Halflife2: Civil Suppression


Apr 11, 2004
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Hi all, my name is Dan and i just finished the first chapter on my new fan fiction based on a charcter who embarks on the journey of becoming a metro cop, but who soon discovers the truth. anyway my story will be a short story possible 9 or 10 chapters, depend on how i go. here is a teaser: it actually began as an idea for an expansion pack or mod but developed into a cool fan story.

This is just the teaser:

An expansion that lets you play a combine overwatch cop, a human who joined the civil protection because he got in a way brainwashed by the lies of dr breen and sincerely believed that he was doing mankind a service, this is where it gets good, say on a routine mission or patrol there is an incident concerning a rebel attack and you(the combine cop) stumble into a unathorised area and discover the truth about the combine and the fate of humanity, this changes your thoughts on your "benefactors" and starts to change your idea about the combine, the next time a rebel ambush occurs, you attempt to help out the rebels but are knocked out and taken prisoner by the rebels, you are interrogated however you win the rebels trust by providing essential information against the combine and enp up working for them as a double agent, and to top if off, the end chapters of the game would compromise of infiltrating barney into the civil protection, giving him the position where you see him in hl2 and have you prepare things for the coming of the one you yourself never truly believed in: the one FREE - MAN. thre end of the game could have the gman actually see that you are helping the rebels, whcihc somehow helps his agenda and sends you to retrieve one of the last HEV suits on earth, kept by dr Breen in a high clearance complex that houses the last of humanity's great treasures and accomplishements(technology, culture, etc.) and in the very end the Gman tells him: "Very good, i have one more job for you that entails a how do you put it? rescue attempt of a promising young man held by your.....friends, i believe his name is a....shepard....Corporal Shepard......have you heard of him?

Fade to Black with the words:

Subject: David Monk
Age: 26 Years Old
Occupation: Civil Protection, Level 3 Authorization
Status: On route to Kraken Base
Half- life 2: Civil Suppression


David Pondered while sitting on the bench, “do I want to do this? Am I betraying my race or am I saving it?” David pondered away until he came to the conclusion that, to quote Dr Breen “We are getting closer to Perfection”. David sat up thought about it a little more and then found the courage to convince him-self that he was doing the right thing, at least for the moment. He walked down the road, past his favourite coffee shop, the same one he used to go into every morning before heading to University, but now only saw a lifeless room inhabited by tables and chairs laced with unwavering spider webs that seemed to somehow symbolise the decay of the only superior race thought to have existed in the universe, he shook thoughts out of his mind and entered a long line of civilians who were ready to sign up for “Civil Protection” as it was called, and serve his, well everyone’s so called “Benefactors”.

Chapter1: What a Wonderful World

David Monk was 19 years old when it all happened; his home town still had a name back then. It was a pleasant place to live in. It wasn’t his natural birth place but after hearing so many good things about this University, he just couldn’t resist, and accepted the burden of finding a cheap apartment to live in and travelling a long distance to attend his classes. It happened one morning, and no one was prepared for what was to come. While driving to Uni, David turned off from the freeway and headed into the city’s inward streets. David was about 10 blocks from his Uni when it happened: the road in front of him together with all the buildings and skyscrapers just vanished leaving behind a very clear and noticeable blue marine hue, and then…nothing. David slammed on the brakes and gasped quietly to him-self, “Oh crap, what the hell is going on, the end of the world”? He stopped his car five inch from the ominously large cavern that lay before him and got out.

David noticed that right now as he was looking at this massive hole in the ground that there was no noise around him, no cars, no trucks, no trains, and no people. He didn’t even hear screams originating from a lady who was struck with shock, he guessed it was a cliché that only happed in the movies, but this was much more eerie and frightening than anything he had ever watched on the big screen, this was reality and this was the world he knew, changed for all existence.

David thought he had seen it all when he witnessed the cavern, the size of the Grand Canyon, appear before him, but a few seconds after experiencing such an emotion like never before, something else happened that would make that feeling like nothing compared to this. A tall structure, its tip covered by the now present dark clouds, appeared as by magic. The structure was massive, almost covering the entire cavern, covered in a marine blue colour, similar to the coloured hue left by the buildings and early structures. This new building stood high with posture and authority. The feeling that came to David was worse one that would never leave him, something sinister, it wasn’t the apocalypse, it was something…else, an indescribable feeling, nevertheless he had felt fear in a way that surpassed his meaning of the very word.
David got into his car, turned around and drove has fast he could away from the tall opposing building. 2 minutes passed and he started to feel safer as he slowly got further away from that “thing”, when saw a 5 rows of Tanks driving towards him, their cannons aiming high. He turned his car hard to the left and collided with a brick wall. Lucky for him his car slowed down to 40 kph before hitting the wall. Dazed and ached he got out of the car and stood and just watched as everything entered into slow motion. The tanks drove past him, not even concerned with his crash but more concerned with what laid ahead. He watched as the tanks, all five rows distance by 10 meters, stopped about 100 meters from the blue building. Every tank aimed their canon high towards the middle of the building, waiting for a signal.
The signal came in the form of an F-22 lightning Squadron flying directly at the tower. The Squadron was lead by Colonel Adam Tusker, the best damned fighter pilot the country. His squadron armed their Mavericks, Sidewinders and their newly acquired payload of the X-G53 guided bomb. They targeted the main building towering before them…and fired their entire payloads onto the ominous structure standing in front of them. This apparently was the signal the tanks were waiting for; and the ground assault joined the assault from the skies. The tanks moved in and behind them, troops, all the troops that they could muster were in moving in. The tower endured very little damage since their weapons were ineffective towards this alien structure. The tower just stood there taking a beating; actually it wasn’t a beating, only a mere slap that managed to offend the inhabitants of this building. As if annoyed by the unwavering attack, the building let out a roar as the sides began shifting and the structure appeared to transform as its side panels slid up and down as if preparing to counter attack. Then when the sound of constant grinding stopped, everything was silent. EVERYTHING.
The troops and tanks and all major forces stopped firing. They had thought that that caused some damage, but it was just calm before the storm. The Building bellowed out another grinding roar as two side panels shifted upwards towards the heaven and then…millions of small objects started to pour out of the openings. The objects headed straight towards the opposing forces and as they got closer they got bigger and appeared to be some form of gyroscopic flying objects that flew with such grace and elegance it was almost like watching an aerial ballet, but then the came the wrath of the storm. The flying objects opened a devastating return fire on their opposers and thus all hell literally broke loose. There was firing and explosions all of the sky and ground, Tanks were being chewed up by alien gunfire, F-22’s were being engaged in dogfights, troops were firing on ground targets that poured out from tower…utter chaos. The fighting went on for hours, earths forces were locked in a desperate battle to save themselves from extinction but to no avail. Human forces were becoming weaker by every attack and new alien force that came out from the alien tower.
The forces of earth were losing, dying, retreating and finally eradicated by a final force unleashed by the alien structure: bomb were raining all over the city, bombs that opened up and released its secret weapon….head-crabs. Every bomb landed near an inhabited area and released its cargo to create more confusion and chaos amongst earth’s forces. Earths forces had been fighting for about 7 hours now and there was no gleam of hope at all. Amongst the fighting a voice came out from a government building, the same one used to stage the attack on the alien structure; a man’s voice spoke through a loud speaker and declared Earth’s Surrender.
That was the last thing that David had heard amongst all the fighting and killing and then everything went silent and the alien forces stopped firing, just standing there, just waiting and man on the building repeated his words and all earths forces reluctantly obeyed, laying down their weapons and looked up towards their new masters…
Chapter 2: To Protect and Preserve….The Empire

David had waited for about an hour in line, waiting to sign up and join the all new “Civil Protection”. During that time he decided to ponder on his thoughts, yet again, and tried to discern how he had come to the decision that the combine were the best thing that happened to the human race since…since well always! And then again he thought how different his feelings were from the time that the combine first arrived, when the citadel first appeared, when earth fought back and lost, when the human race surrendered to an unknown hostile race, and now felt that the combine were a godsend? It must have been something that changed his mind, something that had motivated him to join up with the very ones who enslaved the human race. It had been 4 years of slavery with the combine before the very one who organized earth’s surrender opened the path for humans to join and “help” the combine forces.

Not many knew about that person who somehow seemed to orchestrate everything that happened, the only thing the people knew about him was his name and that he must have been someone important in the world and now he has put himself in a position that would easily rival that of the president of the United States. His name was Dr Breen, and he knew how to talk, how to “reach” peoples hearts, and by “reach” meaning brainwashing. Everyone had heard his ramblings and philosophies for years now, and for many it caught up with them and made them think about changing their lives, but no for the better.

David Monk however had rejected the propaganda that had littered the streets and homes of so many for so many years, but eventually was sucked in and began a new train of thinking. He does not know how or when it happened, he just knows know that the combine are he to stay and they are here to help, for the good of mankind.

After signing up with the Civil protection and providing the combine forces with information about rebel hideouts, as was the condition of joining the metro cops in order to show allegiance to the empire, David was given his new uniform and helmet.

It looked awkward, almost as if it originated from a completely different physiology, anyway he put on his uniform and his helmet and felt pretty comfortable, but the real reward of the day was the food, he had heard. The food provided to the civil protection was considered a “decent meal” compared to the paste form food that the civilians are provided with. He observed the other volunteers in the change rooms and saw nothing but cold emotions, these people obviously had no bad feelings towards the combine, in retrospect these guys had bad ideas about the civilians and the rebels, blaming them for their mistreatment and grounded privileges, perhaps the worst was the “suppression field” that the combine activated a year before due to a massive rebel attack on one of their weapon shipments. The combine had lost a good contingent of MP7 sub machine guns, the stuff was brand new and high tech, not to mention they also lost some of their top secret weaponry such as the Combine assault rifle. Ever since that daring raid, the combine had found a way of punishing everyone, providing an excellent example of how not to meddle with the plans of their masters, the combine had halted the miraculous gift of procreation. No matter how they tried, humans could not prolong the human race, the opposite in fact was happening. Every time the combine killed a member of the resistance; they knew they were getting closer to eradicating the rebels. Eventually many civilians joined the rebels but they new that their numbers were short, in time they would need a miracle if they were going to win the war with the combine on earth.

After donning his new clothes, he followed the rest of the group to the auditorium where they would be “instructed” in the ways of the combine and finally given the duties that they would perform in the interest of the Empire!!

David was given only a shock stick and sent to patrol the borders of City 17. There he met up with five other metro cops. David tried to start conversations but after several attempts figured that they didn’t want to become friends, nor acquaintances for that matter, only the job mattered. Even though David’s thinking towards the combine had changed, his personality and liking did not. He did not have feelings of hate towards his fellow men, as the others did, he just pitied them believing that he was doing the right thing while everyone else, the rebels included were acting like all those student rallies he had seen at University, “bunch of idiots, haven’t they got something better to do? Like maybe make something out of their lives than just protesting?”

His patrol was rather quiet and on many days became nothing more than boredom. His duties involved securing a small passage way into the city, one that the rebels might use to contact civilians and friends inside for information and for sending supplies but nothing like that ever happened. 6 moths flew by and David was promoted to Watch Commander. David was in charge of overseeing the other metro cops in securing that same passage way. He liked his job now, he had time to do other things than just stand around and look busy. He started to write in his journal about his experiences before and after the portal storms and was starting to write a book about a different world, one that he was part of once in his life but then was taken away, for some reason or another. David became settled into his job very well and was happy about his service to the empire and to his “benefactors”. They had given him everything he needed, accommodation and food, the only thing that was lacking was companionship and at least some form of adventure. His life had become that of a retired store clerk, nothing to do with the rest of his days just waiting patiently for…well that was the point, nothing ever happened and he felt like it never would.

David began to grow impatient and started longing for some action, at least some rebels to attack his post so that he could finally use his new H&K MP7 SMG. No more did he have the shock stick but now he had a real weapon and he just wanted to use it.

Ironically enough he got what he wanted…some action. A group of rebels attacked his post and killed three of his five men and were coming in strong. Quickly he ordered his men to man the stationary rifles and suppress fire. While doing so he lobbed some grenades at the rebels and killed two of them. The rebels that attacked the outpost numbered around 12. To the pleasing of David, the majority of the rebels were easy targets only managing to surprise his troops, however when it came down to the nitty gritty stuff they had no military training at all nor did they know how to fire a weapon correctly.
David Monk and his two remaining men flanked the opposition and took them out with considerable ease and satisfaction. The men of Outpost 1378G had been promoted once again and now patrolled a high clearance bunker in the outskirts of City 17, and as always were happy to be in the service… of the illustrious Combine Empire.
Have to say: Good Story! Can't wait for some more.
Is this a mod or fan-fiction. Because I am trying to get some work started on an Overwatch mod but work and stuff gets in the way. anyway, cool read :).
Actually it began as an idea i had about a hl2 mod but since has turned into my own hl2 fan story, i havent any time to work on a mod so this is the next best thing. If you have any questions about the story or if you would like to use it for a mod just ask me here on the forums or email me at:
[email protected]
No thanks, my idea goes along completely different lines, except for the Combine bit anyway ;). I best crack on, I can't let someone else get there first ;).
Chapter 3: Paradise of Death

It was quiet and motionless; the horizon played no tricks, hid nothing, delved into nothing and revealed only a barren landscape filled with only the ghosts of its long gone inhabitants. The outpost that David monk had been assigned to, was in the middle of nowhere, actually it was about 3 kilometers from city 17 but by looking at the area and its surroundings, you would not have thought otherwise. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, it was heavily guarded, due to the amazement of David. This outpost played home to about 12 metro cops and contingent of 30 combine soldiers; first class, the only class that you can’t volunteer for, you earned it, but how you earned it no one knew.

The facility he was sent to protect looked like a small fort about half the size of Nova Prospekt; yes everyone knew about Nova Prospekt but never asked questions about what went on in there. The facility that David was guarding was ironically called “Paradise Port” because it hardly looked like a paradise at all. The whole structure was half prison and half military barracks. The last section of the facility was a structure that looked completely out of context with the prison; it was easily identifiable as combine however its use was a mystery. The only thing that David noticed concerning that area of the facility was scheduled times that a train would pass through an automated and guarded sealed door and that the only people that ever walked in there were either combine scientists or the squad leaders of the combine soldiers. After trying so hard to decipher what he had seen, he just gave up and thought about something else; he had better things to worry about: like his job and supervising his squad.

Unbeknownst to David, the rebels were staging a full scale attack on this very facility. Apparently the facility held some great significance to the rebels. David would soon find out why it was so important to the rebellion and also to him! The staging and preparation of the attack took two months, including several days of observation; the patrol patterns of the metro cops and the observance of their forces. This attack would be different and much more highly organized than the attack that took place in a small outpost about 6 months ago on the far side of City 17.

In that earlier attack, the rebels involved were only farmers and civilians who were driven out of their homes, this time the rebels were going to unleash their “military” force. The rebels had amongst them a contingent of ex-soldiers who went into hiding after the 7 hour war and have been remaining hidden until now. These men knew how to fight, they knew tactics, they anticipated actions and most importantly they had more hate towards the combine than anyone else could have, these ones “lost” the war that claimed the lives of several billion, and somehow felt responsible even though there was nothing they could have done to avert it. Amongst the rebels there was also one great resistance fighter and wise cracker who aided in all the major skirmishes.

This man was significantly more important and “better trained” than the other soldiers. Despite not being a soldier or trained by the United States Military, this man had survived one of the most violent encounters a human being could have had with another alien race on earth.

He was one of the last remaining eye witnesses of the spectacular “Black Mesa Incident”. He saw what happened in that dark place of the world, he saw first hand the face of evil and in the process managed to save some of his friends, provide help to a fellow colleague who could stop the invasion and finally save himself and live to tell the tale. This man was a security officer at the Black Mesa Research Facility; his name is: Barney Calhoun… and he will lead the attack on the “Paradise Port “correctional facility, known to many as: “Humanity’s End” due to what went on in there.

David Monk stood on the over watch balcony observing his men’s actions and their patrol patterns. David asked his first lieutenant with “any news on the western front?” First lieutenant Mika Jeunol replied with a melancholic tone “as dead as the human race”. It appeared that to David that the attitudes of some of his men were changing. David would occasionally share a drink with his first lieutenant and had noticed the changes in his attitude towards the combine. To him it must have been the atmosphere, the environment which gave the reminder of a long gone civilization. David talked to him about it and shared his thoughts; Mika started to doubt the Combine’s intentions and had secretly, for some time, thought about leaving civil protection and joining the rebels. Why he never did leave was a mystery to himself, he was just not totally convinced, or so he thought.

David started to walk away towards his bunker when suddenly he just stopped and slowly turned to look towards the north side wall of the facility. He walked closer to the edge and activated the digital binoculars built into his Combine designed helmet. Adjusting the distance he focused on an area near the mountains. There was very little foliage but huge amounts of rocks that could work perfectly as cover. Afraid that he might have sensed something out of the ordinary he continued to look into that area… until he was satisfied it was nothing but the wind and tiredness combined. David turned around and started to walk away when his first lieutenant, who was situated about 5 meters below him on watch duty, saw something bright and shiny in the distance. He relayed his find to his superior officer: David, and then zoomed in with his own binoculars to see if he could get a better picture of what it was. Mika zoomed in and saw something in the shape of star in his direction growing larger and larger until…”FOOMP”…he was immediately impaled by a crossbow dart straight through his helmet. His head jerked violently towards the prison wall pinging him to the wall, he body hanging from the bolt in his head, blood spewing down from the hole in the back of his helmet.

David Monk barked orders his men to open fire. He then jumped off his feet and ran as fast as he could towards his bunker to activate the alarm that would bring reinforcements. He ran across the balcony dodging small arms fire coming from the covering rocks. His men stood their ground taking cover and suppressing fire. David dived the last two meters into the bunker dodging 6 bullets fired from an MP7 held by a rebel fighter. The rebel fired furiously at his bunker forcing him to stay low. David knew that the rebel was firing at him at close range due to the close sound of the bullets, and knew that something went wrong, “what happened to my men”. He realized that his men were dead and were now after him.
He managed to press the alarm to bring in the soldiers, but by the time they got there he would be dead, he had to get out of there. The rebels on the ground cleared the entrance and signaled the others to secure the north entrance. One of the rebels ran beside a man with black hair, weathered face and green eyes and asked him “Sergeant Calhoun we have taken the entrance and are moving in to retrieve the object”, “Good, you have 10 minutes before reinforcements arrive, get to it”.

The firing in his direction seemed to stop for a few seconds and so he took the opportunity and raced out of the bunker and ran towards the watchtower. David could see the soldiers already on the way via drop ship. Barney Calhoun barked orders at his men “get the object as quick as you can, you now only have 10 minutes, you two get going, and the rest of you get the rockets”. A two man team ran towards a fortified bunker just inside the courtyard and arrived at the large mechanic doors. They placed some charges, blew the door open and ran in. With no other options left, and no other way to avoid detection from the rebels, David stealthily made his way down behind the bunker and followed the two men inside.

Not one but three drop ships arrived seconds after Barney’s men and David entered the bunker. The drop ships landed inside the courtyard and spilled out combine soldiers armed with new Combine I Rifles. The rebels engaged the combine into combat, taking their positions and standing the ground inside the courtyard. It seemed that the combine force was too powerful; their advanced rifles cut through the majority of Calhoun’s forces. Calhoun’s second lieutenant Mark Webber who was a former SEAL managed to flank the enemy during the confusion and fighting and take out three soldiers stealthily with his knife until one soldier caught a glimpse of him and fired violently at his position. Mark dodged behind cover and tried to outflank him. The two soldiers exchanged fire for a few second until they both ran out of ammunition; now it was time to engage in hand to hand combat.

Mark pulled out his signature Special Forces combat knife and went in for the kill. The combine soldier anticipated his attacked and parried his lethal blow. The SEAL fought hard showing all his martial arts skills as the combine soldier parried all his moves showing a different set of Combine skills he had never seen before. Webber was surprised by the lethal skill shown by his adversary; “this guy is good, but there’s no time to play around, finish him off”. The combine soldier now did something unexpected, he took offensive and attacked the SEAL. Webber was surprised by the speed and agility the soldier showed and tried his best to counter his blows. The combine fought violently and persistently; he managed to drive him backwards and catch Webber off balance. The Combine soldier saw it and took the opportunity to kick him towards the wall and then…”KLUNK” Webber looked down in astonishment and disgust at his adversary’s display of cheating as he saw the handle of the blade sticking out of his body, pinning him to the wall. With the last second of life in him he looked at the soldier and tried to find his pistol and extend to him the same courtesy. The Combine soldier was too fast; he pulled out his USP, aimed it at the SEAL’s head and fired once. The bullets pierced his brain with ease and cut off any and all messages sent to it, causing him to hang there lifelessly.
Barney and what was left of his men pulled out and retreated into the mountains. The Combine soldiers chased them toward the mountainous region and then let them go.

Below the ground David heard faint shouts and gun shots, he assumed it was a blood bath up there but for the moment he was more interested in this tunnel that he was walking through. The color and material was so alien it seemed like he stepped into a completely different world. This was a similar feeling that he had many years ago, the same feeling he had when the citadel first appeared. He walked down the narrow tunnel staying behind the two rebels, careful to not be noticed or make too much noise. As he got closer to the end of the tunnel, it got clearer and more visible and then he emerged out into a totally alien area.

David just looked around in awe and whispered inside his brain “MY GOD”…
sorry guys i had lots of uni assignments to complete but chapter 4 will be here in 1 hour.
its foinished bu t i have to come back to put it on. its pretty ful on and i think you will b impressed.
1 HOUR, you said that 2 hrs ago! Chop Chop.
J/K. take your time
Parts of the first two chapters felt a little clunky to me but No. 3 was simply brilliant :D

*twiddles thumbs and eagerly awaits the next excerpt*
Here you go, i really am so sorry aout the time but the good thing is, that i spent more time on this chapter and its ....longer, more action and....well just read it.

Here it is :(this is the biggest chapter so far)

Chapter 4: Closer to Perfection

Combine Soldier no: CS1198 stepped towards Webber’s body with an instance of pride. Before pulling out his knife from the strung up body, he proceeded to collect his souvenir from the glorious battle. He moved forward towards the body to get a better look at his prize. He eyed the soldier all over. His gaze centred on a metal necklace around the soldier’s neck. This necklace held two metallic rectangular shaped plates with numbers and the name of its owner. 1198 grabbed the dog-tags and carefully removed it from Webber’s neck. He then placed it over his helmet and around his neck, so that all could see his most treasured trophy yet: the dog tags of a former SEAL.

David was struck with awe. He had never seen a sight like this. He emerged from the tunnel into an enormous underground cavern. But that was only the beginning. The cavern gave way to an awesome underground structure. Totally alien in nature, it gave a cold and endearing feeling in David’s skin. The cavern itself was massive perhaps half the size of the cavern that first appeared in the position of the citadel. The structure located at the bottom of the cavern was quiet and looked unawakened. David looked around and noticed that there was no path per se, only some tracks. These were train tracks in fact. And these tracks actually came out from the tunnel. David had not noticed this before, but the tracks were inside the tunnel he just came out from and stretched out onto the sides of the cavern, creating a snakelike path towards the alien structure. David stopped his pondering and awe with the cavern and structure, and moved on looking for those two rebels. He noticed that they were following the same winding path down the cavern towards the structure. As he followed them he glanced quickly at the structure and wondered what a massive building such as this would be doing all the way down here. It must have been a very secret place, to be located a few kilometres underground. David followed behind the rebels and watched as they reached the main door of the structure. He hid behind a rock and watched as they knelt down and took things out of their packs. These men were moving with purpose, everything they did was according to a schedule and they didn’t want to screw up. One of them seemed to pull out a detonator and the other retrieved some sort of explosive. They were about to plant the explosive on the door when the train tracks on the ground started to shake and create vibrations that reached towards their feet. A train was on its way. The two men could not believe their luck, they could enter without sounding the alarm. The two rebels hid behind a boulder and waited for the train to come.

David observed them and noticed that they stopped work with the explosives. Did they hear someone coming, or something coming? David pondered to himself but his concentration was broken with strong vibrations that were travelling fast up the canyon walls. David then knew that something was definitely on its way; it must be a razor train. The two rebels watched as the trained approached and set themselves into positions to run inside before the doors closed. The train was now in viewing distance. The train speeded towards the structure without even showing any intentions of slowing, it actually sped up. The two opposing groups were watching the same thing; the train was 1000 metres from the gigantic mechanic doors but still no sound of opening, no indication that the train was going to slow. To everyone it seemed something was wrong and the train was going to collide with the door. 100meters, 80 metres, 60, 40, 20metres….and then as if by instinct the door opened up. The door opened with such grace and perfection in timing it seemed this routine had been practised many times before.

The way was open. They had a clear path into the belly of the beast. The two rebels ran inside not long before the train and its cargo entered the secret structure. David Monk followed after them and kept low and out of sight.

The inside of the structure was something else all right. To David this place felt like he was on another planet. Everything was so geometrical, so rigid, so engineered, and yet felt completely and utterly alien. “Was this one of the Combine’s strongholds?” David wondered. But his questions would soon be answered with what laid ahead. The door he came trough was actually a tunnel, similar in design to the one he used to gain entrance from the surface. As he walked along the tracks he noticed the train escape his view in the far distance. He watched as the tunnel gave way to an enormous warehouse like design. There were large industrial-like crates, decommissioned trains, trains being worked on, repaired and prepared for service. There was activity all around but not a human soul in sight. In fact the whole place seemed to be run on an automated level. David noticed small machines working on the trains, mechanized cranes carrying newly repaired razor trains onto some tracks, but no sign of life.

The two rebels had travelled far ahead from him so he decided to stop taking in the view and focus on following them. But why was he following them? It began as a scheme to escape death from the attacking rebels, now it became a surmountable amount of curiosity. Curiosity of what? The truth? David did not know, he only hoped that by following his attackers he would somehow learn something about his “masters”, even perhaps his destiny?

He managed to catch up with them and follow them deeper into the structure. The two rebels reached a fork in the road and decided to split up. David reached the fork and did not know which way to go.

He flipped a coin and went right. The tunnel seemed to go on forever until he noticed a clearing. The tunnel gave way to a huge reactor room. The room was massive and seemed to house hundreds of chemical and radioactive reactors, human reactors. “These must have been salvaged after the 7 hour war and stored here for use” David thought to himself. He lost the rebel in the big reactor room. The place was so big he couldn’t tell where he had gone. David decided to choose a direction and go with it, he could get lucky and stumble onto him. As he walked down a narrow corridor he entered a new area, the same size as the last but it had more rooms. This main area looked different. There were no reactors but something else…

David walked in, his face focusing directly ahead. He stopped in front of it: a massive room, stockpiled with thousands of years of human history. There were books, chairs, tables, treasures, gold, monuments, cars, guns, computers, ancient artefacts, manuscripts; all packed together like a modern museum. It was amazing; David had never seen something like that before. David looked around and noticed that he was looking at the things that made him human. It was an encyclopaedia of the objects that made up the life of a human being, a past human being. For a moment David felt a connection with the objects. The objects seemed to remind David who he was, he was a human being, and he was being used by the combine to destroy the very things in front of him. David bent his head down and for a moment thought about the things he had done, the rebels; the humans he had killed, his own men and brothers. David felt sick and angry with the bull crap the Combine had been feeding him. Humans would not see a better life with the combine. Human beings would never be able to get back what was lost to the Combine. David could take no more, he left the room with an angry feeling, angry with his “masters” and their lies.

He forgot about the rebel, didn’t care less what he was here to do or take, David now was more focused on finding more about this place and what the combine were really up to. He continued further along and found an area that seemed to change style in architecture. This place looked more like a prison or jail house. As he walked on he saw a few signs on the wall and noticed the name: “NOVA PROSPEKT: CS LABS”. “I cant believe I’m in Nova Prospekt, I must have found a shortcut that connects the prison to this underground storage area, must be high clearance” He looked at that sign and thought that he had never heard of any combine labs, in nova prospect or anywhere else.

David managed to pick the lock and bypass the circuits that opened the door to the labs. The door made a low hum noise and then opened. The door appeared to be pressure sealed and opened slowly. Inside were an operating table and some computer consoles. As Monk continued further he noticed stains of blood on the table and some needles. He found a control room that had monitors. He checked the screens and noticed that the place was empty, no soldiers or doctors.

David continued to a room labelled “OPERATING ROOM”. “operating for what” he thought and walked in slowly. The operating room was separated by a glass wall that formed an observation area while the surgery was being performed on the other side. David walked slowly until he caught glimpse of something that would haunt him till the day he died…
and the next part:

There was human being strapped to a table. The table was lifted and inverted so that the subject hung upright facing directly at the viewing glass. The person on the table seemed to be male an unconscious. All of a sudden wires ran down from the roof and simultaneously penetrated the body. Each wire proceeded to vibrate and then the wires seemed to suck some red liquid: blood. The body was being drained. The body immediately lost its colour and stopped with a pale white colour. The wires retraced and then some machines descended from the roof. It seemed to David that the whole operating process was automated. It made sense why there were no doctors around.

The machines were laden with saws, injections, needles, screws, the works. The first mechanical arm cut out part of his stomach and extracted it, dropping it into a glass jar. David just turned puked on the floor. The arms cleaned out the area and covered the stomach with some surgical material. Next, another arm come down and seemed to have some sort of drill and saw built in. the arm bent down towards the stomach and then reached back up to the head. The arm got into position and the drill turned on. The arm started to move closer to the head when all of a sudden… the eyes of the human opened up. David flew back with fright and managed to pick himself up. He tried to break the glass and rescue his fellow man, he was still alive. The man saw the drill and screamed. The drill got closer and closer and the screams got louder. David tries hard to break the window but it was to late, the drill entered the brain, with a wailing scream. David turned around and slumped down to the floor as the human screamed. His sat on the floor looking at the other direction, tears coming out of his eyes as the last screams died down and became silent. He sat there for a few minutes until he heard the machines go to work on the human’s brain. It carved up all the brain and bone. The human was to David’s surprise still alive and looked directly at him. David looked at the human and cried. He watched as the human’s life force and anything that made him human was stripped away, to be replaced with half mechanical, half organic materials. David noticed that the body was injected with some sort of liquid that mad the body grow muscles. Now he knew why the Combine Soldiers were strong and fast… they were mechanically engineered to become soldiers. David saw a control panel with security locks and patched in. David was hopelessly as the machines finished their work on the body and finally the wires came back, this time shocking his body with electricity from the inside. The body moved and vibrated and then went limp. David just stared wondering what happened.

He moved closer to the glass when the human body shot up and opened his eyes. His eyes were white, without a single sense of humanity left. David stepped back in fright; the man looked like a zombie. The man stepped of the table and turned to the table, without noticing David at all and proceeded to put his clothes and Combine uniform on. The human body was alive yet humanly dead. He put on his uniform and lastly the Combine Helmet and exiting the room as if he were a robot. David noticed a number on his uniform before he left the room and it read: CS 349985.

This is what the human race had been reduced to, all sense of humanity stripped away, their lives turned into numbers, statistics and mindless drones for an alien empire. David thought it was ironic that it was just like that back in his day, society had turned everyone into mindless workers, no one cared about anyone, and the country was using honest working people to create their empires. “huh, I guess in one way we deserved what we got, were already heading down that path, seems the combine sped things up” David laughed to himself, trying to stay focused and not go into shock.

David picked himself up and walked away. As he entered the narrow corridor he thought about everything and came to a decision. For once it was a decision he completely understood. There were no doubts, he found his destiny. It wasn’t to work for the combine, or help them increase their empire….it was to bring it down, and in the process save what was left of humanity.

David walked away and headed for an exit. He had seen enough. Right now he just wanted to get out of this damn place. AS he rounded a corner he came face to face with the rebel he had followed. Both guns went up in front of each others face. “Betrayer to the race” the rebel said as he aimed his gun at David head. David trained his gun on the rebel and said “not anymore”, and he put his gun down. The rebel was surprised, never before seen something like that. David looked at him and said “ I know the truth, I know why you what you do and I know what they want with us”. The rebel kept his gun trained on him and then lowered it. He looked at him and asked “you know, I have been fighting your kind for 5 years now, you guys killed a lot of my friends. David stared at him and told him was sorry and that it was because he was told a lie. “I am sorry, I’m sorry about what I have done to your people, my people, and I know now what I must do, and that is to fight back”. David sat back down. The rebel started to smile and said to him “it’s good to know the truth doesn’t it?” David just stared at him and then gave him a faint smile. “Knowing the truth gave you purpose, it gave me purpose”, David looked at him and stood up. The rebel grabbed the gun and handed it back to David. The rebel readied his pack and walked off. The rebel stopped about 2 metres from David, turned around and asked him”you coming”? David smiled and began to follow him. 1 metre before he reached the rebel. The rebel’s body was nailed with bullets. A group of soldiers were 100 meters way and closing fast. David looked down at the rebel and checked his pulse. With his last breath of life he told David “take this pack to the rebel camp in the mountain, South, South East, the entrance to the camp is below the barn” and then died in his hands. David got up as quickly as possible and ran the other direction. The first soldier approached the body and saw that his pack was missing. He ordered the rest to follow the other one. David put his mask back on, in order to hide himself from the soldiers. He reached one of the exits but noticed soldiers posted everywhere. They knew someone was down here. He thought about walking straight out but they would gun him down, combine uniform or not. He managed to return t the main entrance of the facility, where the train tracks had lead him to. There was one more train left in the bay, this would be his exit.

David wormed his way to the train and slipped aboard. He could hear the soldiers combing the area, searching for that one that escaped them. He sat inside the carriage and waited. The Sounds of the tracks told him that the train would soon be moving.

The train station was cleared and the train started to move. David felt safe and sound now. The train pulled out of the station and started to speed up towards the exit. David watched as the train sped directly for the main door, but this time he knew what was going to happen. The train left the complex and ascended to the surface. The train past the city and was heading towards the country side, or what was left of it. David managed to get some sleep in the carriage but now was no wide awake to take in the landscape. He had never been so far out fro the city lines. It looked like desert, with trucks, planes and buildings all over the place. It looked so surreal. As he saw the landscape, his hatred for the combine grew. He vowed to himself, that he would never stop fighting until the empire was raised to the ground.

He decided to go topside and get some air. As he got to the top of the carriage he saw an amazing site. It was sunset and the barren landscape looked so beautiful against the suns light. Before heading back into the carriage he noticed that the other carriages were not empty. He jumped onto the next carriage and peered through one of the openings. He saw a group of 4 Combine soldiers siting down. David thought to himself ”they must have boarded the train after they cleared the area, that means this train is heading to a depot, I have to get off”. David looked around and thought about the best way of getting off the train. He concluded that he had to wait until the train got close to some of the smaller ponds and dive into the water. He was about to sent himself up when one of the soldiers spotted him and started firing at the roof. The roof was hailed in gunfire. Metal rain shot passed him, pushing him to the end of the carriage. Two soldiers were now firing at David while the other two were going to flank him. David pulled out his gun and suppressed fire. The two soldiers got behind cover and continued firing. David was being forced to the end of the train; he had to get to the front and away from the bullets if he were to have any chance of surviving this.
next part:

He moved towards the end of the carriage to get some running space and got out his gun. He reloaded the gun with a new clip and waited before he ran. He waited for the soldiers to run out of ammo and reload, when they did, he ran as fast as he could and started firing down into the carriage. As he ran atop the carriage, he fired his gun and the bullets fired down into the passenger car. One of the soldiers was able to get behind cover when David started firing, but the there was not fast enough and was cut down by 3 .45 bullets; two bullets hit him in the chest with the final bullet ripping through his helmet goggles and penetrating his biomechanical brain. The other soldier in the passenger car radioed his men and ordered to turn around. David went to the front of the passenger car and descended to the rail. He was now moving forward to the soldier’s position.

David caught sight of him and started firing. The combine soldier returned fire with his much more powerful MP7. The close quarter’s shootout became heated and intense. David’s handgun was not causing enough damage from this distance and the combine’s SMG was cutting down most of David’s cover. He had to try something else. David heard the other two soldiers on the roof of the train trying to come behind him and flank him. He decided to welcome them. David ran back towards the end of the carriage, firing blindly at the other combine soldier, keeping him at bay. David got into position right at the back of the carriage waiting for them. The first soldier jumped down right next to David. The combine soldier landed right beside David and his gun which was trained on the soldier’s head. The soldier turned his head to a whisper, only to see a cold black barrel. Before the soldier had time to react, he saw a small bullet grow larger within a few tenths of a second and then darkness.
The gun was so close that the force of the bullet left an exit wound of 3cm in diameter. The bullet jerked him violently backwards and pushed his body off the trains railing, but not before dropping his MP7 right beside David’s feet. “Yesss” David exclaimed. He picked up the MP7 and waited for the second soldier. The second soldier seemed to know David was there waiting for him. The second soldier started to fire down at his position. Bullets cut through the roof narrowly missing David’s head. He fell to the ground, raised his MP7 in retaliation and fired furiously. That bought him enough time to get on his feet and run towards the middle. But then David though”I can’t go back to the middle, the other one’s waiting for me…clever bastard”. David though for a second and laughed at the ingenuity of the plan he came up with a split second ago.

The second soldier fired down David’s position. David fired back at the soldier on the roof and at the soldier on the other side of the carriage. He suppressed fire on both combine soldiers while they forced him to the middle of the carriage, and ran out of bullets for the mp7. The soldier on the roof fired below him and emptied his clip, he reloaded and dropped a flash bang just below him. He waited for the sound of the grenade going off and then went in for the kill. He jumped down and fired straight at David’s position. At the same time the soldier at the end of the carriage came out from his cover to inspect the damage, believing that David was down. The other soldier walked in and noticed a figure still standing he raised his Mp7 and emptied his clip. The soldier reloaded his Mp7 and went to inspect his prize. As he walked over to the body, the dust settled. The soldier cursed to himself when he noticed that he killed his own comrade in the confusion. The soldier was now furious and ran towards the front of the carriage and jumped on the rail. The soldier made his way back to the roof of the carriage and glimpse of his target heading back to the last carriage car. He aimed his weapon on his head depressed the trigger. Just as the trigger was pressed, there was a bump on the track and the bullets meant for David’s head hit a air vent next to him. He got down low, astonished that the last two did not kill each other. Either way his planned sill worked and gave him time to get out of there.

David got down low and fired back with his .45. The two opposing forces exchanged fire. The bumps and contours of the landscape made accurate firing next to impossible. David was the first to empty his clip; he could do nothing else but wait for the combine soldier to waste his bullets. The combine however took care of his shots, trying to make each one count. This guy was persistent, and right now it was the last thing David needed. He searched his belt and only found a smoke grenade. “well its better than nothing”, David pulled the pin and dropped it a few feet in front of him. The plan worked. The combine soldier knew that David wanted to get off the train and the only way to get off this speeding train was to time his jump with any ponds or small lake they might go by. The last lake in the area, before stopping at the depot was 100metres away. The combine soldier had to keep him confused and unprepared for the jump. The combine soldier fired the last of his MP7 rounds, forcing Monk to hit the deck. The combine soldier’s strategy worked. David heard the first shot and hit the deck, it was the only way he could avoid getting shot and killed, but now he was unable to see how close the lake was, nor prepare for the jump, this guy was smart.

The smoke cleared and now both soldiers were facing each other. The combine soldier looked familiar to David, but he just couldn’t pick it. David noticed that this guy looked and acted more experienced than the others. He also noticed what looked like dog tags on his neck and a serial number: CS1198. The combine soldier pulled out commando knife and signalled David to fight him. David was in a tight spot, the lake would be coming up soon and he had to make space to time the jump perfectly. David desperately searched for another trick up his sleeve but found none. He noticed that the soldiers still had some grenades and flash bangs with him. If he could get one from his belt, he would be in a much better position. The combine soldier looked at him for awhile and then spoke in the most evil and arrogant tone “I can see that you are not well trained, never used a knife in close quarters? I guess it would be not being as fun to kill with my knife instead of my hands, you know what I mean, a fair battle, hehe”. The combine soldier dropped his knife and engaged David in hand to hand combat. David did not know much hand to hand, only how to punch and parry some moves. The combine soldier was punching and parrying his moves with ease. David was getting beat up, but the one thing on his mind was to get one of those grenades. The soldier struck him on the chest and he went flying to the ground. David managed to pick himself up with the last of his energy and lunge at the soldier. The combine soldier did not expect the metro cop to take the offence. David took him by surprise and managed to put it some good punches and pushed him backwards to the ground. David fought furiously for his life but he knew he had to make his move quickly before the soldier regained his balance and strength.
David searched quickly with his hands, looking for something, anything that could be used against the agile soldier. The combine regained his composure and pushed David off of him, but not before David grabbed something from his belt. The soldier punched him in the gut sending him to the ground and immobilising him. By now the Combine soldier was beyond fair fighting, he wanted to finish him off. The combine soldier pulled out a small calibre pistol from his leg strap and aimed it at David. David looked at the soldier and tried to get on his knees. The Soldier looked at him and “said play time is over”, David looked up and noticed a low bridge coming towards them. The soldier was on his knees too so the bridge would miss him, but then he remembered what he pulled out from the soldier’s belt. The combine soldier crawled in for the kill but before striking his opponent he hear a metallic “pinngg” sound and looked down to see a flash bang in David’s hands. David immediately closed his eyes and threw the flash bang in mid air right to the soldier. “Bannngggg” the grenade went off in mid air and blinded the soldier’s view. The Combine soldier screamed and as if by instinct stood up and tried to regain his vision. David got p immediately, spotted the lake and heading towards the, timed the jumped and jumped off the train.
the very last part of ch4:

The combine’s vision regained just in time to see the low bridge head towards him at a speed that was unavoidable….”CRUNCH”. The soldier’s body went hit the bridge with a violent smash and finally flew down to the electrified tracks below. His body hit the tracks and was burnt by the electricity to a crisp.

David rose from the water to see the train speed away. He got out of the lake, dried his clothes and looked into the distance and at the direction of his next journey. He got all his gear, said to himself in a sarcastic tone “freedom”, and started walking through the barren landscape…
here you go guys...and girls. enjoy.
i think this was much faster and more furious than the others.
anyway tell what you think.
if you guys want the word file, just send me your email and ill send it, with the other chapters if you want
sorry for the grammar mistakes, i was really tired and didnt think about the spellchecker.