Halo 2's first 10/10!


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Halo 2 recieves 10/10 in UK OXM!

Scan of the scorecard:


:D :D :D
I'm happy the A.I. kicks ass. That's all I wanted to know.
Sounding good :)

Along with HL2 it's going to be a damn good week \o/
StardogChampion said:
Lets wait for Edge's review...

I can sense Edge being harsh this time around, them being sticklers for innovation an all.
StardogChampion said:
Lets wait for Edge's review...

Why? so they can give it 5/10, which would probally be the highest score theyve ever given? sorry but i personally hate edge, they have a gruge againt every game thats not 10 years old, and constantly pound into their readers heads the fact that retro games are pr0 and everything else sucks.
Suicide42 said:
Why? so they can give it 5/10, which would probally be the highest score theyve ever given? sorry but i personally hate edge, they have a gruge againt every game thats not 10 years old, and constantly pound into their readers heads the fact that retro games are pr0 and everything else sucks.

Actually their latest highest score was 10/10, and that to HL2...

Or were you talking about xbox games? because they even rated halo 10/10. :D
Suicide42 said:
Why? so they can give it 5/10, which would probally be the highest score theyve ever given? sorry but i personally hate edge, they have a gruge againt every game thats not 10 years old, and constantly pound into their readers heads the fact that retro games are pr0 and everything else sucks.

What a load of bollox :)

You always go on about how they favour retro games, but it's simply not true in any way. It makes me doubt you've read Edge much at all.

Let's remember that they gave the original 10/10, and HL2 :)
Suicide42 said:
Why? so they can give it 5/10, which would probally be the highest score theyve ever given? sorry but i personally hate edge, they have a gruge againt every game thats not 10 years old, and constantly pound into their readers heads the fact that retro games are pr0 and everything else sucks.

/me remembers something about HL2 getting 10/10.... :rolleyes:

But anyway, good for Halo 2, but I'm a bit put off by the "Official Xbox Magazine" thing, it's like saying "Valve gave HL2 a 10/10 \o/ ".
Remember that this game is very important to Microsoft. But I'm being a paranoid asshole here, so yay Halo 2 \o/
Warbie said:
What a load of bollox :)

You always go on about how they favour retro games, but it's simply not true in any way. It makes me doubt you've read Edge much at all.

Let's remember that they gave the original 10/10, and HL2 :)

well there is some truth in it... at least thats the impression i got from the 3 issues i read. but even so, i find it a very mature, bet very boring magazing. i just dont find much intrest in it. but i suppose theyre not biast... theyre just VERY VERY harsh. so if Edge gave halo 10/10 it has to be good ;)

plus multi platform games usually dont fit in as much, although it would be good for me as i own a PS2, gamecube and a Xbox i suppose...

if you tell me why i shoudl buy edge in one paragraph, and i like what you say, i will go out and buy a magazine. then i will read every single word of the magazine and if i truly belive that i was wrong i will start buying it. but the ONLY reason i will do it is because i hate people who hold grudges when they dont know much about the subjest, and i also hate hippocrits.. so i would be 2 of the thing i hated if i didnt do this!

so anyway, get persuading ;)
Well - you'll either get the satisfaction of saying 'I was right'!!!

or, you'll enjoy the issue.

Personally I love the most recent Edge - an 8 page article on the DS [which makes it look even better than the most blind Nintendo fanboy could hope], another look at Ico2, a sweet preview of Resident Evil 4 [which looks the nuts], HL2 10/10 review \o/, Rome 9/10 review \o/, PES 4 9/10 review - and loads of other previews/articles :)

Not really worth it if you have no interest in consoles, though.

//edit - my original post was 'becasue it's easily the best gaming publication money can buy'. Which of course, it is :)
Warbie said:
Well - you'll either get the satisfaction of saying 'I was right'!!!

or, you'll enjoy the issue.

Personally I love the most recent Edge - an 8 page article on the DS [which makes it look even better than the most blind Nintendo fanboy could hope], another look at Ico2, a sweet preview of Resident Evil 4 [which looks the nuts], HL2 10/10 review \o/, Rome 9/10 review \o/, PES 4 9/10 review - and loads of other previews/articles :)

Not really worth it if you have no interest in consoles, though.

//edit - my original post was 'becasue it's easily the best gaming publication money can buy'. Which of course, it is :)

i would still prefer to read PCgamer, but if its good i might buy it. after all, i have a PC which is fuelled by PCgamer that gives me all the info i need- especially with the new extra life section... but then that leaves my 3 consoles in the dark. of course i hardly buy games for them but it would be nice to see whats happening... plus Edge would be a good to read reviews for all the crappy games, because they would give them like 1/10 and i could say "HA! I KNEW CAT IN THE HAT WOULD BE CRAP" and stuff. plus i could just skip all the retro bits.
Boy I'm glad I got an Xbox. HL2 and Halo 2, a match made in gaming heaven. Hopefully.
1-about the AI is true
sometimes when you trow a grenade you just waste it cuz they always run away of it

2-I didnt played multiplayer too much but hav more things that the Halo1 multiplayer

3-well is true for example the vehicles and charavter are a lot more detailed

4-I didnt beated the leak

5-well in graphics is very nice and in art design is very original,but about the unforrgatble sci-fi vision I think HL2 is better

so I think its deserve it scores but considering that is from the official Xbox magazine
Point number 5 damn near made me fall out of my chair, because I was laughing so hard.
I'll hold off on trusting any Halo 2 reviews until i see a score which isn't from an Official Xbox Magazine.

Not that i'm doubting Halo 2 will be good, but as someone said in another thread, its very easy to draw a line from Microsoft's biggest game to the Official Xbox Magazine.

Although i have seen other reviews of Halo 2, but those reviews aren't 10/10 or 9.7, there more like 93% and 92.5%.
im disappointed about no co op live :|
but its still ghonna kick ass
why are halo 2 and halflife2 being released so close together?! damn them!
No live Coop :(

Now i have to go to my friends house to play halo 2 coop because my brother hates Halo, (Single player)
Did anybody expect it to get scalding reviews. Although Warbie made a good point back when HL2 was getting glistening reviews from the PC mags.. we really need to wait until cross-platform reviews come out to get the best representation.
ShadowFox said:
Did anybody expect it to get scalding reviews. Although Warbie made a good point back when HL2 was getting glistening reviews from the PC mags.. we really need to wait until cross-platform reviews come out to get the best representation.

Edge magazine...'nuff said. :D
Excuse me if i'm wrong, but dosent prequel imply that it came later but takes place before, therefore it is improper in that context. The previous title would have worked but prequel implies it comes later but takes place before... right?

heres the webster of it

One entry found for prequel.
Main Entry: pre·quel
Pronunciation: 'prE-kw&l
Function: noun
Etymology: pre- + -quel (as in sequel)
: a literary or dramatic work whose story precedes that of an earlier work

Am I right?
yup, your right sh4mp00.

it's like saying the chronicles of riddick is a prequel to pitch black etc.
Depends on which Chronicle of Riddick you're talking about. The game, Escape from Butcher Bay, is a prequel to Pitch Black.

Yes, I'm horribly technical about these things. :p
ShadowFox said:
Did anybody expect it to get scalding reviews. Although Warbie made a good point back when HL2 was getting glistening reviews from the PC mags.. we really need to wait until cross-platform reviews come out to get the best representation.

EDGE is cross platform.

They even admitted HL2 of being the best PC Game ever made, as it's the first pc game EVER to get 10/10, in the mag.

...from a toll of more than 2700 + pc games that they've reviewed. So it must be good stuff.

For comparison, they gave Far cry a 8/10 I think, and 7/10 to D3.
A 10/10 from the official mag? I'm speechless.....

I couldn't care what other people think about it I'll make my own mind up, I'm sure I'll love it.
JamesPicard_007 said:
Depends on which Chronicle of Riddick you're talking about. The game, Escape from Butcher Bay, is a prequel to Pitch Black.

Yes, I'm horribly technical about these things. :p

ohh, so the movie isn't ?
Cool :thumbs: Anyone know of its coming out for the PC? I think it is, only in about 6 months, like GTA will do.
Not that i'm doubting Halo 2 will be good, but as someone said in another thread, its very easy to draw a line from Microsoft's biggest game to the Official Xbox Magazine.

Oh, I think your doubting. Infact, your skeptical, because you assume their is an automatic bias shared when it comes down to an XBox game, and its associated media, an XBox magazine.

Further down the line, you openly believe their exist's an even greater bias, suggestive that the microsoft company could have bought an intentional answer out of, Microsoft linked, XBox magazines.

To comment however, your assumptions are about as good as believing if PCWorld magazine gives Half-Life 2 a 10/10, its because PCWorld caters to "anything PC", and that Valve bought out an answer. [Im of the opinion, if a games good, it will get a good review. If it sucks, it will get a bad review. We can get indepth for specifics, but this is just assuming their is no bar for (it was okay...BUT...)]

I know your direct issue, but its not the case. Besides an official XBox magazine, their are other magazines that cater to Console systems. Tips and Tricks, happens to be one of them.

An official magazine is'int your only source, and I think what your waiting for, is a PC magazine to review Halo 2. I dont know which other source to account for reviewing experience, or familiarity, with games and their advancements, let alone, their predecessors.

i would still prefer to read PCgamer, but if its good i might buy it. after all, i have a PC which is fuelled by PCgamer that gives me all the info i need- especially with the new extra life section... but then that leaves my 3 consoles in the dark.

thehunter1230: ''10/10? you gotta be kidding me! don't get me wrong, i love the game... would have given it a 12/10... BUT THAT GOD DAMN ENDING!!! HOLY ****! WHAT IN GOD DAMN HELL WERE THEY THINKING? WERE THEY HIGH? DID THEY HAVE A DEATH WISH AT THE TIME?!?!''
K e r b e r o s said:
Oh, I think your doubting. Infact, your skeptical, because you assume their is an automatic bias shared when it comes down to an XBox game, and its associated media, an XBox magazine.
Yes i am skeptical about it, about that review. But no i'm not doubting that the game will be good, because its pretty damn obvious it will be. But like i said, even my friends, who are crazy about Halo 2, are skeptical about reviews given to Microsoft's biggest game, by and official Xbox magazine. Its just plain logical to come to a conclusion like that.

K e r b e r o s said:
Further down the line, you openly believe their exist's an even greater bias, suggestive that the microsoft company could have bought an intentional answer out of, Microsoft linked, XBox magazines.
Yes, thats what i'm saying. Its a very logical answer.

K e r b e r o s said:
An official magazine is'int your only source, and I think what your waiting for, is a PC magazine to review Halo 2. I dont know which other source to account for reviewing experience, or familiarity, with games and their advancements, let alone, their predecessors.
No i'm not waiting for a PC Mag to review it. I'm waiting for other magazines to review the game, other CONSOLE magazines, that aren't linked to Microsoft, to review Halo 2. It'll get a great score, and i'm not doubting that.

But its Microsoft, they'll do anything to generate more income, so if that means telling the guys at OXM to be extra nice, they'd do it. Microsoft have sued people, for having a website named after themselves, whose name just happens to be the same as one of their programmers. First they tried to pay the guy for the website with some ridiculously small amount of money (something like 5 dollars for a domain name) and when he refused they took action against him.

Bungie are talented, and i'm doubting them (And no, i'm not, before you be presumptious again). Its Microsoft i'm not a big fan of.