HalfLife2.net UK Deathmatch Server - Sponsored by b33f.co.uk

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
You moaned for it, you cried for it, you even petitioned for it and last night you all finally got what you wanted. Half-Life 2: Deathmatch has been released and to mark the occasion we're bringing you a 12 slot UK dedicated server.[br]
The server has only been up a short amount of time but it's full already so you'll have to wait in-line.[br]
As usual, the UK server has been kindly sponsored by b33f.co.uk.
b33f.co.uk - halflife2.net Public (03) | 12 slot |
So come and join in the fun, if you can find room to join, that is![br]
No, just regular.

It's already full. :p We need more dam servers (as long as they are low ping)!
:D Great. Thanks guys. Guess I'll stop by later tonight.
The password was a temporary glitch. It should be sorted now.

It's very laggy in there so we've just reduced the amount of slots down to 12. GO GO GO
Bah, I try to get on whilst its PWed, then I go off for dinner, and when I come back its full!
Bah, I think it should be passworded since there's so few slots, in order to prevent non-site people using it.

Yes, no?
simmo: Probably :)

Will there be a TDM-server? It works a lot better than ordinary DM ;( It fits the game better too.
How does the TDM work?

Is it one team for each model or is it Men vs Women vs Combine or Humans vs Combine etc.?
haha that was great.. to it tended to lag a bit.. :D but damn.. manipulator-o-war :D it was funny to shoot a exploding barrel while someone held it :P
Chris_D said:
How does the TDM work?

Is it one team for each model or is it Men vs Women vs Combine or Humans vs Combine etc.?
I think it's Resistance vs Combine yes. Saw you can change skin in the options menu but I couldn't see the girl skins for some reason. So I don't know how it works really. Just played a 5-minute game at a friend's house. Lag.
I get an error on that server saying unable to connect.:(
I think the server went down or somthing, I dont know
Can't seem to see the server: is it down? I've never had any success finding or getting onto any of the hl2.net servers. I wanna frag some of you guys. :)
I got a "unable to contact authentication server; Steam ticket ID yadayadayada". I can connect to other servers so wassuup?
Apos said:
I've never had any success finding or getting onto any of the hl2.net servers.
Me neither. I played on one a for a couple of nights shortly after Counter Strike: Source was released, but the halflife2.net servers seem to have disappeared since then. I just assumed they had been taken offline.
lol I don't think I have ever had so much fun throwing bookshelves at people before :E Too bad it's so hard to catch incoming objects :) Learn that (if it's even possible) & you're amazing. Team Deathmatch rocks.

But are there only 2 maps atm?
simmo said:

Haha... that was an awsome game. You notice my score is actually beter in terms of ratios... :P

But no... I am not better than him. Alltho in the very next game we shared the same top score for quite a while!!! :p

God damn I love this game...... :laugh:
sounds awesome, when i get my computer working again (today or within the next couple of days) i want to go on and start fragging you all :)
Yeah HL2 DM definitely kicks some major ass! :) Too bad you really need to have a good ping in this game, but I'll probably come and test the server some time in the future anyway.
I sense I will lose grades over this ;( But I'm having fun so who cares? ;) A LOT OF FUN.
I'm not quite as enamored with it as everyone else, I had a big lag problem :(

But I have to admit that gravity gun duels are pretty fkn 1337!
excellent server even though its across the atlantic ocean from me.
good times. I take back my earlier statement about the netcode being shitty. You just got to find the right server.