Halo 2 or Half life 2?



I jus want to know which of you that have played both what game you enjoy more since i am gearing up for half life 2 to come out for x box.
Lol at the console n00b.

Halflife2 is God.
Xbox only demeans it.
Get a PC.

Halo 2 is rubbish anyway
well as shitty as that reply was, i think halo 2 isnt rubbish cough it did win at gphoria cough, and if half life 2 is god....then wow....ure f'ed up.
I've played both and Half-life 2 surpasses Halo 2 in almost every respect. Story, level design, gameplay - you name it. Halo 2 was quite frankly hugely overrated.
JAVA said:
well as shitty as that reply was, i think halo 2 isnt rubbish cough it did win at gphoria cough, and if half life 2 is god....then wow....ure f'ed up.
That means I'm f'ed up too, then!
Halo 2 multiplayer is a lot worse than Halo 1. I'd say Half-Life 2 is better than Halo 1. Halo 1 multiplayer is better than HL2 Deathmatch but doesn't hold a candle to Counter-Strike.
Java : if you want an unbiased and flame-free discussion about half-life 2 and halo 2, steer clear from these forums. believe me.
JAVA said:
well as shitty as that reply was, i think halo 2 isnt rubbish cough it did win at gphoria cough, and if half life 2 is god....then wow....ure f'ed up.
And yeah, gphoria is the be all and end all of gaming award ceremonies and is totally not based on how many people purchased a game. User voted ceremonies stand for shit - the masses are too stupid to understand what is good or not good. Elsewhere, Half-Life 2 was the highest placed FPS in IGN's 100 Greatest of all time. It was Edge's GOTY. It was best Action game at Gamespot. It won countless awards which I really cannot be bothered to list, but rest assured, it wiped the floor with Halo 2. But most importantly, it was GOTY at DICE: http://www.interactive.org/awards/IAA-8/winners.asp . The opinions of the games development community matter more than a pissy television channel watched by braindead delinquents.

To be fair, I can't speak for Halo 2's quality, but Halo 1 is the pinnacle of overrated games for me. The enemy design work reminds me of multi-coloured barbie doll excessories and the game would have been 25% of the length if the copy and pasting it recieved had been culled. But enough of this, I need another jar of fuel for my flamegun.
nal777, you won't find anywhere a thread about comparing Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 that wouldn't contain flaming. :p
JAVA said:
I jus want to know which of you that have played both what game you enjoy more since i am gearing up for half life 2 to come out for x box.
I am waiting for hl2 for xbox too but I played a bit on PC and believe me that few hours where a lot better that all the complete halo2 so I think is better half-life2,but if you want a game that get you bored in seconds them go for the halo2

and dont pay attention to that gphoria thing,they choose halo2 game of the year for publicity cuz is the most famous,believe halo2 dont deserve the hype,half-life worth a try
fair enough, but here the problem is particularly pronounced
Someone should post that question on a halo 2 forum and see what responses you get.
well as shitty as that reply was, i think halo 2 isnt rubbish cough it did win at gphoria cough, and if half life 2 is god....then wow....ure f'ed up.
One of the main reasons Halo 2 wins so many awards when people vote is...well consider this:

How many Xbox games were on GOTY? Exactly.
If pretty much most Xbox gamers like Halo 2 and there is no other competition for Halo 2 on the Xbox(unlike pc where we have several great amazing games that split the community), obviously it goes down to that there was simply no other game that they played, and that if there was another super high quality overthetop FPS(or any other genre), the votes between the 2 games would of had most likly been split in half.

Though I will say Halo's do have some of the best oringal music.

I personally am not a fan of Halo 2, I mean yes I do play it and it's fun, though for me the oringal Halo's mp was better. Something about the oringal Halo for me that Halo 2 didn't have.

Oh btw, never ask this question to a
"console forum"
or a
"pc forum"
"half-life 2 forum"
or a
"Halo 2 forum".
I count...50+threads of this being created. Nice seach button --;

Anyway, I just coudln't get into Halo. Any of them. I mean, they felt like they were degrading FPS in my opinion. the shoddy weapons, the horrible enemies, the cliche story..I don't know, didn't seem like they ever really put effort intot he games. And for gods sake, they made a big deal about graphix from 1->2. Not big enough to make hype about. Now HL1 -> HL2...that's something to talk about.

All in all, you can call me a HL2 fanboy, but really, the truth is known.

And yes, the Xbox is going to make me cry when HL2 comes out for it. The resolution was turned down, if you look at the shots for it, it's so pixelated, apparently they have no AA/AF. And they clame it to NOT be a dumbed down PC port. Thanks Valve, you shoulda kept it till xbox 360 for some gloriousness :p
HL2 vs H2. Halo 2- better multiplayer (compared to HL2 Deathmatch, Not CSS). But I think HL2 beats Halo 2s Single player by miles and miles. In my opinion, Halo 2's single player pretty much sucked.. so....
As much as I disliked Halo 1.... As much as i'd probably hate Halo 2.... I still want Halo 2 on PC :p
Halo on PC was pretty amusing and all my mates have either got it on PC or X-box so I've played both 1&2. Due to the fact that all my mates have this and the only one who might have liked half-life dosent because he got stuck in the test chamber when he first played it means that they all point out that Halo is so very much better than HL all the damn time. I will admit that Halo was fun and that I enjoyed it up to a point and that the MP was pretty good with the original the 2nd one was kinda poor. I played a couple of the levels co-op and did quite a bit of MP. to this day I still dont under stand how letting rip with a full SMG clip into someones head at point blank rage dosent kill them. and other stuff about the game annoyed me.

1. The Flood (in Halo 1 so I dont know why i'm pointing it out here): Who the hell thinks that a good way into the game "acctually I cant be botherd do put decent AI in right now, I know we'll come up with an excuse for it to suddenly get much, much worse (and it wasnt that good in the first place)

2. Dual weilding: It is impossible to simultainusly fire two weapons accuratly. For humans anyway. So why is there no penalty for me firing a pair of plasma rifles on full auto? (i know Dulies in CS but thats differnt becuase you fire them one at a time). and I dont care if he's a 7 foot super soldier in a powerd armour suit firing the pistol from halo with one hand (lets remember that this is a 13.5mm or somting equilly rediculus) would be hard enough but two? At the same time? Or even the SMG. Two of those on full auto and he should be pointing at the sky.

3. Silly weapons: A 10mm High velocity rifle? (at least I think that the battle rifle was 10mm) in the hands of normal human soliders? Now thats just stupid. They couldn't carry enough ammo or hold the weapon down in burst mode if they wanted to perform sustained firing without bipods (and we see them do that alot.) Also the Assualt rifle from Halo 1 was silly because a 7.62mm rifle with a 60 round magazine that isnt rediculusly big is quite unlikly. I could continue about just about every weapon in the game.

4. Time line that dosent add up: 6 months to issue new rifles ammuntion and unforms to the armed forces of planet earth, Ha! I'd like to see em try. (remember that they have to be trained to use/clean/maintain the new rifles and they have to take all the old ones in)

5. Feels like Ive gone back in time: The game feels like one of those run and gun shooters form the mid-late 90's

6. Poor enemy design: Brighly coloured uniforms for the aliens so they are very obvios and can easily be distinguished from each other.

(goes on to make huge list that no one will ever read)
Halo 2 was the single biggest letdown of my gaming life. Halo 1 was brilliant, 2 was a piece of crap.
HL2 for the win.
halo 2???

halo 2 blows...everybody only plays it because its sooo mainstream and they know nothing about the first halo...posers..i cant believe you are even thinking about this...man...like the second guy said..drop the console man...get a pc
Half-Life2 surpasses Halo 2. Halo 2 is only good for multiplayer. And the supposed ragdolls in Halo 2 were HORRIBLE. Half-Life2 is better for singleplayer. I don't think it's very good to compare a PC and console game. FPS games always work out better on PCs, IMO.
JAVA said:
I jus want to know which of you that have played both what game you enjoy more since i am gearing up for half life 2 to come out for x box.

/me looks at site URL

/me shakes head
all i have to say is.. are you joking? for one thing, this is a half-life 2 website, and secondly, halo 2 is so horrible that it makes me want to puke. it's way overrated, and completely bland and unoriginal.
halo2 was great, i agree its one of the best music score in a game. But when i play a xbox game im not expecting as much as i am when it comes to playing a PC game. HL2 just made that a whole lot worse, i look at halo2, which i played non stop for one whole week, then Gabe Newell hit that "unlock hl2 files" button and Halo2 is just not as complete as hl2. I trust more people will agree when they eject halo2 from thier xbox and put in something different, they wont have multiplayer, but they will agree its going to be the best single player experience ever, loads more then they are used to with there masterchief.
My 3 main problems with Halo2
Level design: Appauling, everything looks the same(at least in I there were arrows). Int's too dark in some places(especially annoying when you don't have a flashlight or it keeps deciding to turn off). All in all, Halo 1 has much better weapons
New enemies: Drone are annoying pieces of crap that aren't in the least bit Covanant
Brutes are gorillas(sorry to insult any gorillas out there) and are most certainly not Covanant. They have grenade launchers and some even have shotguns! They are simply enemies with lots of health and big guns, really cheap.
Guns: I thought dual wielding was brilliant for one(worked really well with the quick greading)
Pointless weapons so that Covanant would have the exact same arsenal as the Humans:
Carbine(it's a battle rifle which I hate anyway, it does the job of the pistol in the original)
Sniper(Why do need a f*cking sniper! The snipers are jus annoying to fight)
Brute grenade Launcher(That's right a Covanant grenade launcher. FFS Bungie the Covanant don't use explosives!)
Shitified weapons
Pistol, no scope dual-wieldable and uterly usless. Infact I only remember this being in 1 mission where the Halo 1 pistol wouldn't have come in handy anyway
Shotgun, OMFG this has been seriously downgraded. It's a shotgun with the f*cking power of a pistol!
Needler. Now useless unless dual-wielded and then still not as good as the original.
Put Halo 2 on the PC, better optimized... less consolized, and we're golden.
They were both awesome experiences for me, imo.

Don't feel like going in-depth, too tired.
yeah i understand that because im in a half life 2 forum that i will get the most unbiased answers, so you can stop telling me that. i really enjoyed halo 2, and im a concole gamer because i cant stand using a keyboard for shooters..i need a trigger. plus with the next gen consoles their graphics will be just as good if not better than pcs, and they are cheaper to run than pcs so i go with the smarter choice, the next x box and the pc are going to go hand in hand because most games coming out for the pc will come out for the 360. i have been a halo fan for some time and i wasnt let down by halo 2, i know everything about halo so that means im a true fan and not some poser, halo ce was good, but i liked looking more in depth into the covenant it really opened up the story, i hate games where u have no idea what ure enemy is fighting for or what motivates them and what they are like, where they are jus mindless drones. and the pistol is more realistic now i mean the last pistol was a super killing weapon, u always need a sniper its just part of the military, brutes only use shotguns when they find stockpiles of human weapons they are like wow these are stronget than brute plasma rifles, and the shotgun is weaker because they made is a tactical shotgun not a normal almost hunting one by making it more compact u reduce its power, its more realistic because its now a tactical shotgun not a big clunky hunting shotgun. and of course the covenant use freakin explosives wow ure not a halo fan are you? u dont know anything. plasma grenades jus happen to be explosives huh? and the brute shot is from the brute's home planet whatever that might be we will have to wait and see, remember the covenant traveled through the galaxy in search for artifacts from the forrunners and any race they found on their way they either absorbed into their masses and promised a spot in the great journey, or destroyed. but they never offered this to the humans because the prophets know something about the humans...any way that was my speil today, but what i mean is that the covenant are fighting because of a false religion, why are the combine fighting? because they want to? because they have to they are aliens...who knows...
JAVA said:
the next x box and the pc are going to go hand in hand because most games coming out for the pc will come out for the 360.
People said the same about the last X-Box. It's true about the first 2 years or so, but everything then falls off and the PCs leave the consoles in the dust, and ports stop happening... then a new console comes out and the cycle starts again.
JAVA said:
i hate games where u have no idea what ure enemy is fighting for or what motivates them and what they are like, where they are jus mindless drones.
... describes the Halo games to me, but each to his own...
what do u mean u dont know why the covenant are fighting, they are following a false religion made up by fake prophets who want the destruction of the human race. why are the combine fighting? because they where gas masks and therefore have to fight?
How to make Halo 2 worth anything:

Completley rewrite the awful story.
Replace all the characters with ones that are actually original.
Fix the horrid gameplay that feels like youre walking inside of a fat kid.
Replace all the cheesy weapons.
Either take out, or fix the lame vehicles.
Completely redesign the levels so they aren't so bland and horrible looking.
Add some form of immersive gameplay and interaction.

The only thing that was slightly ok about the first halo was being able to shoot with the pistol zoomed in. In halo 2, not only did they hardly change a single thing, but they took out the best feature making it even worse.
JAVA said:
what do u mean u dont know why the covenant are fighting, they are following a false religion made up by fake prophets who want the destruction of the human race. why are the combine fighting? because they where gas masks and therefore have to fight?
First of all, Combine soldiers fight you because you're a criminal. You act against the law, which has been fully re-introduced by Dr. Breen, who has been authorised by Teh Universal Union, "Our Benefactors", to do so. Second, you're trying to "throw Breen off his throne". The Combine soldiers defend Breen - it's their duty. Third, you've blown up the whole damn Citadel. This is why they'll fight you in Aftermath.

Is that enough for you?
JAVA said:
what do u mean u dont know why the covenant are fighting, they are following a false religion made up by fake prophets who want the destruction of the human race.
Haven't played Halo 2 [sarcasm]but that sounds as truely original as a game set on the Ringworld... sorry, "Halo" could achieve[/sarcasm]
As I played Halo 1, I was under the impression that I was just shooting stuff for the hell of it. I was even making up my own backstory. In fact, it was far more intelligent:

My Halo backstory said:
"The galactic space council have decreed that homosexuality is the largest evil in the universe and have banished all homosexuals to the outer rim of the galaxy. The disaffected gay peoples of the galaxy troop together under one banner "the covenant", and put on their finest pride-march colours. Designing pink spaceships of death (consultation with Matel), the exiles return to the core of the galaxy and start wiping out all the races that voted for their exile: among them, Earth. With the covenant bent on making everyone on earth... bent, the Earth council inititates the Spartan project, a crack team of repressed macho-homosexuals with biotechnological armour. It is into the bleak arena that Sgt So Not Gay, a Spartan-II steps. The Covenant have gone into hiding after their defeat at the battle of Jockstrap, and the Sgt knows where to find them: a giant orifice shaped artifact known as "Larry Niven's Ringworld". I mean 'Halo'".

See, Halo is really just a cleverly marketted metaphor for teenage male insecurties; It's the ultimate pubescent battleground, The nasty Gay Aliens vs the Macho Hetero earth soldier boys! It's just a particuarly daunting episode of Queer Eye isn't it? Well, that's my reading of the game and I request that you don't knock it. And look how good i've been, I've not even used the words "cut", "paste", "ctrl+c", "ctrl+v" and "repetition" in my explanation. Thank the lord I've stopped stating the obvious!

Should I ruin this all by now nicknaming Halo "Gaylo"? Teehee!
JAVA said:
why are the combine fighting? because they where gas masks and therefore have to fight?
If you use yours eyes and your ears next time you play, perhaps you'll find out for yourself :)
why are the combine fighting? because they where gas masks and therefore have to fight?
Metropolice, the guys in the start are just regular humans. They get food and things.
The other guys are humans that have got there brain zapped to hell and now follow orders from Breen who surrendered earth to try and save it. Breen believes that is how earth must be saved.

The resistance, belives that we need to revolt against the combine and fight them not surrender and join them and become mindless ****s.

Btw, the combine soliders you see were not the ones that attacked earth. They are humans technically, we never seen what attacked earth. Probably striders and dropships though but ground troops...we have no clue.
Whatever they were...they were good....taking us out in 7 hours..

The combine are what the name says. A combination of many many species.

Yes you can learn all this from the game if you take your time and explore and have fun and not rush.
thanks to those of you who werent a holes to my post, dont get me wrong im not knocking half life 2 AT ALL! i cant wait till it comes out because i watch all the movies on gamespy like everyday. i think it has all the elements i want in game and cannot wait til it comes out, i love halo sure, but i agree half life 2 will be better for me at least, but i enjoy single player and intense story line over multiplayer which is where bungie went with halo 2, the story line is pretty good jus not finished of course. i love the combine soldiers jus how they are more human than alien. so i hope you guys can see where im coming from. and from what i have seen, i wouldnt think that metropolice were real humans, they seem like brainwashed a holes to me.
... describes the Halo games to me, but each to his own...
If you read the manual it explains that the Covanant are alien religious extremests. They think that humans are demons and the think Halo is the holy ring of prophesy (dosn't say that in the manual but in the legendary opening in explains that the Covanant are really exited about Halo and it says it in 2).

And I also hate the brute plasma rifle
*Bungie Meating*
"So how can we make brutes hard?"
"Give them lots of health"
"Brilliant! Elites take tactics brutes take lots of shooting, it can't fail. What else"
"Oooo, lets give them plasma rifles but red! I like teh red"
"Red, hmmm, that's brilliant! And red plasma will be more powerful than the others, it makes perfect sense!"

Minerel said:
Btw, the combine soliders you see were not the ones that attacked earth. They are humans technically, we never seen what attacked earth. Probably striders and dropships though but ground troops...we have no clue.
Whatever they were...they were good....taking us out in 7 hours..
*warning spoilers* Crab Synths and Mortar Synths, they're seen in the last cofin tram ride before you go to Breen's office.
ríomhaire said:
If you read the manual it explains that the Covanant are alien religious extremests.
My manual says that they're bent on destroying mankind and that they may have religious reasons for doing so. Hardly the most developed backstory ever written. None of that even comes across in the game anyway, so its redundant.

It may well say differently in the Halo 2 manual, but I neither own Halo 2 or have been talking about Halo 2, a fact which i've made clear.