Halflife 3

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According to a very reliable source HL2Delay.net, Halflife 3 is also being planned. By the way, all the rumors that I post on this rumors forum are true to a large extent. So you silly mods stop locking my posts, it is by the way a rumors forum, no lies are being spread.
Wow. Welcome to.. oh, 2 months ago :)

Anyway, you never showed any evidence for any of the other threads I've read from you.
A snark gun, long beard, City 18, cinematics..

This thread is the first I've seen from you with any factual basis
Shuzer said:
Wow. Welcome to.. oh, 2 months ago :)

Anyway, you never showed any evidence for any of the other threads I've read from you.
A snark gun, long beard, City 18, cinematics..

This thread is the first I've seen from you with any factual basis

2 months ago? try a year ago tomorrow!
mafiatfc said:
According to a very reliable source HL2Delay.net, Halflife 3 is also being planned. By the way, all the rumors that I post on this rumors forum are true to a large extent. So you silly mods stop locking my posts, it is by the way a rumors forum, no lies are being spread.

Funny how the sites you link to have no information on what you're saying at all, plus the fact that quite alot of stuff you've been saying in the first place is ridiculous. I've asked you to stop, so please do so...

By the way, Half-Life 3 has been known about for a long while now, since the Half-Life series was always planned as a trilogy.
thehunter1320 said:
2 months ago? try a year ago tomorrow!

Yeah, but, the whole "official" report done by that one magazine wasn't but 2 months ago
What I don't understand is who is using www.half-life4.com
And besides, the first I knew about halflife3 was back at last years E3, there was a quote by someone from valve in PCGAMER
Oh someone's probably just taken Half-life4.com in the hope that Valve will go
"Oh no man! He, like, got our website, man! We'll have to give him, like, money and, like, buy it off him, man."
Bad luck, sir you lose. And Abom, are you sure it was always planned as a triology?
The Half-Life Triology has a stupendous ring to it.
el Chi said:
Oh someone's probably just taken Half-life4.com in the hope that Valve will go
"Oh no man! He, like, got our website, man! We'll have to give him, like, money and, like, buy it off him, man."
Bad luck, sir you lose. And Abom, are you sure it was always planned as a triology?
The Half-Life Triology has a stupendous ring to it.

Sounds delicious. Mmmm... half-life
But.....but that would mean no more Half-life after #3?? =(
el Chi said:
Oh someone's probably just taken Half-life4.com in the hope that Valve will go
"Oh no man! He, like, got our website, man! We'll have to give him, like, money and, like, buy it off him, man."
Bad luck, sir you lose. And Abom, are you sure it was always planned as a triology?
The Half-Life Triology has a stupendous ring to it.
Lol, this guy once told me he regitured everquest.com and sony bought it for millions, and i asked him where it was, he said he was buying more domains, and this is especially funny, he was my web host techie....he didnt know what mysql is... :dozey:
Cunni said:
But.....but that would mean no more Half-life after #3?? =(

If HL2, HL3 are good so why not to make HL4 :) but it is too early to discuss about HL4 ;)
I do think "The Half-Life Trilogy" has a nice ring to it...

I think that after Half-Life 3, whenever that comes out, VALVe would probably want to try something else...

I reckon if anyone could be the driving force behind proper virtual reality, VALVe could. They seem pretty keen on immersiveness...
all the rumors that I post on this rumors forum are true
So, like... you mean they're not rumours?

Well this one is true, because we've known it for like a year.
somebody ban this lying idiot...
Actually this time he isn't lying, but this thread should be closed since this is a year old news.
MaxiKana said:
Actually this time he isn't lying, but this thread should be closed since this is a year old news.

I know he wasnt lying about it this time, but, really, a Snarkgun? wtf was that? and then he posts all this ludacris crap with vague references to "ign.com" and then he never supplies a valid link.
Yeah, but I think all he needs is a warning, or a day long ban or something. That might make him come to his senses.
All you people need to settle down, none of these are lies, I assure you, there quite real
mafiatfc said:
All you people need to settle down, none of these are lies, I ensure you, there quite real

If non of them are "lies" then lets see some proof about the snarkgun Mr. Sneekiepants!
They're :p

Anyway, prove what you're saying in your other threads, saying that what you say is just real isn't proving anything. Either do that or stop making useless threads.
You will see proof as soon as I portray it, in the meantime you will have to do some digging.
mafiatfc said:
You will see proof as soon as I portray it, in the meantime you will have to do some digging.

ahahahahahahha, sorry but we dont run on your schedule :) lol you are a liar in a corner...
If you say something, and say it's real then you better prove it, NOT say that WE have to find the proof.

I seriously think that this guy needs a vacation.
lol, I do need a vacation... but I still stand on what I say, you don't have to believe me, but the people who do will see im not lying
mafiatfc said:
lol, I do need a vacation... but I still stand on what I say, you don't have to believe me, but the people who do will see im not lying

*looks for people that believe him* Non Here! */end search*
Great... Snarkguns and biker-gordon, wewt. I really do think that thats reliable.

Show us proof or stop posting this useless crap.
MaxiKana said:
Great... Snarkguns and biker-gordon, wewt. I really do think that thats reliable.

Show us proof or stop posting this useless crap.

Hey Maxi, did you hear about the flying chainsaw gun? ahhahahah
"I say good day!" You have no faith in people, and i'm going to stop arguing with you.
mafiatfc said:
"I say good day!" You have no faith in people, and i'm going to stop arguing with you.

lol, nice morals you liar... of course I have no "faith" in you when you dont produce a shred of evidence...
I do have faith in people, I just doubt it that Valve would put those kinda things into HL2, It just doesn't fit. So I won't belive you without credible proof.
MaxiKana said:
I do have faith in people, I just doubt it that Valve would put those kinda things into HL2, It just doesn't fit. So I won't belive you without credible proof.

well said my finnish friend :)
There is -SOME- slant to what I post, but you will find out in the future.
When smoking pot and playing hl2 perhaps?
mafiatfc said:
There is -SOME- slant to what I post, but you will find out in the future.

and can we have a date, o holyness?
please, i'm not your holyness. It's in the future, and lets just say the future ins't untill this summer, considered HL2 doesn't get some bazaar delay again...
mafiatfc said:
please, i'm not your holyness. It's in the future, and lets just say the future ins't untill this summer, considered HL2 doesn't get some bazaar delay again...

so...err...your gonna prove it to us...when it comes out??? that bs my friend...
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