Halflife2 Benchmark...


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I just read on Bluesnews.com that the HL2 benchmark might be released soon. If I knew what a benchmark was, I might have reason to be thrilled, but I know you little computer guys out there know what this means.
Its a program that will run graphics from hl2 to test if your computer will be able to run hl2.
doubt it - that wouldn't make much of a benchmark.
A playable tech demo would be outright sweet! but it'll be like an alien running along or something like that, with background??! I dont know if thats correct, I think thats what they are tho.
He said Benchmark, not playable demo, dumbass.
Although a playable demo would be sweet. Do you know when this benchmark will be released and where i can get it, I need to see if my comp can handle it so I can upgrade it, I don't want to be caught with my pants down.
A tech demo is possible. It seems like the kind of thing they would send to news outlets, let them screw around with springs, water, physics, etc. Then of course have the actual benchmark.

But I don't think it's likely, and if it's released to the public then I highly doubt it.
a pre-release benchmark would probably be basically a non-interactive version of the game. It shows some stuff from the game rendered by the game engine. Normally you'd be able to change some settings (resolution / detail) and then you can look at how your computer performs at those settings. Note the non-interactive part. You don't "play" a benchmark. You just watch it and look at the scores after.
itd be pretty cool if it was the tech demo vid, but your comp rendered it real time.
3DMark03 uses stuff like complex cutscenes from high graphics games. It'll have to have a lot of stuff going on at once, lots of entities onscreen etc. so it'll probably be action-packed and a damn good watch.

It wont be anything simple like a running alien. Modern benchmarks blow your mind.
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
3DMark03 uses stuff like complex cutscenes from high graphics games.

Actually 3DMark was developed from the people at FutureMark (formally known as MadOnion), they didn't take anything from any other games, they developed everything themself. I highly doubt that it will be the tech demo, well it might be, but you wont be able to play it. Just sit back, crab a drink, and enjoy the show.
When that shit is released will I then be able to find out if I can run HL2?
Damn! SWEET!
I never really had any interest in any of those programs, but now something inside my brain just snapped! And nobody knows when it's getting released, no?
I'm guessing that this will be released primarily via Steam. Is that likely to be right?

I was also trying to imagine what sort of sequence the benchmark would run through. I think that Valve will probably create a very cool sequence especially for this benchmark; they have a history of taking that extra bit of effort to make something that the fans will really appreciate, rather than just doing something that will keep us happy. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the benchmark runs through either a very in-depth technial demo, or if it incorporates some sort of teaser for the full game's story. :)

Whatever it's like, I'm just hoping my video runs it! I'm not very flush at the moment and can't see myself affording an upgrade in the next few months.
I believe the lobby scene in 3DMark2001 was done using the Max Payne engine (albeit with a couple of extra features like the shockwaves around the bullets in slow-mo)... so they don't make everything they use.

This HL2 benchmark better have the AI turned on ( or slower CPUs won't have as much work to do in the benchmark as in the game itself and it won't be an accurate measure of how the game will run. It would also be nice if they included the interactive tech demo.
im not relaly scared if my video card can run it but i want all physic effects to max.... sadly my celeron 1.7 with 512 sd ram struggles even on ut2k3 with a lot of phsyics at once.
It would be very cool if they did the kind of thing that Futuremark do with their pro versions - where the benchmark can run through - but you can also play through a section of that benchmark yourself! I would like that :cheese: