Halloween 2009!


Jan 25, 2009
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What is everyone dressing up as this year?? what are your plans??

I'm gunna be stuck at work all day but everyone is dressing up. I'm going as a God Damned Hippie! :afro: Pictures will be here later

also I want to be the Engineer next year!
Had a party thurday night, went as Arthur Dent because it was cheap, just had to buy a bathrobe. Some photos were taken. I'll find a link later.

I should have gone as Blutarch Mann.
Going to a hallowe'en party tonight and, true to my personality, I'm going as a pimp.
Midterm exams suck, dont know if I'll be able to do anything :(
No plans.
Staying home for the most part and just watching horror flicks and eating candy unless something else comes up.
I thought I might go to the movies earlier today but I slept in too late.

I could go to a party tonight, but I don't really like big parties, especially when I don't know most of the people and get tired but don't want to be rude by leaving early. Also, I don't have any costumes. I thought I could maybe pull of being a ninja but I don't even have enough plain black clothes for that.

So I'm doing nothing today except grocery shopping, and maybe cleaning my apartment. Fun times...
Going as mother****ing Ben 10.

I hope you all appreciate this.
I was going as a pumpkin but this...
...might have just changed my mind.

I carved a beasty pumpkin also.
I'm being Colm for Halloween so I can scare everyone.
Staying in doors, playing Dead Space and watching TV shows.
Working from 9-3. yaaaaaaayyyy...
and that's 3am
Party-Hopping with friends. Only bummer is it's raining :(
Just going to a party tonight. Oh and Ill be dressed up as a door to door jehovah's witness
I have only celebrated Halloween ONCE in my life. It was ****ing gay. Ever since then i never even acknowledge it. People say "happy Halloween" and "what will you dress up as" to me, to which i respond "huh? what the hell are you talking about?"
I'm on lunch break from work but my sister had her Halloween baby:


my friend said in 18 years hes gunna call her up, lol! sicko

anyway I'm a proud Uncle again and at work my friend is the ghost rider, and I'm a hippie, and the other guy was a mage.
So my costume, improvised in about five minutes from shit I found with my roommate in our closet, is an orgy-ist (Is that a correct termonology?)

crappy cell-phone pic: http://twitpic.com/nqr66
Goin' to work for a while then comin' home and watchin' a scary movie... dunno which one yet. :P

Who's joking, it's SERIOUS BUSINESS


As for Halloween, I don't give a shit. Nobody cares about Halloween around here. If you went around in a costume people would think you're a lunatic.