 and don't read to much into the game but this one really bugs me, doesn't G man take gordon out of there at the end, and leave alyx behind for the explosion...so how can gordon escape with her in "aftermath"?and also i just noticed, when you first meet eli, doesn't he have both legs? leave a post on that question as well. if anyone has an answer or theory leave a post, thank you.

Damien Bayless
damien.t.bayless said:
Hey, this may sound stupid, but all i am is just a relly big player of HL2 and don't read to much into the game but this one really bugs me, doesn't G man take gordon out of there at the end, and leave alyx behind for the explosion...so how can gordon escape with her in "aftermath"?and also i just noticed, when you first meet eli, doesn't he have both legs? leave a post on that question as well. if anyone has an answer or theory leave a post, thank you.

Damien Bayless
Eli's legs: You must have been mistaken, because the Eli models in HL2 all have the false leg.

The only way you could have seen that, would be if there was an Eli model put in your Source folder with both legs on him. The game can't just make stuff up. It has to already be made.

No model with legs exists on your pc = you were seing things.

Alyx explosion: That is why you have to wait and find out how they do it.

Holy crap, have you never seen an episode of batman where he is tied up and pushed off a cliff in a car or something, and you have to wait untill next week to find out what happens? Do you just scream at the tv "you can't do that, because batman is on next week, but you just killed him!"? I hope not. Just wait and speculate like everyone else.
Does Alyx get left behind and vaporize from the explosion? Will Gordon return in the next game? Tune in next week, same Half-time, same Half-channel.
okidoki said:
Does Alyx get left behind and vaporize from the explosion? Will Gordon return in the next game? Tune in next week, same Half-time, same Half-channel.

Don't worry. Valve can always make up reasons such that all is sensable.
are they going to be also using that HDR they tried on Lost coast? dammit, the explosion and shits been bothering me since i bought HL2 in 2004 dammit lol
damien.t.bayless said:
are they going to be also using that special rendering engine they tried on Lost coast?

HDR.....and yes.
damien thats called HDR and that was built into Source, thats not a special rendering engine. So it was built into Source they updated all of the source games so every game on the Source engine becomes capable of HDR. From HL2 to Cs:S to DoD:S.
Cs:S and DoD:S have levels that take advantage of it.
Alrighty thank you, it still bother me about the ending though lol, i just hope they came up with a good way to intergrate gordon comming back even though g man took him away
Minerel said:
damien thats called HDR and that was built into Source, thats not a special rendering engine. So it was built into Source they updated all of the source games so every game on the Source engine becomes capable of HDR. From HL2 to Cs:S to DoD:S.
Cs:S and DoD:S have levels that take advantage of it.
Except that HL2 has no HDR maps that take advantage of it, so it pretty much doesn't count.
Except that HL2 has no HDR maps that take advantage of it, so it pretty much doesn't count.

Well, I read an interview with Gabe not too far back when he said it would take a team about 100 days to update HL2 with HDR maps, so hopefully they get on that after Episode One is finished.
I read that 2 teams are working on episode 1&2 simuntaniously, now once one is released and twos still being developed wouldn't they focus more on episode 3 instead of updating original HL2? and there still is lost coast which is part of HL2 but not integrated into the game.
oh and about eli's leg, i just didn't pay enough attention before, cause when i first noticed he was missing was when they were captured and in the administrators office and thought back thinking he had a leg at the start
i know im jst poppin the questions, but do you think it will be explained who the g man works for?, anyone have any theories?
damien.t.bayless said:
I read that 2 teams are working on episode 1&2 simuntaniously, now once one is released and twos still being developed wouldn't they focus more on episode 3 instead of updating original HL2? and there still is lost coast which is part of HL2 but not integrated into the game.

No one knows, but you have to also remember if they added HDR to all HL2 levels you'd have a HUGE download on your hands.

damien.t.bayless said:
i know im jst poppin the questions, but do you think it will be explained who the g man works for?, anyone have any theories?

No it's the only first episode and they plan for a HL3(I suppose still).
but its explained in episode one that g man loses control, so hes basically out of the picture when it comes to controlling freeman, and the only reason i mentioned the hdr for hl2 was someone mentioned, developers want to put hdr for original hl2
There is no evidence that gman loses control other than a single sentence uttered in a trailer and we don't even know who he was addressing.
In Half-Life, the G-Man made you. In Half-Life 2, he used you to defeat Dr. Breen and start the Resistance. In Episode One, he's lost control.

It's on the main page of the official Episode One website
But thats totally down to interpretation just like every other point in that sentence.

Freeman is on a leash even though it's one he can't taste, touch or smell. The GMan is just giving it a little more slack to determine which way Gordon will run with it.
I have to go with everyone else on this one, they wouldn't make it seem all complicated its clear as crystal he loses control..., that has to be how freeman returns to city 17
Yes because every other piece of information in the HL games have been set out for you on a silver platter. It's so obvious!
yeah thought so, only a prick would say something like that, haha and your from england which proves the fact you are a prick
No, only someone with at least a modicum of sense and respect for the English language would say something like that.
Or someone with no life, who has the time to correct silly errors, get a life you English pig
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Reported for racial slurs.
That is absolutely not racism. There are some hoggeries in England which keep pigs. I am not trying to imply somewhat, though. Stingier.
damien.t.bayless said:
i just hope they came up with a good way to intergrate gordon comming back even though g man took him away

Keep our schools segregated!

I dunno where that came from.

Look a bird! *points*
bbson_john said:
That is absolutely not racism. There are some hoggeries in England which keep pigs. I am not trying to imply somewhat, though. Stingier.

o rly?

race1 Audio pronunciation of "race" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rs)

1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
4. Humans considered as a group.
5. Biology.
1. An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
2. A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
6. A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.

rac·ism Audio pronunciation of "racism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
Do you know what I mean? I am saying that damien said that you were a pig in England, not English were pigs. If you don't understand, forget about it, since I am just trying to make a joke. I wish somone will laugh. However, you guys are not so humorous, and you essentially don't understand what I meant. I think I have wasted my breath. :p

p.s. I emphasized that I am making a joke, not defaming other.
In that case its fine for me to call him a Canadian redneck sister raping bubble headed retard because I'm sure they exist in Canada somewhere.

I understood perfectly what you were trying to say, it just wasn't funny.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
In that case its fine for me to call him a Canadian redneck sister raping bubble headed retard because I'm sure they exist in Canada somewhere.

I understood perfectly what you were trying to say, it just wasn't funny.
That's because you are not humorous. :)