halo demo


Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
halo demo has been released!!!! WOWOOOOOO!!!!!!:cheese:
good news at last
Well, I have the full version. And also this should be in OFF-TOPIC.
Boring game, I tried the demo and it sucketh the donkeh in my honest opinion.
the cars are cool, the weapons suck :/

other than that, it's just too much console for me.
kind of funny how my comp is faster then my xbox but my xbox has better frames then my comp, that is how you can tell when a porth SUCKETH BADITH and aside fromt hat they screwed with default ambient light on the models cause they are all dark and crap for me even if im shining a flashlight on em, bah it was better for xbox, also a flamethrower wouldn't technically harm the master chiefs armor because his 2nd? layer of armor is some sort of temperature changing gel that reacts to extreme temperatures such as space n' the whatnot so it wouldn't actually harm him, not to mention the lack of effect heat would have on a layer of energy/plasma
"Too console"?

It's a decent game. It's a decent PC game that was ported to X-Box. Nothing screams "too console" about it. Fed up of stupid comments like that. Nobody cares.

Edit - Aeyblahblah: It's not real. It's a game. Don't talk about it as if you're a scientist or that you know what you're talking about. Science fiction.
Originally posted by Tarkus
halo demo has been released!!!! WOWOOOOOO!!!!!!:cheese:
good news at last
[Nice Person]The poor guy is right. Why should this go in off-topic if this forum is getting all the traffic?[/Nice Person]

I concur! CUT HIS PENIS!


On a serious note, Halo is a decent game. It hasn't been well-enough optimized but I like it anyway.
I bought Halo as a stand in before HL2 was released. It's the most disappointing game that I've bought in a long while (even Red Faction was better than it).

Honestly, there's no excuse for releasing a game that only runs at 14fps (at 640x480) on a machine that is at least twice as powerful as the console it was originally released on. Gearbox have sunk in my estimations.
Yeah... Halo on the Xbox was way better. They could've done something with the graphics engine, since it took so long. This game looks great, but behind the times, in some areas. Iconoclast, this game was originally in development for the PC & Mac, then that changed - YEARS AGO! It was ported from the Xbox, to the PC. Get it straight.

That demo was terible and Xbox version was much better... But hey whatever floats your boat.
I agree, the port sucks and turns it into a linear FPS.

I have only played multiplayer (I have full version and I already beat it on XBOX) And it's AWFUL.
I like fps better on pc cuz of mouse and keyboard. If XBox would come out with mouse and keyboard adapters or something, then that would be killa. Like the concept of Halo for PC, but it was poorly executed.
I am not going to get this game max payne 2 is on the UK's Horizon.
What's up with you guys? I love this game! And the multiplayer rocks! haha, I love controlling the warthog's rocket launcher! KABOOM!
Well everybody who experienced HALO said it was crap only for single player.
To some people, low frame rates can ruin a game... like me! Especially when u got a top of the line graphics card and overall system (one 10000000 times more powerfull than the xbox that gets better frame rates)
It runs bad on your comp??? Oh dear

Turn the FPS cap up, turn VSYNC off :P

It's amazing how many people don't read the performence FAQ :P
the only reason to buy halo pc is multi
nothing else
Halo single player is pretty cool. I love throwing those sticky grenades on the aliens, then they scream "get it off, get it off!" BooM!. Some multiplayer is good, the best map is blood gluch, good for doing stunts with the warthogs. :D
Originally posted by Sn7
Halo single player is pretty cool. I love throwing those sticky grenades on the aliens, then they scream "get it off, get it off!" BooM!. Some multiplayer is good, the best map is blood gluch, good for doing stunts with the warthogs. :D

I love BG because of the BGC, those rock.
Originally posted by Sn7
Halo single player is pretty cool. I love throwing those sticky grenades on the aliens, then they scream "get it off, get it off!" BooM!. Some multiplayer is good, the best map is blood gluch, good for doing stunts with the warthogs. :D
Yeah, the grenades are cool. Shame the SP is so repetitive, 'cos the vehicles and weapons are pretty good. If I see one more of those big grey round temple things I'm gonna bung the Halo disc out of the window.
The vehicles look really cool. With some patience you can squeeze thru even the tightest passages. The enemy AI is good. The faces of the player models look very primitive.
All I can say about it, boring, boring and more boring. I quit after 10 mins it was that boring.
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
kind of funny how my comp is faster then my xbox but my xbox has better frames then my comp, that is how you can tell when a porth SUCKETH BADITH

Hold on ur telling me ur cpu is 128 bit annd not 32bit, so the code wasnt converted to 32bit making it 4 times slower? man it must be a bad port...

if u havent heard sarcasm before, theres loads in there....:flame:
i tried the demo and the vehicles and airships are tons of fun but i don't like any of the weapons whatsoever..

i know not all of the weapons are available in the demo.. or is that my misunderstanding? and from the looks of it.. all the weapons are gonna be generally the same.. guess its safe to say i probably won't be getting Halo unless i get desparate for a new game or something..
I have found the demo very dissapointing. The graphics are somthing from the last century and the gameplay is way too console for me. I'll just wait for CoD.
The demo was really disappointing and made me happy I didn't waste $80 on the full version.

The graphics were good and the game ran well on my system. But the guns suck complete ass, that assault rifle desperately needs a scope, I mean come on, the PISTOL is more accurate at range... And the only MP map, blood gulch sucks ass since it's a vehicle map, and there's only 1 rocket launcher in the middle of the map to effectively attack vehicles with. And those banshees just simply piss me off.
Originally posted by koopa
Yeah, the grenades are cool. Shame the SP is so repetitive, 'cos the vehicles and weapons are pretty good. If I see one more of those big grey round temple things I'm gonna bung the Halo disc out of the window.

Arrrrrgggghhhhh do people not get it? Thats the whole point, the enviroment is not the focus, the enemies are.. there are no stupid jump puzzles, or anything like that, it's just the enemies that slow you down