Halflife2.net Site Layout Update

Front page looks downright generic. It looks downright gamer-website-circa-2005 generic. Not like I personally give a shit though; who on this forum even remembers we have a front page?

Also if you're using any other forum style aside from blue you're still a loser. Take that tan users, you're not default anymore.
Looks pretty good, would take some getting used to but at least its not some bright ass eye killer. A hl2.net for the new decade.
Geez, Devin you sound like an old man these days moaning about everything which changes! Take a chill pill dude :cool:

Raaaaarrrghhhhh! "Take a chill pill" is what my school peers would say whenever you disagreed with them. I found it infuriating!

Curse you, Glenn!
I had to doubletake when I first booted up the site, i think it's really good well done yorick :D
I'm really enjoying the new forum skin, but the round borders on the front page are akin to blog designs of years past.
You look downright generic.
Don't get mad that it looks like you paid $4 for a template from a fifteen-year-old's portfolio on the internet. You knew it looked generic when you made it. Come on bro, gray with a slightly darker fixed-width gray? Rounded corners on those menus? Got the menu bar at the top and everything and just threw all the characters in the banner on the extreme right. Gotta always crowd everybody on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BANNER ONLY. That's the Internet Gaming Site Manual of Style.
Don't get mad that it looks like you paid $4 for a template from a fifteen-year-old's portfolio on the internet. You knew it looked generic when you made it. Come on bro, gray with a slightly darker fixed-width gray? Rounded corners on those menus? Got the menu bar at the top and everything and just threw all the characters in the banner on the extreme right. Gotta always crowd everybody on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BANNER ONLY. That's the Internet Gaming Site Manual of Style.

Me not giving a shit about your opinion is not the same as me being mad.
And somehow I'm the one that needs to take a chill pill.

Don't be sour, Yorick. Everyone is expressing their opinions in this thread. As the designer of the layout of the most popular HL2 fansite on the internet, you should be able to cope with criticism better.
Don't be sour, Yorick. Everyone is expressing their opinions in this thread. As the designer of the layout of the most popular HL2 fansite on the internet, you should be able to cope with criticism better.

I'm not sour. If I didn't want people to voice opinions, and criticise, I wouldn't have done it. I am a perfectionist to an absolute fault and in another week or so, I'm sure that I will completely loathe the design. Truth be told, reception to it is far better than I expected it would be. I'm quite happy. However, all that said, Darkside is an insulting twat, and one of the biggest morons around here, so, no, his criticism doesn't matter to me. The important people like it, and even those that don't have good reason, and that's what I care about.

If you didn't care you wouldn't reply to me.

Get over yourself dear.
I'm not sour. [...] Darkside is an insulting twat,
Excuse me? All Darkside said was that the layout was generic looking, and you instantly became sour to him with a childish reply. He responded in kind, obviously spurred a bit by your lack of regard for any advice that isn't positive. And now you want to call him the insulting one. Calling him a twat now? I don't remember him calling you anything.

and one of the biggest morons around here, so, no, his criticism doesn't matter to me. The important people like it, and even those that don't have good reason, and that's what I care about.

Darkside is a very popular and respected member of HL2.net. What are you talking about?
Yorick said:
Calling me a moron as if that somehow invalidates my criticism that the site looks like a hundred other sites out there, a stock design reminiscent of older gaming fansites and news front pages for clan sites
But I will say that, being a perfectionist, you have completely perfected the art of the standard gaming site layout. Take pride in knowing that there is nothing you could have done to make it any better.
Well I like it... a lot cleaner at least. That damn flash story scroller thing was annoying too.
Always jumping to Darkside's defence Vegeta, it's expected these days.
Don't get mad that it looks like you paid $4 for a template from a fifteen-year-old's portfolio on the internet. You knew it looked generic when you made it. Come on bro, gray with a slightly darker fixed-width gray? Rounded corners on those menus? Got the menu bar at the top and everything and just threw all the characters in the banner on the extreme right. Gotta always crowd everybody on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BANNER ONLY. That's the Internet Gaming Site Manual of Style.
It's fine to express your opinion but it's the way in which you do it which is important. I think we talked about tact before. Being constructive and picking out things which need improvement is fine...being a troll and insulting is different.
Vegeta897 said:
Excuse me? All Darkside said was that the layout was generic looking
Don't get mad that it looks like you paid $4 for a template from a fifteen-year-old's portfolio on the internet.
Yeah that's all he said Vegeta. Good job on making yourself the hero.

Please if you want to enter into a proper discussion about something like this, grow up about it or go post lolcats in the image dump.
Sequence of events ftw, Glenn.

Darkside said that second comment AFTER Yorick's childish (and annoying) reply.

Besides, Darkside did not make any personal insults at any point. The 15yearold comment was kind of harsh but it wasn't just a meaningless insult. What he's saying is that it's an amateur design.
Yeah because "You look downright generic" is really pissy and worthy of the 15 year old response. It was harmless and obvious from the over the top response from Darkside he was looking for troll time.

Anyway you are obviously more interested in this than the new site so you can PM me from this point onwards and leave this thread to be about the site.

Also I should say (I mentioned this in the mod database thing), we'll try keep an updated feed of new mod news on the front page too for new updates. More on this later.
The first thing I thought when I saw the new design was "Wow!", the second thing was "There's going to be a ridiculous argument about this". Nice to see I was right.
Ok, now works 100% (as far as I know) in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

If anyone sees any bugs please let me know.
Oh this design is shit! Look, it doesn't even work in Netscape Navigator 4!!


Of course I'm kidding. I've been a big fan of this design and the many initial iterations that preceeded it.

Well done Yorick - I like it. Are we using vB CMS as a back-end now or still Word Press?

As for the negative comments, I think they're welcome as it will help Yorick to improve this and his future work and help us fine tune this new design.

Keep the comments coming, good or bad, but please keep them constructive!


  • netscape.jpg
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Generic doesn't have to be bad. It's a simple design, so there's not really much you can do to make it look different.

I quite like shades of grey, because it's easy to look at.
Not a fan of the posting buttons though. Apart from that, I'm sticking with the new default. Although I'm not going fixed width.

It's up to Yorick to take the high ground. I'm not sure he did that.
We're the uncouth masses! We don't know how to have discussions.
Do fixed width Chris. Do eeet you know you want to.

Love the netscape pic :D
I'll die before I constrain my creativity width forum. You'll take my wide screen capabilities from my cold, dead hands.

Further quotes.
I think we talked about tact before.
You and I have never discussed tact. And I haven't been completely insulting--why, I even complimented him on his impressive adherence to the comprehensive guidelines of minor gaming websites circa the post-2000 era boom. The use of grays on top of grays with block news posts, the crowding of characters in the banner, the menu bar, 'Spotlight' section, and 'Latest Forum Posts' are all a testament to Yorick's brilliant eye for emulating a style seen several times over.

You wound me, good sir, in saying that I was being insulting when I suggested that his design looked as though he paid low-dollar for it off of some highschooler's internet portfolio; I was merely commenting that Yorick is the type to help a child just starting out by encouraging his designs through purchasing a license to use their design on this fine website.

All in all, despite any criticisms that one might have on the new layout,

nobody gives a shit that we have a new front page. NOBODY EVER SEES IT. Everyone just links straight to the forum.
I've come across a problem. It's a little hard to see which threads have a new post, despite being bold it doesn't stand out so much. The pale, greyish blue as seen elsewhere in the theme would stand out nicely without being garish.

I like the replaced site logo very much, I never adapted to the new-old one.

Edit: Jesus Darkside, even I'm finding you offensive and your comments aren't aimed anywhere near me.
Would you like them to be?

Also, use Blue style, it'll fix the problem you're having.
Heretic. The Combine will drink your brain matter through a proboscis for this.
How do you change between themes? i looked everywhere can't find it.
Bottom left corner of this page now xdrive. Drop down box with theme choices.

But cmon...stick with it for a bit, you'll get used to it I promise!
Bottom left corner of this page now xdrive. Drop down box with theme choices.

But cmon...stick with it for a bit, you'll get used to it I promise!

i donno, it just seems too dark.

The other one is easier on the eyes, it's colourfull etc.,
People need to stop bickering.

I like the design.
The fact the design is generic is true, as is the fact that it looks good. Can we be mature about it? People are always going to criticize things, it's the internet after all. No need to make a big defensive fuss just because one or two people had negative criticism against the dozens and dozens of others who praised the new layout.

Yorick, could you possible throw together a fixed width (perhaps 1000px wide) version of this layout? I quite like it but I have a 26" widescreen and I hate having a 1920px wide post box, even essay-length replies only take like 5 lines.
Yorick, could you possible throw together a fixed width (perhaps 1000px wide) version of this layout? I quite like it but I have a 26" widescreen and I hate having a 1920px wide post box, even essay-length replies only take like 5 lines.

I second that.

Also i am surprised that the new l4d survivors are not in the banner, maybe they should be put in? :p
I hate change. I don't like it when a site I have visited for a long time alienates their base due to a graphic designer's boredom.

However I really do love the new look! Was it intentional to match the Steam design? The greys and hues of blue are very soothing.
Nah, I don't think it was, this is a pretty typically Yorick-esque color scheme (and for the most part I love it)