Halflife2.net Versus Tournament - TEAMS NAMES and TEAM PLAYERS

Glenn, you can take Gordon911 off my team. He resigned a few pages back, he'll be away when we are doing the tournament.
Im on a labtop. My internet at home got ****ing smashed. I?ll probably have my computer back in 2 weeks.
So how are we going to decide which servers to use? As the teams have people from all over the world, so the pings are going to make it unplayable if we just let the lobby leader choose.
You don't need to be adopted, Shammy. You can easily just make a one man team.
Paul - Work says:
well, do you want kicked from my team
Paul - Work says:
or taken out of th etourny
Paul - Work says:
I can post either or
Ot?vio says:
taken outt

OK, Tav is officially out of this tourny due to personal reasons. I won't divulge into them unless he says to.

I'd like to replace with Kami.
So my mic suddenly doesn't work for Left 4 Dead but does for everything else, so... help?

Also, it makes me nervous when you don't update the teams Glenn
I just find the irony that this is falling apart right before the planned date. :laugh:
Updated teams ************************

Anyway, the server issue. It seems likely during the tournament we will be using public servers (best chosen from openserverbrowser). As I said from the first thread the quality of the server must be agreed by both captains at the start of the game before it begins. With team players from various corners of the world it's necessary for captains to weigh up the best which can is available.


Based on what people have said, we can't put it back much later. Exams coming up for many and easter break will probably be host our 2nd tournament with new campaigns, and I'm thinking about a 'Survival Mode' Tournament too.

Soon we are going to randomly draw the teams out a hat to see who will be playing who. The first round will consist of 4 games of versus, 4 teams will win, 4 will lose. The 4 winners play each other in the 'winners section', and the 4 losers play each other in the 'losers section'. The winners from these two teams will play each other in the final (and we will have 3rd and 4th face off if the losing teams want the glory!)

Your choice if individuals are:

Signed up (get priority)


Added their name in this thread
Rizzo, I need you to get some names to me asap or I'm going to come over there and give you a damn good thrashing.

Without anyone else coming forward as a captain (which will guarantee you a spot in the tournie) I will have the build the last team! The quality of players left could really make an impressive team.

Anyway, that's all for today. Any questions?
Also, pesmerga can't play this anymore. He traded his gaming pc for a laptop for some reason.
I tried glenn. I promise.

I will try to fix my computer by 25th also. ****ed up internet connection can mess up a game.
OK, the last two teams I've helped put together. Team Rawr have 2/3 members (depending how Rizzo goes) and all players are European / UK based. Anyone from the UK who wants to be in the tournie, this is the team for you.

The other team has 3 members, 1 more required. Nipples can draft in a friend, but if anyone else wants to get involved please say. All players in this team are from the US, so anyone across the pond, this could be the one for you.

Note, because Rizzo has said he may not be available for Team Rawr, it's possible this team may only have 3 players. In which case Reflex could step in for the team if he ever replies to my PM! I'll elect a new team captain. If anyone else wants that spot, let me know & beat slowpoke reflex.
ME ME I want to be in sorry I forgot all about this

Location: spain,europe
Time you have owned L4Dpractically since release
Completed all campaigns advanced: not all
Completed all campaigns expert: neither :(
Rounds of versus played*: a lot
Favourite infected class: boomer
Favourite 1st tier weapon: shotgun
Favourite 2nd tier weapon: shotgun
Microphone: no

and I want to be the leader of TBA!

it will be called The Boobies Army
You are in the European team RJMC because you are based in Spain, which is what we talked about. The TBA team is US only currently. I have added you as the new captain of the 7th team as Rizzo is unable to commit to the tournament. Your team name, and players on your team are: Born, Matt and Reflex.

As a captain RJMC you need to get your team together and lead them.
Captains will also be expected to record demo's of their games & submit a screenshot of the final score at the end of the versus game to myself / AciD.

Anyway, 1 slot left on the US team, then we are done!
Aight, RJMC, what's your Steam account name man? I need to add your ass.
I was gonna say the exact same thing: who is Matt?
A relative of mine. I'll give you his Steam ID through friends or HL2.net chat at some point.
oops sorry I dont know how to record the game so I think I will pass the leader part
RJ, it's easy.

Start game - Open Console - type record YourTeamHere_VS_TheirTeamHere

When you are done - Open Console - type stop