Halo copied Half Life ??

AmishSlayer said:
Heh...you've obviously never played Legendary. That's where the true Halo SP experience is at. Normal and Heroic are too easy. There are plenty of things to hide behind. You'll be lucky if Elites don't circle around you or grenade you though while you're waiting for your shields to come back up. For outside levels theres plenty of trees, rocks, hills, vehicles, terrain to hide behind. Inside there's corners, pillars, blockade thingies, computer thingies etc.

HL and Halo did not make up the whole "parasite that bites the host and the host becomes an alien thing." That's been done plenty of times in movies and games and tv shows. Vampires anyone?
your right i have not played it on Legendary but normal is the normal game, heroic is the hard version of the game and so on and so forth. and thats why video game reviewers review it on normal.
any way a game is not a clone if there in the same genre. the only games that some people do not consider clones are the games that started the genre them selfs.
lordoftheroot said:
your right i have not played it on Legendary but normal is the normal game, heroic is the hard version of the game and so on and so forth. and thats why video game reviewers review it on normal.
any way a game is not a clone if there in the same genre. the only games that some people do not consider clones are the games that started the genre them selfs.

I know. I just think that Normal is too easy. The AI is so much smarter and tougher one Legendary. That's how I judge it - the SP at its finest.
Ahnteis said:
Halo had great potential. Then they console-ed it and rushed it out the door. Ended up having the most repetitive levels I have ever seen in a game.

Consoled?? So several years in development is consoled?? IMO, your definition of consoled is that its on a console...and nothing more. If thats your honest opinion, then you're one of few and is a shame.

Just to make sure this discussion doesn't get overly technical.....Halo and Metroid Prime are actually ranked better overall than Half-Life 1. Both on metacritic.com and gamerankings.com. Half-Life is not the god of games, period.

I thoroughly enjoyed all three games and actually like Half-life better than Halo, but like Metroid Prime better than both. Metroid Prime was one of, if not the most, interactive games ever made, period. This is a PC oriented group and a thread like this comes as no surprise. I said it earlier: we sell ourselves short as gamers by hating for no other reason than the games delivery system.
There is no comparison between Halo-2 and Half-life 2. Halo-2 is running on an outdated/overrated console. The fact of matter is a PC will always be the number 1 tool used for gaming as long as the industry keeps upping the technology. Console games will never be able to keep up personal gaming computers. So we look at these two games in two different sheds of light and these are the "fun aspect" and the "technology aspect". Lots of people enjoy playing Halo/Halo-2 and have boat loads of fun with it(thats why it sells) but is halo/halo-2 on the top end of gaming technology? No. So my conclusion with this is that Half-life two is indeed a way more technologically advanced game than any game on a console and any game thats out on PC right now(according to reviews). But the question we should ask is "which game is more fun?" But in no way can Halo/Halo-2 compete with Half-life 2 on a technological scale and in this generation I think some people are going to look at Half-life 2 and Halo-2 and be dissapointed with Halo-2 because it simply cant match up Half-Life 2(depending on what kinda PC your running the game). The Graphics/Physics/interactive Enviroments/AI/cutting edge technology is no match for a console game in anway. So once again the question is "which will be a more fun game?"
HollowTipz said:
"which will be a more fun game?"

Thats a very good question, and the wait will not be much longer. My money is on HL2, but I'm only basing that on the fact that I enjoyed HL1 more than Halo 1. We'll know November 16.

I agree with a lot of your opinions in the above post, but I feel that consoles serve a greater purpose. They are there for people that can't afford to drop a grand to put together a smokin rig to play HL2 and Doom 3 "the way they're meant to be played". I feel that consoles may be behind in the technology aspect and will probobly never catch up, but that forces developers to put together games that are more than just pretty graphics. Which should work in favor of games like Halo 2 or Metroid Prime 2 and the GTA series, which I'm not a fan of. All three of which will not touch HL2 graphically, but may present an equal experience on other levels.

Oh yeah....and the XBox is the SHlT. I think it's rather underrated. :E
Lt. Drebin said:
Thats a very good question, and the wait will not be much longer. My money is on HL2, but I'm only basing that on the fact that I enjoyed HL1 more than Halo 1. We'll know November 16.

I agree with a lot of your opinions in the above post, but I feel that consoles serve a greater purpose. They are there for people that can't afford to drop a grand to put together a smokin rig to play HL2 and Doom 3 "the way they're meant to be played". I feel that consoles may be behind in the technology aspect and will probobly never catch up, but that forces developers to put together games that are more than just pretty graphics. Which should work in favor of games like Halo 2 or Metroid Prime 2 and the GTA series, which I'm not a fan of. All three of which will not touch HL2 graphically, but may present an equal experience on other levels.

Oh yeah....and the XBox is the SHlT. I think it's rather underrated. :E

It may present a experience on other levels but will the experience be as far thought out and detailed as a PC game? Absoulty not. Thats what seperates the two other than graphically.

"I feel that consoles may be behind in the technology aspect and will probobly never catch up, but that forces developers to put together games that are more than just pretty graphics."

Half-life 2 and other top selling PC games its a lot more than just pretty graphics. This forces console developers to make better consoles that can "ACT" like a PC. But why buy a console when u can buy a PC? As consoles seek better/higher technological steps the money will following accordingly with raising prices for consoles higher than EVER! Its a true statement to say console developers are working towards "miniuture pcs" for people who cant afford "real pcs".
Lol... I like how this is practically a continuation of the HL2 vs Halo 2 thread...and now that I notice it...I refuse to partake in it anymore.

Except for that...and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that...... and that.

Bonus points to whoever knows the source of that little joke :p
This may be a continuation of the Halo2 vs Hallife2 thread but this is the first time i have expressed this opinion.
AmishSlayer said:
Lol... I like how this is practically a continuation of the HL2 vs Halo 2 thread...and now that I notice it...I refuse to partake in it anymore.

Except for that...and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that...... and that.

Bonus points to whoever knows the source of that little joke :p


Anyways, back on topic, we'll see which game is better on November 16th. Semi-end of discussion.
HollowTipz said:
It may present a experience on other levels but will the experience be as far thought out and detailed as a PC game? Absoulty not. Thats what seperates the two other than graphically.

So the PC has better game developers. Considering how many more tools they have at their disposal, I'll leave that one alone. A lot of the same developers that work on the PC work on consoles as well.....so thats rather a rhetorical point.

I would love for you to try and back that point to, for example, Shigeru Miyamoto among others. Tell him that no matter what he does...his games will simply never be as good as anything on the PC, because the PC is just better....the games are just better. Have you played Metroid series or the Legend of Zelda series. As much as I love Half-Life, you could never convince me that Metroid Prime is not as good...ever.

I love the PC as much as I love consoles and I've played just as many good games on both mediums. So, I have a hard time accepting that the PC generically breeds better games, and thats the attitude that sells yourself short.
Lt. Drebin said:
So the PC has better game developers. Considering how many more tools they have at their disposal, I'll leave that one alone. A lot of the same developers that work on the PC work on consoles as well.....so thats rather a rhetorical point.

I would love for you to try and back that point to, for example, Shigeru Miyamoto among others. Tell him that no matter what he does...his games will simply never be as good as anything on the PC, because the PC is just better....the games are just better. Have you played Metroid series or the Legend of Zelda series. As much as I love Half-Life, you could never convince me that Metroid Prime is not as good...ever.

I love the PC as much as I love consoles and I've played just as many good games on both mediums. So, I have a hard time accepting that the PC generically breeds better games, and thats the attitude that sells yourself short.

I feel that more games suck on the PC, such as the value games, rather than on the console.
The Thing said:
I feel that more games suck on the PC, such as the value games, rather than on the console.

Awesome point Thing.

Since I'm in the position of defending consoles....I'll further this a little. I think if we look at the sheer volume of games available on the PC and compair it to the volume of console games available, the percentage of games that are considered great or get great reviews will be higher on consoles.
Defending consoles? PC sucks? Console sucks? etc etc...Seems most of you are fanboiz and fail to see the pros of both markets/sides/gaming communities/etc.

Someone said very few ideas are original anymore..and damn, very few are. That really sucks too, cause in like five years, where will gaming be? New and revolutionary is a thing of the past...Soon we'll have more "cs clones, halo clones, and hl clones"..etc etc...i dunno....random tangent..
The thing is, if we didn't have PC games pushing the technological envelope, you wouldn't have your Halo's or your Metroid Prime's.

Console game developers get to spend a LOT more time worrying about the game than certain issues like hardware compatibility. Normally, they have ONE EXACT hardware spec that their product has to run on, and that's it.

PC games normally have the advantage of having the latest technology, but that's also really expensive to keep up with and leads to game developers having to worry about making their games compatible with certain hardware.

I don't think PCs or consoles are "better". And if you limit yourself to one you're really limiting yourself to a lot of really good games out there. It's about the games, not the system.
swiss said:
I just realised that "the flood" in Halo consisted of a load of mutated species, that had an uncanny resemblance to the headcrabs and zombies of Half Life. There were the numerous jumpy things with tentacles and bulgy heads; exactly like the headcrabs, and the mutated soldiers who ran around with big spiky hands; just like the zombies.
I know it could have been a simple coincidence, but I reckon one of the ingredients that made Halo one of the best console games ever; was taken from the best pc game ever. Cant console games get their own ideas??

hey, and don't make any effort of pointing out that headcrabs are a rip off of the aliens from the 4 movies of Alien, and now the latest Alien vs Predator...

god, what a noob :/
yeh, since zombies are incredibly original, and headcrabs too (as groovy stated).

plenty of console games have their own ideas moron.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned by Doom3 coppied the f*%# out of halflife (1). Now, normally it isn't acceptable to say such things because (Doom came out first you n00b!)
BUT! pay attention to the opening. You arrive via transport with little backstory, you are directed by engineers and security guards (Notice the one at the desk...in both games, he basically is the introductory character). And the ambiance is SOOO similar! The level design, the props around you and even the color pallette seems so similar.

The only difference really between the two games stories (Gate opens, monsters come) is the monsters in Doom3 are super f^&$ing ridufreakinglous. Skeleton deamons with rocketlaunchers? Are there huge staffs of scientist and engineers in hell constantly working on improvements to the demonic design? NO! There are not, I've asked around, and the word on it from the big guy satan is NO! Never!

Did Halo copy halflife? A little, I mean the parasitic creatures were very reminiscent...but at least the flood's way of possessing was different. It was an assimilation thing, rather then a specific entities method of procreation/defense mechanism. Half Life is actually relatively original in the way the creatures are (some pretty abstract designs...) But in at least four thousand years of human history, you're going to find some copyright infringement...so as long as something is done artistically and well, it is forgiveable...unlike doom 3...
Ok, so starting this thread obviously sparked off anger in some people out there.
plenty of console games have their own ideas moron.
god, what a noob :/
But to tell u the truth, ur all "noobs and morons" for gettin so worked up about my simple view that Halo copied HL and perhaps wasnt so original. I NEVER said that HL was incredibly original though either.
i noticed this a while ago and was thinking of posting... another thing is halo's masterchief suit like axactly like hl :sniper: