Halflife2 Chatroom?



Can someone please guide this N00b (Me) to a Halflife2 chat room...I searched on this an came up nil.....I would rather watch Flamewars in real time rather than wait for posts.

Its an IRC chat.


Heres info from another thread:
Ok, we use IRC to chat. You can get an IRC chat client ( called mIRC ) from http://www.mirc.com . However, this default client is quite.. ugly and offputting so you may want to look up mirc scripts like NN ( www.nnscript.com ). Although I use SNA.

Anyway.. enough babbling.

Server: irc.quakenet.org
Port: 6667
Channel: #halflife2

We have between 180/240+ people in there at random times. It's also the biggest dedicated HalfLife2 channel on any gaming network. It'll get bigger as the game is released.


Installing mIRC:

Using IRC:
ou may want to look up mirc scripts like NN ( www.nnscript.com ). Although I use SNA.
i'd go for no scripts if i was you, they're usually aimed at noobs, but instead overwhelm them with new option menus. If you don't like how mirc looks, just change the background to black and other colours appropriately :)