Halo 2 or Half life 2?

no its no fact i believe half life 2 is better, but because i made a post about it and i dont completly hate halo, i get flamed and thanks bob marley your wisdom seems endless.
hmm...halo 2 >= half-life 2

they dont have a greater than or equal to button
JAVA said:
no its no fact i believe half life 2 is better, but because i made a post about it and i dont completly hate halo, i get flamed and thanks bob marley your wisdom seems endless.

Nope, it's a fact.

This thread, and the author, is hypocritical. You come here asking Halo 2 or Half-Life 2, presumeably looking for the better game. But then you say that these are soley opinions. So this leads me to believe you're an attention whore.
well it is opinion, it cant be fact.....wow your not too smart are you?
Half-Life 2 technically pwns Halo 2. That's a fact. Source engine is one of th best out there.
It's a bit late in this post to make a constructive argument, but here's some notes. First, this may have been better served as a poll, although arguably, the results will be skewed, as this forum is rife with fanboys. Second, there is a limit, a specific post count after which any given topic will decay into some kind of flame war. It depends on the subject matter. Mac v. Wintel or nVidia v. ATI topics will crash and burn after the second post. Assuming it's a fairly neutral topic, I'm thinking three pages is a good average for how far it'll get before it decomposes.

I've only played a couple minutes of Halo2, and I liked them. Was it better than HL2? Can't say until I've played all of Halo2, and it needs to port to the PC first. (Hurry up!)
JAVA said:
well it is opinion, it cant be fact.....wow your not too smart are you?
Welcome to the forum, where insults result in bans.
Adabiviak said:
Can't say until I've played all of Halo2, and it needs to port to the PC first. (Hurry up!)
It's becoming more and more likely that PC Gamers will never see a port of Halo 2. Too early to write it off for definate, but the chances get slimer with every passing day. My personal hope? The wonders of the sacred Emu (and Rod and Orville)
JAVA said:
well it is opinion, it cant be fact.....wow your not too smart are you?
Acctually It is a fact that you believe that HL2 is better than Halo 2 the opinion is the opinion and it is a fact that you have this opinion. So, In the words of Pesmerga, You're an idiot. And he's not. So blah.

And, as everyone else seems to be doing it here's my opinion:
JA2 (its not an FPS or in any way related to this discussion but I don't care!) >HL2=HL1>Halo>Halo 2
And as for a PC port of Halo 2 I remain hopeful (Even though I know it'll never happen and would probubly not like it very much, But some times killing hordes of aliens is needed [roll on Serious Sam 2!])
well it is opinion, it cant be fact.....wow your not too smart are you?
Stupid...he was being sarcastic on the fact part showing....oh god why do I even bother explaining....
well the flames here have been extremely interesting to say the least. by saying that halo being better than half life is an opinion not fact i meant jus what i said so next time actually read and use your brain. i have started a thread asking for people to give their opinions on what game they enjoyed more and i understandably knew the answers would be biased. I will stop posting on this thread in the hopes that it will die, i jus want to tell you all i never wanted to start a flame war and hope that we can all talk to eachother later on about different things. for now on in these forums i will stick to strictly half life stuff, and leave opinions to the bungie forums for they seem to be more open minded and not fanboys.....no offense its just the truth. so hopefully now the flames are gone and this thread will die...im done flaming and trying to explain my opinions to an increasingly angry mob.....the end.
well the flames here have been extremely interesting to say the least. by saying that halo being better than half life is an opinion not fact i meant jus what i said so next time actually read and use your brain. i have started a thread asking for people to give their opinions on what game they enjoyed more and i understandably knew the answers would be biased. I will stop posting on this thread in the hopes that it will die, i jus want to tell you all i never wanted to start a flame war and hope that we can all talk to eachother later on about different things. for now on in these forums i will stick to strictly half life stuff, and leave opinions to the bungie forums for they seem to be more open minded and not fanboys.....no offense its just the truth. so hopefully now the flames are gone and this thread will die...im done flaming and trying to explain my opinions to an increasingly angry mob.....the end.
Look, here is the simple thing were trying to tell you:
If you ask whats better Halo 2 vs Half-Life 2 on a Half-Life 2 forum the answer will be: Half-Life 2.
On a Halo 2 forum: Halo 2. Why did you start this? To hear our opinons? Well you should have known what they already are.

I don't mean to "flame' but im simply telling you that you should have known the answers before you even made this thread.
You should have asked at an impartial forum.
JAVA said:
well the flames here have been extremely interesting to say the least. by saying that halo being better than half life is an opinion not fact i meant jus what i said so next time actually read and use your brain. i have started a thread asking for people to give their opinions on what game they enjoyed more and i understandably knew the answers would be biased. I will stop posting on this thread in the hopes that it will die, i jus want to tell you all i never wanted to start a flame war and hope that we can all talk to eachother later on about different things. for now on in these forums i will stick to strictly half life stuff, and leave opinions to the bungie forums for they seem to be more open minded and not fanboys.....no offense its just the truth. so hopefully now the flames are gone and this thread will die...im done flaming and trying to explain my opinions to an increasingly angry mob.....the end.

If you like halo2 you're not welcome here.



Halo 2 is bad.