

Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm modding my iPod (half pod I call it :P) and I was wondering, what font face does the HL2 menu use?
not sure but if you pull it off that would definitley be one of the coolest mods ever
does this mod include cutting the iPod in half? if so, then sweet.
why mod an ipod when u can make your own i say ? ...have u seen the minty mp3 ?
sinkoman said:
I'm modding my iPod (half pod I call it :P) and I was wondering, what font face does the HL2 menu use?
You can find it in:
[ROOT]:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\half-life 2\hl2\resource

So I think it's custom.
dekstar said:
You can find it in:
[ROOT]:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\half-life 2\hl2\resource

So I think it's custom.

I mean the one they use for the menus. I already used that one to replace the word iPod with the lambda from the custom hl icons pack (the world pack) and the word HALF.

The menus one kinda looks like Verdana though.

And yeah, I thought about the minty mp3 player, but i'm too lazy :P
its custom font even for the menus
Ennui said:
its custom font even for the menus

Yes, but I was wondering if there was any way I could obtain the custom font, despite the fact that it's copywrited.

Hint hint, nudge nudge.

And no, I don't mean illicite downloadage, I mean, is it somewhere on my PC? Cause i've searched high and low for it.

Oh well, off to more graphics mods :)
the font u are talking about should be in the hl2/resource file/hl2-truetypefont
giant384 said:
the font u are talking about should be in the hl2/resource file/hl2-truetypefont

Nope, that's the same one they are talking about.

EDIT: Hmm, what would make a good Do Not Disconnect logo?