Halflife the movie

rumours about the movie hl was discussed on this forum like Last Year! LOL

i remember people saying


but wow new info on it! nice find man
A movie where the main character doesnt speak , TERMINATOR 1 and kind of 2

Arnie has like 4 words in first terminator and like a sentence or 2 in 2nd :)

'I'll be back'' :LOL:
If they make a Half-life movie, I will not go see it. It would ruin the game
A Half-Life movie would be great, if the right people made it (Director, Actors, CG artists, ect.) Of course Gordon would talk in the movie, but I can see the director giving him few lines, emphasizing the "strong silent type." I think the original reason that Half-Life didn't give Gordon a voice was to let the player really be Gordon Freeman. When you're watching a character play a role, it doesn't really let you put yourself in his shoes (especially when you're not in control of the action.) I'd be a fan of a Half-Life movie, but only if it isn't total shit.
It would be ok with me as LONG as Gordon wasnt in it, or at least you only saw glimpses of him. If it followed annother sci, barney, or a grunt it would be fine IMO.
my guess is you havent seen TERMINATOR 1 or 2, Arnold had a lot to say. Lots of one liners. He didnt say too much in one, but he did in 2.
I reckon it'd be possible to write Gordon in as a mute... he never speaks, but all the art shows that he has a rather expressive face... well, okay, he can do "Serious", "Mildly Pissed-Off" and "Mysterious"...
Brian Damage said:
I reckon it'd be possible to write Gordon in as a mute... he never speaks, but all the art shows that he has a rather expressive face... well, okay, he can do "Serious", "Mildly Pissed-Off" and "Mysterious"...

LMAO! (10 char limit)
If they made the Halflife movie like they made 28 Days Later... then I'll go f**cking berserk with happiness! Finally those idiots who don't want to play Hl2 but Doom 3 will start crying and begging for forgiveness... But I think the e3 demo did that already... Oh Well.!
commando said:
i remember people saying


hell yeah! Christopher Walken is brilliant. Him or Hugo Weaving would make a perfect Gman :)
John Cusack would make a good Gordon, or if your going for visual similarity – Rivers Cuomo. ;) Walken as G-Man is a stroke of genius.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the film being made, even the star power of Arnie who was always synonymous with a possible Doom film couldn’t get that film off the ground either. Recent comic/game to film franchises seem to add new perspectives which the original material never touched on or rarely covered – Tomb Raider added the ethnic/peacenik angle to Lara. The Hulk added lots of strange complexes to the simple concept of the hulk being a metaphor for anger.

So expect the cinematic Gordon Freeman to have oedipal complexes, wanting to save the endangered pandas (plot twist – they’re alien mutant pandas), for the first half of the movie Alyx will be play hard to get, then strangely find the silent treatment to hard to resist and fall madly in love before getting fatally wounded by a mutant racoon.

More seriously, they’ll put this in the hands of a Bruckheimer or some other bland blockbuster type, it’ll be a by the numbers affair. Squaresoft got burned pretty badly when they tried out Final Fantasy and it flopped horrendously. At best, HL: The Movie, will be around a Daredevil or Tomb Raider standard of at least being an adequate-to-good popcorn flick, but ultimately Valve will want money, so the violence and gore will shoot down, so I’d expect another Resident Evil or worse, Van Helsing.
Edward Norton is teh best!!!

And come to think of it Mathew Broderick does look like Barney...:O
Odd... I really liked the Resident Evil movie... and I've heard good things about Van Helsing...

I reckon (Don't laugh) that I'd make a rather good Gordon... I've got the facial hair pattern, the glasses, everything... 'cept my eyes aren't neon green...
i remember they said charlie sheen for gordon and the others from arrival movie.
Has anyone seen the new Dawn of the Dead? There's a bloke in it that looks exactly like G Man, the girl's dad who gets bit and they can't bring themselves to shoot him, what's his name?
Brian Damage said:
Odd... I really liked the Resident Evil movie... and I've heard good things about Van Helsing...

I reckon (Don't laugh) that I'd make a rather good Gordon... I've got the facial hair pattern, the glasses, everything... 'cept my eyes aren't neon green...

Let me guess, you're this guy? :E
Woah... that dude looks evil.

Nah, I look much cooler/cuter/handsomer/insert-positive-adjective-here-er...
But despite being wined, dined, and meeting up with top movie stars, Lombardi and co have so far remained unimpressed: "Every treatment that I've seen for a Half-Life movie has stunk so badly I didn’t even want to be in the room with the script! I mean, [they were] just awful. We've been offered the whole deal, [but] it's like; we're not going to do that. We're not going to make another bad [game-related] movie.
Thank god for that.
It would be so 1337 seeing gordon bunny hopping around in his hev suit just pwnting everything he sees like it was matrix. But they should make the last boss look different from in the game... looks like a giant potato..
Frankly you can make a good movie out of just about any video game.. Uh, modern video game, not like mario or Zelda...

However, like Lombardi said, the script is the starting point and if you don't have a script, then you ain't got jack Sh!t. Of course you can still have a Sh!t movie, but it's not shot from the beginning.

Half-life has all the makings of a great sci-fi thriller with strong central characters, lots of suspense and action and easily enough material to create a script around.

One of the big questions is whether you make a movie that basically follows the first game (or second or both) or whether you would write a script around the events and use the Half-life universe, so to speak, as a background with possibly secondary game characters becoming starring roles.

Personally, I feel Gordon is the only main game character who should be the central character in the movie. The game evolves around him and he apparently begins to garner a cult following.

I would tend to leave out the XEN space travel portions more than the fight to free the world and resisting the oppressive forces. I think that might give it too much of chance of suffering from the cheesy-effects problem that has plagued many game-related films.

I'd guess that HL: The Movie will never get made unless a major studio gets involves and hires a top-notch writer and director. Also, The game makers would have to be willing to relinquish control over the project. Otherwise things will not get done and no studio would touch it until then anyway. At some point you will have to have faith in the people you choose to create the film and let them take it from there, while you spend the profits...
The only requirement that I would have is to have Quintin Tarentino direct it, that would be soo great. ::gordon shoots headcrab, and it explodes into millions of bloody peices::
as gordon:roger clooney,dr...ahhh i forgot his name:the guy who was the president in deep impact.