Halflife2.net is policing you


Shadow lord

you are about as bad as the government christ get over it the only reason you dont want it up here is your so called "friendship with valve" dont give me that shit i hope the full game does realease on the net so it will shut you commies up
This is a PRIVATLEY RUN FORUM. they are doing the right thing here.
Maybe they don't want it discussed because - wait for it - downloading it is ILLEGAL?

Those crazy fascists! Next they'll not want us to go around beating people to death with baseball bats!
Originally posted by Iconoclast
Maybe they don't want it discussed because - wait for it - downloading it is ILLEGAL?

Those crazy fascists! Next they'll not want us to go around beating people to death with baseball bats!

Holy crap, they're onto us! Silence this man immediately!

I mean, come on Shadow lord, is it really that hard to understand why we don't want people discussing something as illegal as this?
This forum belongs to the people who run it, no one else. Their sandbox, their rules. You get to eat sand.
I was wondering - how does HL2.net pay for the site/forum? I never see any ads anywhere (unless my goggle bar is blocking them).

With all the hits this site gets, I'm amazed there are no banner ads.
ah the wonderful mix of forum junkies.. those who dislike authority and those who bury their nose up it's arse
Originally posted by Cander
Whata about the Gameplay banner?

Oh - missed that - of course, it's still a HL2 banner. Perhaps Valve is indirectly funding this site?
Originally posted by Netherscourge
I was wondering - how does HL2.net pay for the site/forum? I never see any ads anywhere (unless my goggle bar is blocking them).

With all the hits this site gets, I'm amazed there are no banner ads.

We're hosted on HomeLAN, the huge games-dedicated network of sites. We don't pay, but they get a piece of the acclaim for having the largest HL2 fanbase on the net.
Originally posted by Shadow lord
you are about as bad as the government christ get over it the only reason you dont want it up here is your so called "friendship with valve" dont give me that shit i hope the full game does realease on the net so it will shut you commies up
That's wrong! ALL WRONG!!! Only mrbadger is a communist. I dont know about the rest, but I stand for the Fundamentalistic Union of Crackpots with Kvasifuturistic dreams of Egomaniac Despotism.
Originally posted by Netherscourge

So Valve is an "associate" of Homelan... what exactly does that entail?

(I know money is involved somewhere, so I'm gonna keep snooping until I find the connection :D )
Maybe they simply host servers with HL/CS/whatever? Valve are the creators after all :)

Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Are you refering to my post?! I was serious!!!!! There are MANY F.U.C.K.E.D. members*!

(minus one, a certain oddball named Bin Laden recently got expelled, he was hogging the pretzels on all meetings)
lol @ "commies"

This site is an example of freedom of speech (they choose what they want to appear on here), and acting to protect a commercial company - that's hardly indicitive of Communism is it?

Are you ten years old? Moron.
heheh :p

I just love the acronym. I think I was the only one who noticed that part lol
Originally posted by Iconoclast
Maybe they don't want it discussed because - wait for it - downloading it is ILLEGAL?

Cool, so all of you paid the money for a legal copy of Windows? I didn't think so. :dozey:
Do you think they allow talk of how to get pirated windows on the microsoft forums. NO. SO SHUT UP AND GO AWAY
Originally posted by Viper118
Cool, so all of you paid the money for a legal copy of Windows? I didn't think so. :dozey:

But where's the chat of people talking about where to find hacks for windows, discussiong how cool hacking windows is and exchanging download locations?

Oh wait a minute, there isn't any.
Originally posted by D33
But where's the chat of people talking about where to find hacks for windows, discussiong how cool hacking windows is and exchanging download locations?

Oh wait a minute, there isn't any.

Right. It's common knowledge as the HL2 leak info will be after some time.
We know it's common knowledge, we also know it's common knowledge that people are semi-playing the game. We've posted about it on our news.

However, what does that have to do with us not wanting people to discuss the beta on our forums?
Yeah, people speaking their bind is truly a bunch of shit. Why would we want that?
Originally posted by Viper118
Yeah, people speaking their bind is truly a bunch of shit. Why would we want that?

Rules override speaking your mind. deal with it.
Hehe, yo man, i understand the site putting up policies against desicussing the illegal demo of the game, heck man, valve doesnt wanna loose money, if someones making em loose money, theyll chase em down and eat em...

Its normal for a LEGITIMATE community not to discuss illegal stuff, and US law says its illegal man, will u just go out and kill a dozen people in public? No, the police will have you..
Really, i can understand them having these rules here, i mean i was at AoMH community when i playtested (legally) the Age Of Mythology alpha test, they had an NDA, so as much as i wanted to talk my ass off about it, and post screenies for people, i couldnt man..
The law works that way, now if, i u DO and MUST discuss illegal HL2, than go to illegal forums man! I know I do, i can talk about the legit stuff here , than port out to [better not state link...] and discuss all the illegal hacks and where i can download it..

Just get over it man, this is a legal community, they are NOT gonna let you discuss illegal stuff, if u want to, go somewhere else.
Originally posted by Viper118
Yeah, people speaking their bind is truly a bunch of shit. Why would we want that?

So you see nothing wrong with a bunch of criminals opening business on your front lawn?
Halflife2.net is policing you

Thank goodness. I wish they would police a bit more quite frankly. Then maybe some of the more annoying posters would leave. Maybe you will. Please.
The only sad thing ive seen halflife2.net do is have its moderators ask for missing beta files they needed to play. Im surprised they are still mods too.
What can i say... I am a coniseur of drama goodness ;)