Halo 2's weapon balancing sucks

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Halo's weapon balancing kinda sucks on XBL. Now that they added Team Slayer for matchmaking this is even more apparent. Play on Coagulation, Zanzibar...or pretty much any map (except Lockout) and you'll find this:

The team that takes control of the good weapons will win.

Now that good guns don't respawn like they used to in Halo 1 (ex. get the rocket launcher...and it won't spawn until you drop it - same for the shotgun, sniper, etc) once you have them...you just keep them and get ammo for them when necessary (which is too easy because the ammo spawns too fast). All the team has to do is get good sniper cover on the level and have the other guys running around killing people with the other good weapons...that's it.

It's rediculusly hard to kill the other team because you spawn, move 5 feet and get sniped. Spawn..***n for a gun in the base...but oops..there's a shotgun guy in there...can't compete with that because you start with a lame SMG!!! Band your teammates together and head to kill the snipers together in a warthog, ghost or banshee... oops..the rocket launcher guy has plenty of ammo and lock-on's are easy to get.

This wouldn't be a big problem if we had a weapon anywhere near as good as the Halo 1 pistol (with even a battle rifle we'd be able to stop snipers from a medium distance and you could also keep your distance from shotguns and still do dmg)...but since Bungie decided the pistol was bad...now we start with a gun worse than the Halo 1 assault rifle and no backup gun. This turns our first task when we spawn away from killing other peopel to finding another gun to compliment it so we can kill close range...or find some other gun (the only guns that respawn that work med range are the battle rifle and carbine).

Now keep in mind this is only apparent in Team Slayer because spawns are random and all you're going for are kills...so the enemy is more likely to get both bases' good weapons (shotgun & sniper rifle). Team Skirmish games are better because the opposing team isn't just out to kill you...there's a time-restricted objective they have to go for. You also each spawn in your own places so you can have your own guns making the game more even (also cuts down on dying from a sniper 3 seconds after spawning).

Things Bungie should do to make Halo 2 more balanced:

Start us with a battle rifle and and smg
This would make us more useful when we spawn. We wouldn't absolutely need another gun to face someone. This just makes sense to me.

Make weapons spawn like they did in Halo 1 and not leave so much ammo laying around
A sniper can refill his bullets all the way to 24 with ease and go back to his sniping spot and continue to snipe. I liked Halo 1's weapon spawning much better.

Find a way to make the game less centered on the damn sword
I didn't mention this above...but I'm tired of it. The team that controls the sword will win. End of story. It takes little to no skill to use (much like the rocket launcher) and it doesn't have ammo restrictions like it does in SP (I think that could help). Maybe they could make the regular melee attack kill in 3 hits rather than 2 and the lunge attack could be a bit easier to dodge or something. Right now it's rediculus. Some people say you can just strafe sideways and avoid it...but not really. It's more based on luck than anything if you dodge it. I think that if they start the lunge and you jump you should be able to escape with just the loss of shields or something (it's pretty hard to time a jump like that anyways). That way if you were left with no shields you'd still have a slight chance in killing the sword-holder.

I'm still having fun playing Halo 2 on XBL...I won't touch Team Slayer anymore because it's just unfair (I've been on the winning and losing side - I'm not just saying this because I'm a sore loser).

I wish they'd release a Halo 1.5 or something. XBL enabled and maybe including the Halo PC maps and weapons or maybe a few new ones. They'd make millions off it. I'd certainly buy it. Their window is kinda closed now that Halo 2 is out...the average gamer won't want a Halo 1.5 when they can have Halo 2. I still do though.
After reading your post, I don't have much to say except to tell you that I totally agree.

Covenant Energy Sword pisses me off to no end.
I can't disagree more. Basically, if any weapon is *rigged*, in your opinion, just try and get to it. It seems to me you've just been beaten a few bad times and you just want an excuse.

Apparently I'm awesome at grabbing rigged weapons because after 50 rumble pits or so, I've gotten first in 95% of them. I'm currently level 15, if memory serves. So just learn how to use weapons and I think you'll have a much better time. Or play Party games and just edit out the weapons you don't like.
I'd also take this more seriously if Halo 2 didn't have the option to let you pick what guns you want to allow. Maybe this limits your pub play, but they can't please everyone.
lukrebu said:
I can't disagree more. Basically, if any weapon is *rigged*, in your opinion, just try and get to it. It seems to me you've just been beaten a few bad times and you just want an excuse.

Apparently I'm awesome at grabbing rigged weapons because after 50 rumble pits or so, I've gotten first in 95% of them. I'm currently level 15, if memory serves. So just learn how to use weapons and I think you'll have a much better time. Or play Party games and just edit out the weapons you don't like.


As you can see I'm getting positive records on each gametype. I do quite well. I grab the "rigged" weapons all the time and kill quite easily with them...but I don't rely on them. One game in particular was Midship Assault (I hate the map particularly) but evem though we lost (my roomate was away damn near the whole game) I got a shitload of kills and my new record for medals in one game. 52. Lots of beatdowns and plenty of other stuff.

Game Stats Here

It's not that I'm no good at the game. I just think that the SMG is too pansy to start with for many gametypes and I'm tired of the game being based around such an easy weapon to use (the sword).

EDIT: Sure I could just play with the same people over and over on my friends list playing our specific gametypes...but that's not ranked...and that's what I like.

One other thing...the radar bugs the crap out of me. It'd be wonderful if there was a completely different ladder with no radar. Sneaking has lost it's fun. Screw having to crouch I don't like the enemy to know where I am in a 30 foot radius. Takes lots of strategy out of the game.
AmishSlayer said:

As you can see I'm getting positive records on each gametype. I do quite well. I grab the "rigged" weapons all the time and kill quite easily with them...but I don't rely on them. One game in particular was Midship Assault (I hate the map particularly) but evem though we lost (my roomate was away damn near the whole game) I got a shitload of kills and my new record for medals in one game. 52. Lots of beatdowns and plenty of other stuff.

Game Stats Here

It's not that I'm no good at the game. I just think that the SMG is too pansy to start with for many gametypes and I'm tired of the game being based around such an easy weapon to use (the sword).

EDIT: Sure I could just play with the same people over and over on my friends list playing our specific gametypes...but that's not ranked...and that's what I like.

One other thing...the radar bugs the crap out of me. It'd be wonderful if there was a completely different ladder with no radar. Sneaking has lost it's fun. Screw having to crouch I don't like the enemy to know where I am in a 30 foot radius. Takes lots of strategy out of the game.

It isn't too hard to take out a sword guy, if the other team is any good they will easily do it. All you have to do is jump and try to dodge them, even if you don't your team mate should be shooting the guy with the sword and easily kill him.
Foxtrot said:
It isn't too hard to take out a sword guy, if the other team is any good they will easily do it. All you have to do is jump and try to dodge them, even if you don't your team mate should be shooting the guy with the sword and easily kill him.

That's assuming their team isn't smart and are letting the sword guy go unprotected. If a team works together with someone that has the sword...it can be next to impossible to get it back in many situations.
AmishSlayer said:
That's assuming their team isn't smart and are letting the sword guy go unprotected. If a team works together with someone that has the sword...it can be next to impossible to get it back in many situations.
It depends what game type it is, if it is team skirmish on a map like midship then that means you have 4 people. Midship is a bad example though, because it is so easy to stick the sword guy with a nade, or shotgun him. A better example would be lockout, the sword is near useless on that map, even with team work. Plasma pistol takes out his sheilds, 1 head shot kills him. It is always hard to work as a team with the sword, nades mess everything up.
I personally think the weapon balance has improved thanks to duel wielding.
Foxtrot said:
It depends what game type it is, if it is team skirmish on a map like midship then that means you have 4 people. Midship is a bad example though, because it is so easy to stick the sword guy with a nade, or shotgun him. A better example would be lockout, the sword is near useless on that map, even with team work. Plasma pistol takes out his sheilds, 1 head shot kills him. It is always hard to work as a team with the sword, nades mess everything up.

I personally find it easy to work as a team with the sword. Everyone dual wielding (unless they have a better weapon) and everyone shooting the targets that come at them. The sword can just lunge away from the group and kill people. It's not that tough. If the sword guy dies then you have 3 other teammates to grab it after they kill the other opposition and resume the slaughter.

If the sword user is smart...he'll keep it as a secondary weapon so his enemy doesn't know he has it and come within range of the kill. I've used the sword plenty of times on lockout successfully. Sword on midship isn't that easy to kill if your team controls the only shotgun (back to the weapon spawning issue again) and the sword person is competent enough to dodge plasma grenades.
Your stats aren't bad.

Anyway, I think the sword sucks on Zanzibar, and any map bigger than 10x10. It's Lockout and Midship where it racks up the kills, and with good reason. But I can still kill the sword-wielders 2 out of 3 encounters. It's not as uber as you're trying to make it sound.

If you don't like the weapon balance, you don't like the weapon balance. I probably can't convince you, but I, for one, DO like the weapon balance.

P.S. - I'd post the link to my gamertag, except my friend's played the last 100 games or so and it looks awful. It's funny: the first 30 games are nonstop "1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st" and then all of a sudden BAM! "8th 8th 13th 7th 4th 3rd 7th 7th".... you see where I'm going. The problem is, I can't prove this.

Also, he joined this suckass clan that's got over a 3:1 loss-win ratio. Really bad.
The sword rules on Zanzibar when you're defending the base. It's such an awesome trump card to play on someone when you have it as a secondary weapon and just bust it out when someone gets close enough to you.

The sword is just even easier to use when you have it as your secondary weapon or don't just mindlessly charge at people while they back away blasting you.
DeusExMachinia said:
The Sword is so easy to master its awesome. Course, i love my dual smgs.
The sword is an awesome weapon when playing with someone but it doesnt translate as well on Xbox Live. Still, its awesome.