Halflife2.net is policing you

Originally posted by Viper118
Cool, so all of you paid the money for a legal copy of Windows?
Uhhhh... yeah? Well, maybe not you, but I don't know if rocks count.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
The only sad thing ive seen halflife2.net do is have its moderators ask for missing beta files they needed to play. Im surprised they are still mods too.

Can you please PM me with the names of these moderators you saw, I want to have words with them.
Viper118 - You've made it pretty clear you don't like it here so I'm going to make you a deal.

If you stop posting as from now then you walk away knowing that you stood up for what you believe in. You can go join some warez forums that allow total freedom of speach, including criminal activities.

If you continue to post on these forums then you agree with the action we have taken regarding the beta and you will follow our rules.

It's a simple deal.

AHAHA actually Hl2.net isnt doing a good enough job of policing you
heres an idea
DONT POST ON A FORUM THATS OPRESSING YOU. fight for your rights and all that bullshit.

this thread should be locked and deleted, and the thread starter should be warned.

this is in the wrong forum for starters.
this is flame bait for a debate on the job the mods are doing.
this is utterly pointless.. why is it still here?
seriously you guys need some help moderating I would be more than willing to lend a hand.
Actually I want people to come forward and state their personal opinions, but at the end of the day they must realise we have set rules for everyone, ourselves included, to follow and that these rules were set for a number of good reasons.
Its only ilegal in some countries, not all countries.
Originally posted by D33
Actually I want people to come forward and state their personal opinions, but at the end of the day they must realise we have set rules for everyone, ourselves included, to follow and that these rules were set for a number of good reasons.

I agree, except that if your moderator on this forum, your not doing your job.
Im not being funny, malicious or anything.
but you cant create rules to conform to the people. people must learn to live by the rules... otherwise we have chaos... look at this forum... what happened to it? its been ripped apart simply because "well we want to hear people's opinions"

threads that mention betas/links/source etc should be deleted person should be banned. theres a sticky at the top of the forums about this. if you miss it theres no excuse.
Guys its time to start filtering out the morons.

do you honestly want to hear what a moron has to say?
that may sound fascist, but look at where its got you.
at the very least this thread should be moved to off topic.
Fine, you see something before me - send me a pm, I'll ban them.
If you look at it impartially, and according to US law...

It is censorship, but buy a company, not the government, so they can pretty much do what ever they want.

It kind of reminds me though, of back in the sixties, when the restaraunts wouldnt serve black people. Here, they dont serve HL2 beta people. It seems like nowadays there is freedom of equality for people, not ideas (especially ones conspiring about illegal stuff).

I kinda think that we should be able to talk about it, as long as there are no screenies/ bad urls, I dont have the "mens rea" to go and download it, but some discussion would be nice to hold me over until april.

Its more of an example of political correctness, which is a problem with capitalism. Dont be mad at HL2.net, blame society. All you can do is find a forum that isnt full of PC thugs.
Originally posted by Letters
Uhhhh... yeah? Well, maybe not you, but I don't know if rocks count.

Wow, it appears I've personally offended some people. That was never my intention, and I surely didn't want to be called... a rock. :dork:

I thorougly enjoy a good debate and/or discussion and have a hard time just pretending large issues don't exist. But alas, I will do so here as to not offend or upset anyone further.

Best regards.
so i can't talk about things that are illegal?!?!
i'd better not talk about that hobo i beat to death the other day:dork:
I don't understand. What's wrong with discussing the beta? What's gonna happen? The FBI is going to come bashing down Munro's door because someone started a topic talking about the leaked beta?

If this is the way the forums are going to be, having moderators abusing members of the forum for discussing the beta, then post me a link to some other forums where I won't have to worry about this BS everytime I want to discuss the beta.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Holy crap, they're onto us! Silence this man immediately!

I mean, come on Shadow lord, is it really that hard to understand why we don't want people discussing something as illegal as this?

downloading it isn't illegal perse. depends where you live and what you do with it.

just to make things complete, not to condone downloading it
And allowing discussion of the download will only lead to more people downloading it, which is bad.
I'm sure that there are plenty of places you can discuss it, but according to the rules that place is not the halflife2.net forums.
Originally posted by Zeus
I don't understand. What's wrong with discussing the beta? What's gonna happen? The FBI is going to come bashing down Munro's door because someone started a topic talking about the leaked beta?

If this is the way the forums are going to be, having moderators abusing members of the forum for discussing the beta, then post me a link to some other forums where I won't have to worry about this BS everytime I want to discuss the beta.
I wish we could talk about the beta, I have a lot to say about it. But I know why we can't here, so it's alright.