Halflife2 called Gunman?;)



Anybody knows this game??
I bought it yesterday for $7.50 in the store. It looks like Halflife(even the menu).
The first level is also the same. A ride in a train ,and watching the view and credits.
Only it looks crappy.Very outdated
Funny,I never heard of it before.
Is it woth playing or a wast of my $7.50.?

Greetings from Amsterdam
Gunman Chronicles. Welcome to the year 2000. ;P
That is the "code name" for HL2. It was secretly released under an alias to throw off the likes of the "OMG THEY CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE ON HL2 NEWBIES."

Enjoy. I am playing it right now. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! It is fun, but the voice that keeps telling me to kill is getting kind of annoying.....



STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wasn't that a mod that got turned into a game? I can't remember.
It was originally a Half-Life mod, but they released it in stores. Crappy from what I've heard. :)
Well I certainly enjoyed Gunman Chronicles when I played it through. (Like you, I got it on budget.) It's no Half-Life, but it's still quite fun.
.......Okay, a wast of $7.50, I suppose....

Looks nice on the wall,though..
Originally posted by FatboyTim
Well I certainly enjoyed Gunman Chronicles when I played it through. (Like you, I got it on budget.) It's no Half-Life, but it's still quite fun.

that avatar makes me crap my pants, the movie scared the poop out of me
ya gunman was low budget, but good fun once you get into it. nice and short so you dont get bored too quickly as well. Could probably finish it in 6-8 hours on the first go.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
that avatar makes me crap my pants, the movie scared the poop out of me

What movie is that?
Gunman blargh hated it
I remember paying $80 for that once (Australian) it was good for a whole of 10 seconds lol
*phone rings*
*phone is answered*
Gunman: Hello?
Half Life 2: Helo Gunman.
Gunman: Ah, hello there Half Life 2, how are you?
Half Life 2: Ah, not bad, just felt like calling to see what it feels like to be released.
Gunman: Well, it feels like freedom. Don't worry Half Life 2, you'll be free on the 30th.
Half Life 2: Well, I sure hope so. Bye now.
Gunman: Bye Half Life 2, see you on the 30th!
*click - click*

Boy, what an INTERESTING conversation.
I own the ring. AMAZING movie the first time I saw it. But a movie with that suprising of a plot looses its luster the second and 3rd times through. Still good though.
That crap pop-at-ya crap scared the... crap.. right outta me.


The first part was when they quickly show the daughter in the closet. She looks like she had the life sucked right out of her.
Then there was the part where the girl comes out of the TV and quickly moves right infront of the dude.. man, that freaked me out.
The video was freaky too - like a bad nightmare.
And then.. hmm, it's been a while since I saw the movie but damnit - it was freaky.
Originally posted by Ares
That crap pop-at-ya crap scared the... crap.. right outta me.


The first part was when they quickly show the daughter in the closet. She looks like she had the life sucked right out of her.
Then there was the part where the girl comes out of the TV and quickly moves right infront of the dude.. man, that freaked me out.
The video was freaky too - like a bad nightmare.
And then.. hmm, it's been a while since I saw the movie but damnit - it was freaky.
Yuppers. Have you seen the original? Someone is posting with a Pennywise avatar that gives me the hebee geebies.

7.50 for Gunman is money well spent.
i thought that film was utter rubbish... my friend and I spent the whole movie in hysterics..

"7 daaaayyyysss"

some people have no fear... I for one had a BAD experience with that movie! *cringes*
Originally posted by Ares
*phone rings*
*phone is answered*
Gunman: Hello?
Half Life 2: Helo Gunman.
Gunman: Ah, hello there Half Life 2, how are you?
Half Life 2: Ah, not bad, just felt like calling to see what it feels like to be released.
Gunman: Well, it feels like freedom. Don't worry Half Life 2, you'll be free on the 30th.
Half Life 2: Well, I sure hope so. Bye now.
Gunman: Bye Half Life 2, see you on the 30th!
*click - click*

Boy, what an INTERESTING conversation.
*phone rings*
*phone is answered*
Half Life 2: Hello?
Voice : You will die in seven days!
*click - click*

You aren't one of those internet elitist movie critics are you?

Personally, no matter what movie I watch I really get into - I put my self in the movie and try and feel what the chars would feel. Yeah, it's sad and pathetic but I'm only a geek with one helluva imagination.
Originally posted by FatboyTim
*phone rings*
*phone is answered*
Half Life 2: Hello?
Voice : You will die in seven days!
*click - click*


OMG! That means someone is going to have to copy Half Life 2!!! Bah, it'll happen - no worries.
Originally posted by Deadline
some people have no fear... I for one had a BAD experience with that movie! *cringes*

esplaine essay.
Originally posted by Ares
You aren't one of those internet elitist movie critics are you?

Personally, no matter what movie I watch I really get into - I put my self in the movie and try and feel what the chars would feel. Yeah, it's sad and pathetic but I'm only a geek with one helluva imagination.

I´m not watching any porn near you then
the ring

mang that movie scared the hell out of me 2
after that evertime you saw snow at the TV is
pull the plug out

(sorry for my english)