Halflife2.net Looking For A Site Countdown Timer


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
We are looking for someone to make a countdown timer for Halflife2.net.

Here are the requirements

1. It be in the site color scheme
2. It must be able to be put on a webpage
3. Using either the Days :Hours :Minutes :Seconds :Hundredths of a Second, or Weeks :Days :Hours :Minutes :Seconds :Hundredths of a Second
Submit your entries to [email protected]
Sorry, can I just ask, where is this to go? Are you after a banner/strip for the front page, a dedicated page or am I being thick and missing something obvious?
Does it have to be a moving counter. What I mean is, can it just say the time in a static way and you have to reload the page to update it, or does it need to be dynamic so that it keeps counting whilst the page is viewed?

The reason I ask is that a dynamic counter would have to use the clients local time, so wouldn't be accurate for all time zones, where as a static one can use the server time, so will be accurate for all.
Icarus - i've done it - just messed about with an old java script counter :) see me on irc :)
Link said:
Does it have to be a moving counter. What I mean is, can it just say the time in a static way and you have to reload the page to update it, or does it need to be dynamic so that it keeps counting whilst the page is viewed?

The reason I ask is that a dynamic counter would have to use the clients local time, so wouldn't be accurate for all time zones, where as a static one can use the server time, so will be accurate for all.

You can do dynamic and have it correct for all users no matter what time-zone.
http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=45114&highlight=counter is an example.

I tried altering his to andd the 1/100 of a sec, but i couldnt work it out (don't really know java). If you do use that page there give credit to original author aswell :)

I just thought a dynamic counter would be 'cooler'.
I can get you a php version if you like (it's static though). I've coded it for a couple of webpages of mine
Whatever you do, DO NOT USE A JAVA COUNTER!!!!!

Got that?

Since java isn't part of windows any more, most of us use the sun replacement and it takes about 5 or more seconds to start up. For the odd page that's okay, but not for a site that I go to each hour.

Please. Do. Not. Use. Java.

Use Flash instead.
We've gotten some really good admisions, but we are still taking submissions since we want a bigger selection.
Operator said:
Java > Flash

Enough Said
::smacks you with a crowbar::

And you could use asp or php
to set the javascript variable
for the time whent he page
Is loaded; then itd run from there.