Halflife2.net Updates from Valve's Presentation at E3

I have to say I'm incredibly disappointed with how Valve has been handling Episode Three. I completely understand not wanting to announce release dates before you're ready and wanting to take the time to get the game right, but they seem like they're going out of the way to disappoint their fans and customers.

Last year, they commented that they might discuss Episode Three in December 2009. They end up saying nothing, and six months has past without a word from them about it.

Then, they announce they're coming to E3. They say NOTHING about what the contents of their presentation will be. They invite HalfLife2.net to attend. They specifically give their Left 4 Dead 2 announcement to Microsoft the day before. This clearly implies they're finally gonna talk about their most anticipated project. And then. . . they have nothing to say. Not just about Episode Three. . . nothing at all. If all you've got to talk about is Left 4 Dead 2, why would you have another company announce everything about it the day before?

All I'm asking is that they give us an idea of where we stand. Just every once in a while. It's been two years since the last game. They don't have to give concrete details. Just give us the tiniest idea of what the hell is going on.
Ep3 won't come (as an episode) anymore. ep1 and 2 failed hard when you look at the sales numbers.

By Episode 2, I would assume you mean The Orange Box, which would thus not really factor into your doom-and-gloom scenario. What crevice of your rectum did you extract these mythical 'sales numbers'?
I think that Valve overestimated the L4D hype and it's kinda backfired. I suppose deep down i didn't really expect much. We got told of the Orange Box at the EA conference and got the EP2 media at Leipzig. E3 doesn't hold that much significance with Valve like all the other publishers and there release it when the time is right. Doug did say they would be at PAX so perhaps.
I think Lombardi revealed a possibly release date on GameSpot's interview (few minutes ago). He said: (on L4D 2's release date) it's 17th November, which is close to 11th anniversary of Half-Life.

I smell a new package coming.

I will not ask, I DEMAND SOURCE
Can someone link me to this ****ing interview i cant find it anywhere.
Lombardi appeared on Gamespot Live which is currently broadcasting... live. I don't know whether they put the shows up for download later. He didn't reveal much, apart from the November 17th Release date you'll find on Steampowered.com anyway.

And the drama in here is amusing. Please do continue.
A warning:

I understand the disappointment, and the general feeling of discontent in regard to this turn of events, but we are not going to stand for a repeat of last night. Baseless rants and incessant whining will not be tolerated. You will post constructively, or you will not post at all. Some of you seem to be forgetting yourselves and descending into stupidity (not that many of you had far to fall). The Four Horesmen of the Apocalypse are not riding the waves tonight - simply, Valve haven't revealed Episode 3.
Smash is still at the conference till 6pm, and will probably be going again tomorrow. He will try to grab a word with any of the Valve guys he bumps into. Requests to assault them are not being taken. ;)
I will not ask, I DEMAND SOURCE
Doug Lombardi was in the interview on gamespot and said "17th November, the 1 year anniversary for L4D and the 11th anniversary of Half-life"

This interview isn't up anywhere yet, but that is all what was said.
...does tickling them till they puke count as assault?
Last year, they commented that they might discuss Episode Three in December 2009. They end up saying nothing, and six months has past without a word from them about it.
I'm almost certain you ment winter 2008. If I recall Lombardi quailfied that statement with a big maybe.
Nevermind, about 6 people beat me to it. Calm down Asuka!
This brings me back to 2003-2004. Remember that painfully long dry spell when we had absolutely no media whatsoever? I think the most we got was a screenshot of an Antlion's normal map from a conference Valve held at GDC.

That's how this feels. Except this is E3.
It's interesting, after half a decade on this forum I tend to forget more and more why it's called halflife2.net. It takes things like this to remind me. HalfLife2.net have come to appear, at least for me, as less and less to do with Half-Life 2, especially since the release of EP2. People don't talk about it anymore.
It's interesting, after half a decade on this forum I tend to forget more and more why it's called halflife2.net. It takes things like this to remind me. HalfLife2.net have come to appear, at least for me, as less and less to do with Half-Life 2, especially since the release of EP2. People don't talk about it anymore.
We do not forget.
1. "We chose the wrong word in 'episode'" from Valve
2. "Ambitious project" from Lombardi

They've been saying that for years lol. It does not excuse them for releasing something, anything related to Episode Three. Yes, I realize that it's going to be a big project. Yes, I realize that they don't want to release information that'll end up getting changed in the final release (ala Episode Two). But they act as if it doesn't even exist, and these are the excuses we get from them? They tend to forget that if there wasn't HL, there probably wouldn't be TF2, L4D, CS, DOD, Source, Steam, and Valve being as big as it is.

This Valve, is for you:


/end rant
If Valve does not give us a peak at anything by the end of E3 I will be greatly dissapointed.

However we all must remember how much content Valve has delivered to us with TF2, L4D.

I will say It would be an unforgivable mistake to have Episode 3 come out and not have it at least almost equal to the length of Half-Life 2. It's rediculious waiting this long for episodes you can beat in a few hours.
If Valve does not give us a peak at anything by the end of E3 I will be greatly dissapointed.

However we all must remember how much content Valve has delivered to us with TF2, L4D.

I will say It would be unforgivable mistake to have Episode 3 come out and not have it at least almost equal to the length of Half-Life 2. It's rediculious waiting this long for episodes you can beat in a few hours.


Understand, it doesn't take that long to produce content for Half-life 2 - for instance, were Episode 3 but a slice of the episodic pie, you would have seen it already. L4D2, shallow and simplistic as L4D inherently is, is evidence enough that for Valve, churning out such Source content is not an arduous, time-consuming task.

Episode 3 -- which is in development -- is going to be a far more significant landmark than the two that preceded it.
It's interesting, after half a decade on this forum I tend to forget more and more why it's called halflife2.net. It takes things like this to remind me. HalfLife2.net have come to appear, at least for me, as less and less to do with Half-Life 2, especially since the release of EP2. People don't talk about it anymore.

I think it's because Valve have diversified. If there's no news about Half-Life 2, there's no news about HL2.
If I recall Lombardi quailfied that statement
I have a lot of respect for the work Lombardi does promoting Valve titles, but if you can say that about any minor details regarding early-in-development products, you should realise that man has not yet developed the super-alloys necessary for the construction of the salt-shaker that the 'news' must be taken with.
****ing crap, Valve. Nobody gives a shit about your cashcow Left 4 Dead 2.

I wouldn't be as pissed if this hadn't been announced in the total absence of any other news at all.
I think there is a lot of information still missing as to how Valve is going to release HL2: EP3, Portal 2 an L4D2. Until we get more information, I would advise people to sit tight.
A warning:

I understand the disappointment, and the general feeling of discontent in regard to this turn of events, but we are not going to stand for a repeat of last night. Baseless rants and incessant whining will not be tolerated. You will post constructively, or you will not post at all. Some of you seem to be forgetting yourselves and descending into stupidity (not that many of you had far to fall). The Four Horesmen of the Apocalypse are not riding the waves tonight - simply, Valve haven't revealed Episode 3.

i'm VERY disappointed, but i also have some optimistic hope. valve is a pretty small dev team right? it's a lot of work, and i'd rather have them spend more time developing more ground breaking stuff. it took six years to make hl2, and now it's been five more years. plus they've released tf2, l4d, and now l4d2 which has been under development since the end of l4d (pretty fast by valve standards). plus they're supporting games with tons of new free content, sdk's, and not to mention the entire steam platform and all the groundbreaking ideas that came with it.

they like to listen to the community, and it shows. it might seem they don't communicate well with us fans, but i think the games they release after time speak for themselves. there must be a reason they're holding back on us with episode 3. i have high hopes that they realized that ep1&2 weren't as great as expected, and that they decided to scratch the trilogy idea and create an entire new game. imagine a new box just with a new half-life, and another with just portal 2.

pre-release media really gets me pumped for games, but if valve were to pull off a surprise with the half-life series, i'd be even happier.
I dont think u need sale figures to guess the episodes didnt do well, I mean they had to do the orange box to make them sell really which works nicely getting episode 1 and 2 with half life 2 and portal and TF2 thrown in :) defo great idea! I am dispointed and angry but it is very clear that they've most likely were making episode 3 then got caught up in left 4 dead and its sequel after taking over from turtle rock (instead of updates) and i bet along the way episode 3 plan was reviewed and scrapped for a whole new half life game most likely half life 3 i reckon....to me its the only logical explaination that its been scrapped for a full game but they probably dont want to announce that yet.

This is just me assuming though but i cant see the point of episode 3 this late now and as someone said above it wud just be a tag onto the orange box it wouldnt sell that well to new customers as a stand alone product either so it's most likely a whole new half life game in the works with new a graphics engine or serious update to source. Because as great episode 2 looked :) source was looking a little dated compared to other FPS games at the time. to me the graphics dont matter as i love the half life 2 story but i reckon they making new game with a new engine and there be no word on it until there something to show for it

:) thats what i hope anyway but i agree should just at least tell us whats happening really because that cliff hanger ending just a killer really.
All I'm asking is that they give us an idea of where we stand. Just every once in a while. It's been two years since the last game. They don't have to give concrete details. Just give us the tiniest idea of what the hell is going on.
Yeah, this.

It's just funny, like they know that everyone is going to be pissed and they're all "heh, suckers."

I'm going to be expecting some random surprise EP3 announcement from now until the time we actually hear something...
It's okay people there may still be hope... like it was said earlier, Valve has the same room leased for tomorrow as well. We'll just have to see.
It's interesting, after half a decade on this forum I tend to forget more and more why it's called halflife2.net. It takes things like this to remind me. HalfLife2.net have come to appear, at least for me, as less and less to do with Half-Life 2, especially since the release of EP2. People don't talk about it anymore.

Primarily because there's nothing left to talk about. I remember a time when threads were buzzing with half-decent speculation and theories. Right now there's only the most aggravating theories by people who have only just finished the game because we have nothing at all to discuss.

Everyone who actually played the Half-Life games when they came out has traversed over to The Lounge and stayed there, having no reason what-so-ever to come back.
All that being said, the quality of Episode Three just has to be phenomenal, easily bigger and better than the previous episodes combined. It can't be an easy task to sum up a series as epic as HL2 in a way that leaves the fans satisfied, and I understand the long development times as necessary from a developer as painstaking as Valve.

Yet still, not one single release of any information whatsoever... there is no excuse for that.
I think there is a lot of information still missing as to how Valve is going to release HL2: EP3, Portal 2 an L4D2. Until we get more information, I would advise people to sit tight.

Well we already know L4D2 is being released on November 17th, so it's not being bundled in with Episode 3 or Portal 2. The most annoying thing is that's it now for EP3 till at least November, until them it'll all be L4D2 just like last year was all L4D.
Everyone who actually played the Half-Life games when they came out has traversed over to The Lounge and stayed there, having no reason what-so-ever to come back.

But we remember our routes.
Give us something Valve. Something good.