Halflife2.net Machinima

I hope you guys do. I'm already planning a short film, entirely scripted using source(having guys play the game and me record just won't work) for my film. I actually want to make a film for my final project in Year 4 of my BFA for film production. I have to see if they'll let me do that. That'd be sweet.
Heh, Red Vs Blue is so mainstream you can they show it at the Xbox demo stands in stores.

I could help with a few things. I have mapping experience with HL1.. obviously I havent mapped in HL2 yet since its not released. Supposedly it should be the same, with more options. I could also act.. anybody you can play a game and listen to instructions could. For the movies side... I have edited a few movies with Final Cut (I dont currently own and movie editing programs though, I just know how to use them). I am also interested in machinima, like Militia which you mentioned.
Oh, And I forgot to mention... I would love to help in any way that I can... Which would be 'acting'. I don't have any mapping skills, but I took Drama in High School... ^_^
i love the idea and i'd help if i was knowledgable in making such a movie.
anyway if u think i can be helpful, pm me :)
I'll help if there is any position for a character animator.
EDIT: obviously there will be but it all depends on how the characters are to be moved.
I can do some acting, voicings, little bit of constructive criticism...(spelling) but anyway, yeah, glad to see someone wanting to do something with their talents instead of sittin on it :) send me a PM if you ever wanna get in touch! :D good luck on this by the way
hey I just want to let you know that I'd love to be an actor. I have no real experience w/ acting on a game but I'd sure as hell love to be a dedicated whatever for you.
I'm waaaaay ahead of you, already though if this a long time ago. Basicly I'm writing the story now waiting for when HL2 comes out. The best part about this (first) movie of mine is that I can make it myself, then I can think about recruiting people. =)
He man, good idea, been working on this kind of thing for call of duty, but its so much work, its really not fun anymore.
hey Robinhood_01 - like the sig, I nearly got stuck in an infinite loop!

And the machinima (however you spell it) would be a good idea - you just need some really talented people to do it. Decent script, decent directing etc etc.... it all needs to be of the highest quality.
I beleave that a team with skills could make a exellent movie in source. To show the community what the the engince is capable of. When this is done I think the machinima part of the source community will really light up.

EDIT: Look at this, might be a nice idea. My favourite is the Evanescence - Everybody's Fool video with Blood Rayne. =)
This will give you an idea of what we are talking about.

Audiophile said:
Is this a possibility, or am I just a little too excited about this?

I don't know. Good machinima has been made in the past, such as anything by the Quake Done Quick team as well as The Seal of Nehahra (a movie for the Quake mod Nehahra), which lasted for 2-3 hours and was written by a professional. In fact, Quake had a big machinima scene back in the day, loads of movies were made, some of them good.

What you really need is a good writer and voice actors who don't suck. This is probably impossible, though. It occured to me that actors wouldn't be such a good idea in Source. You could use scripting and animation for better results (as seen in Half-Life), although you'd need someone who knows how. Quake relied largely on human actors, but there's no need for that anymore.
creationist said:
Whats this Red vs Blue thing everyone is on about?

Also, someone mentioned the Militia project; has anyone seen the second installment, Militia 2? Thats one badass machinima film. Something like that could be done easily, with dramatic scenes and killer bg music. Blah blah blah.

I saw some part of Militia, and it sucked so badly that I almost laughed. Far superior films were made over four to six years ago.
I'm currently writing my first novel (I've been writing short stories for years, and I feel I'm ready to do the full thing now) and I'd really love to write for your project.

All I ask is that I be allowed a relatively free reign. I've tried writing a plot for a friends RPG he was making, and he was being very restrictive about the narrative, and not letting me make descisions from my knowledge on the matter, and because of that I couldn't really....'flex' my skills and I got bored.

If you create the plot with me, and don't say "Right, I want this to happen, then this, now write me a script" then I would love to help. I wouldn't mind writing a script for a full length film either.

By the way, imagine that geeky kid that always got Grade-A in English, and used to read William Blake instead of Harry Potter, yeah that's probably me. I can write. :cheers:
Just thought i'd point out the obvious, if you're making movies with games, then why would you need actors??? There are people saying "I want to help, i'll be an actor", it doesn't make sense to me.
Robinhood_01 said:
Just thought i'd point out the obvious, if you're making movies with games, then why would you need actors??? There are people saying "I want to help, i'll be an actor", it doesn't make sense to me.

Voice actors. Back in the day, you also needed human players to move the characters. Usually.
Spartan said:
Voice actors. Back in the day, you also needed human players to move the characters. Usually.

Yea, or you could put them on a func_train path, looked very realistic. =)
I would love to be in on this Audiophile. I can do writing/editing/voice acting. Keep me in the loop on this one if anything develops. I'd want there to be a full team assembled before starting anything though.

[email protected]
Yeah it'll be a good idea. would that include models and stuff being made by people from HalfLife2.net too?
That's the intention, dekstar. I think we should go for the traditional Machinima approach and use humans as "actors" to direct the character's movements; it's far less unnecessary work and makes the movie feel more real.

I'm PMing Munro as soon as I post this, then I'm going to make a sign up thread for people who want to be on the team.
So, if this does end up getting off the ground, what should our first film be?

I was thinking some sort of futuristic war/action film mainly to showcase Source's beauty.
We are probably going to set up an IRC room to discuss ideas, etc.

Still waiting for a reply from Munro.

Ideas, anyone?
They're over the span of about 12 hours, and in case you didn't know, you can't edit posts after a certain time.
I think we should do something really simple first with CSS, so we can all get an idea of how it is going to work.
Perhaps I could use my writing skills for such a thing as this! (if you're not familiar with me, I am the author of HL2:The Resistance, linked in my sig below)
you certainly could! if you want to help, go ahead to the site and sign up.
I think comparisons with Red vs. Blue really underestimate what is possible. The ability to perform complex camera tracking that is not possible in real life opens great possibilities for cinematography. Far Cry has a scene editor that allows you to place cameras and create cutscenes, and as I understand it HL2 will as well, so it won't be necessary to catch the action from a player's view.
I'm very interested in this topic and will be following the project closely. I still have much to learn but may have something to offer in the future!