HalfLife2 : Resonance - Space Combat


May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Need modellers/skinners for this project, email me at [email protected] if your interested or pm me on these forums.

Resonance is a futuristic space combat modification. I know how you all like to see people's ideas on here so here they are :)

I aim to provide a multi-layered approach to gameplay complexity. The first layer comprises of a simple yet effective simulation in which players may instantly pick up on and get straight to the action. This will consist of an accessible control system, simple physics and an easily understandable graphical user interface. The second layer is where things get more complex, with the physics simulation becoming more intricate along with ship customisation. This, I believe, will provide a successful learning curve. Players will start a game and slowly discover the more complex gameplay features, giving them something to work towards. Furthermore, there will be 3 game modes. “Battle Mode” is simple deathmatch action at its best, in space. “Clan Mode” features team based objectives allowing clans to form and compete in our official ladder. The final mode will not be revealed to the public yet, but you will like it, and it will probably be played the most.

General Look
Ships will be simple yet modular, allowing more advanced players to tweak their ship the way they want it by adding/removing parts. Reasonably low poly stuff to keep frame rates up, but this will involve some amazing texture work. Same goes for level design; simple hence fast yet reasonably detailed. User Interface will be functional, clear and easy to get to grips with.

Most of the combat will be 1 on 1 dogfight action. Short range weapons will be more powerful than medium-long. Ships will have a limited amount of energy that will be regenerated over time. This energy will be used for weapons, shields and other abilities, thus creating an added dimension to gameplay in which players must manage their resources carefully.

Players will be able to perform certain manuevers with their ship. The first that springs to mind is a boost. This will last around 3-4 seconds and will consume energy. Ship handling will be as expected in a frictionless medium, although momentum will be dampened to enhance the simplicity of the control system. More obvious physics simulation concepts include collision etc

Ship Concept
The ships in this game are one-man space fighters. Each will have 1 or more engines on the back of the vehicle from which a particle effect will be emmitted. They must look relatively aerodynamic.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Concerning your doubt of the current team's ability, I led and coded a space combat mod for HL1 (which we gave up after a few sexy alpha builds in favour of HL2), modeller worked on BattleCruiser 3000 or something like that :)

Anyone is welcome, give me examples if you can though it isn't necessary.
Battlecruiser Tactical Command and Battlecruiser Online. ALthough that's not really anything to be proud of :)
ah yeh thats it :D
and why not? couple of commercial titles to your name, even if you didnt get paid for them :E
Onions said:
Concerning your doubt of the current team's ability, I led and coded a space combat mod for HL1 (which we gave up after a few sexy alpha builds in favour of HL2)

That's not entirely true though is it :)
it is actually :p
got a divx of one of the tests if anyone fancies a look
your thinking of another one of our games fenric :)
No mods failed. your thinking of a game we were going to do on our own engine up until a member of the team left. The original mod did not fail, we decided to put it off until HL2 arrived.
people are going to wonder why animals dont trust me :'(
another mod onions........ gezz.... what do you do for a living?
LoL Sidewinder

I really like that first ship on the concept art :) Very sleek, smooth and gives you a sort of alien type feel if that's what you are looking for.
What's the scale fer this mod?

I'm not gonna play this ;) if the map is only a few city blocks big.... :p
it will obviously be bigger! we'll work out scaling when we have a sdk to play with :)
Onions, you might be interested to know that I have a small team that is also waiting for the SDK for a very similar mod. Only you wont be flying the one man crafts in space. But on large planets. (Desert to begin with, with canyons and the like.)

We have various ideas about the mod. Such as how to acomplish extremely large maps that never end.... literally. :naughty:
You have ideas, but do you have any real "evidence" that they will work? I mean, how do you know these plans won't be fruitless?
Don't worry, we have emailed valve about some of the ideas we had. I'll give an example. (evidence in valve email thread)

We decided that it would be nice to have the world wrap round on its self like in the arcade clasic asteroids to allow for an endless playfield. We emailed valve. They said that its possible and that it should just work so long as the renderer wraped ok and alligned.

I hope you understand what I mean. I dont have much time right now. I will elaborate further later.

Admitadly we havnt got much work done yet. We are all very busy at the moment. I have exams coming up. My brother is gona try and help with some coding and he is at uni atm. And our main moddeler doesnt know what the hell to do with XSI right now. I am a moddeler with limited experience and very little knollege of XSI to tell the truth. But I know the basics of 3d Modelling and I would love to learn annimation.

Basically, we are in it for experience. We dont know for sure if it will work, but we are more than willing to give it a try.
Oh and I would love to kind of get my team to join your team and make the mod together. But I would need to get everyones permission on my team. Shouldn't get be too difficult. We havn't got any experienced coders that have worked in games/mods. My bro is very good. But no experience. I am sure he would be interested to learn tho.

Anyway, I will take that concept stuff and make some models and then show you lot.

Oh and btw, the thing I like about this concept is that the game world is gona be pretty baron. Now what that means is that what things we do include can be pretty high detail. I will also write down some of my ideas for you onions.
Yeah that would work, i think i'll go down the battlefield road and make no fly zones around the map edges like i did in my similar hl1 mod. of course theres always the possibility of putting and end to bsp and doing it all myself, but thats a lot of work.
marksmanHL2, would you consider joining forces on this? :)
I would be happy to work on both... or together. Or anything like that.
I will see what my other team members think. You might get a modeler that was famous in the TA mod community. Thats why he doesnt know how to use XSI. They used some crappy program called Rhino. Well actually it was perfect for what they needed. But yeah, hes a good artist. Just not too hot with techincal stuff. :p

And I love to model when i get the chance. Anyway, I'll contact you with more details soonish. :)
Can we meet up on irc? #halflife2.resonance on irc.quakenet.org - if you dunno what irc is check the irc article i wrote on this site :)
I can't today mate. Well not just yet anyway. I have a load of work and revision material to sort out for my upcoming exams. In particular maths statistics. Which of course everyone loves doing...

I will PM you when I can talk on IRC if you want.

Edit: I just looked at the concepts again. Your a good drawer! :)
righto, good luck on the exams! and i didn't draw those, i suck at art :D
Thanks, I'm gona need all the luck I can get lol.

You got a talented artist anyway. :p
I am really sorry I havn't got in touch yet. Having a few probs in my personal life. But dont worry. I will have them ironed out soonish. Then I will tell you every idea I have had. Show you every moddel I have started/Attempted. :p

I am not brilliant at the moment but I am willing to stick at it. Plus I do have some nice ideas.

Erm, off the top of my head, say we had a stealth mode for the craft as an option or somthing. We could use a nearly transparent water shader instead of the usual texture so that it is really difficult to see them. Plus have it ripple when shot at. But not splash obviously :p.

The possibilities for this sort of mod are really good in the souce. :)
No problem, looking forward to hearing your ideas. As for stealth, it is a possibility :)