Halo/ Halo 2 disscussion


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I have seen a recent outbreak of anti-halo opinions on the boards, and i'd like to know why you guys dislike halo.

Please only post in this thread if you dislike Halo/are responding to another post.

If you DOpost in here, everyhting must be justified and/or have a reason. Don't jsut post "halo is overrated"

And if the reason for you dislikeing halo is that it was on xbox first and m$ owns bungie, you have no right to contribute anyhting to the conversation.
I like the story, and the gameplay for the most part but....the fact that its good for the xbox then shitty on one of the best computers you can get pisses me off....I have a 9800pro, 2800+, 1042ddr, and the game runs like poop.
Same here, I have a 2700xp, 9700 pro and 1024DDR and the game doesn't run well. To me, that's a real showstopper to an otherwise great game.
I dont really dislike halo........although i dont like it either.....

Its nothing new in terms of gameplay. Im tired of all the PS2 suxors Xbox has teh HALO!!! HALO owns joo.....

I guess its just that people like to rub it in your face that they think its such an awsome game. And you dont think its that great..... so you are the idiot and n00b...

seems like the same crowd that plays CS plays HALO....thats a turnoff right there.
Single player blew, only so many times you can go around levels that look allmost the game and kill the same aliens, but the mutliplayer is great
yeah the levels are repetitive, the enemies are for the most part dumb, it's more linear than a roman road, half decent story ruined by hackneyed gameplay, the fecking flood need i say more, that machine gun sounds like someone is farting down a tube, the energy based weapons are absolutely pathetic, the music although acceptable does not change with the action, the cross hair takes up a full quarter of the screen, the pistol with zoom is more powerful than the machine gun, and it just isn't suited as a PC game, it should've stayed on xbox because on pc there are many games that outclass it.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
Its nothing new in terms of gameplay. Im tired of all the PS2 suxors Xbox has teh HALO!!! HALO owns joo.....

I agree.

When I played through the whole sp campaign in Halo, it felt like I was playing it over and over again, same annoying aliens, and get to waypoint 1 and 2 all over again. Got really tired of it fast.

But it was sometimes that I liked it, like when you drove a big ass tank through some alien fortifications. Really fun to blow up the alien tanks that you encountered to.
And when you first encountered the Flood guys where really exciting, see aliens dead all over the floor and so on (to be honest, I got a little scared ;P).
But the Flood got boring as well, because you almost encountered more of these guys than the aliens.

On the other hand they where a lot more challenging than the aliens.
I have to say, I did like Halo, and it was fun, but I have to agree that you can only have so much fun running down the same cooridor shooting the same aliens so much. People might say that "When you play on legendary the AI is so fantastic", its not. There is no revolutionary AI, not even on legendary, all that happens as the difficulty increases is that enemies hide more, just to piss you off, and their shots do about 20X more damage. It was a great console game, but on the PC? No. Bad MS, Bad.
I love it!! I love the the creatures, they're so fun and cute I just want to pinch their cheeks! Oh and I just loooove the physics in the game! They work really well combined with the non-physic characters.
I think the story will be more fun if you've played the old MAC/PC Game called Marathon, since there are hints everywhere in Halo to Marathon.
Multiplayer ****ing rocks too! It's the darnest thing I've ever played! *blows kiss to Bungie!*
If your dislike stems from the fact that Halo was very repetitive you'll be glad to hear that Halo 2 is not. Halo was rushed quite a bit so that it could make the XBox's launch. Now they have all the time they need to make Halo 2.

A little more than halfway through the story they realized they wouldn't make it on time so, instead, they took an older level and had you run back through it in the other direction and they made that one horribly repetitive level that almost made me quit (I'm not even going to mention the name)... but I liked the last level (racing to your ship on the Warthog) so much I must have played through it 20+ times alone and a even more with friends.

I liked Halo on the XBox... but the way the developers described Halo before Microsoft pushed them (with lots of money) to the XBox it sounds like they changed a lot about the game. I wish Halo PC was the Halo I had been waiting for years ago rather than a rehash of the XBox version.
Oh... I've got gas. I think he mistook that for the smell of sarcasm.
I like the story, and the gameplay for the most part but....the fact that its good for the xbox then shitty on one of the best computers you can get pisses me off....I have a 9800pro, 2800+, 1042ddr, and the game runs like poop.

I run it with no problems at 1600x1200 on my rig. I only play multiplayer though as the single player version seems like it was made by disney. Does the single player mode run a lot worse than mp??
Halo had some of the worst level design, and whether that had to do with being rushed or not, it doesn't change the fact.

Enemy design I thought was a little on the lame side. I didn't really like what was there, and what was there wasn't much.

I didn't enjoy the music for the game. I thought the main song was trying to hard to add some momentum for the game and for me it just made it seem more pathetic than it already was. I'm sure though that that song had the opposite effect on people who really liked the game.

I thought the guns were pretty lame and didn't really offer anything really unique or new that hadn't already been done.

Just overall, I don't see much special about Halo. I felt like I wasplaying a vanilla bland first person shooter. All the design elements just felt unoriginal to me. It doesn't do a whole lot that hadn't been done before. I didn't really think that it was pushing the envelope all the way hypers would have you believe it was. It's certainly a good game, but definitely no the GREAT game that everyone would like me to believe. I guess the hype just ruined it for me, I don't know.
I loved Halo, and am still loving Halo.

What I Like about it, is the fact that the enviroments ARE repititive. In one sense, Halo is a TRUE FPS, unlike Half Life, where often it's the enviroment that is slowing you down, in Halo, the only thing that stops you is the enemies... pretty good methinks. I love it...

Oh, and it runs amazingly on my system... even though it's mid-range :)
first off, halo is a extremely good game imo. PC version sucked ass though, to much lagg and not the same feel with out my console. Any how the game is phenominal, the levels are huge and indepth, environment sounds are great. Most guns sound good (cept the AR). the graphics are still some of the best around today imo. The gameplay is rly good, the first time i went through legendary, i had to use actual tactics and try to flank and stuff with my brother. In the amount of time Bungie had to do the game i think they deserve a round of applause, Im still playing halo and its been what like 1 1/2 years or 2 years its been out, i just love having to see the marines and trying to save em. Personally i get rly sad if i cant save more than 3 marines!!!
I'm with him.

As I said before in the other Halo discussion thread, Halo just isn't the same for PC as it is for Xbox. Multiplayer is 1000080 times better for xbox version because you and your friends are right there. It also was and is way cooler for xbox because how it runs.

I have a decent rig. 2500xp 9600 pro 512mb ddr ram..and it gets hung up sometimes. Kinda lame performance-wise. I have seen xbox Halo lose fps very, very rarely...and if it does...it's for like 2-3 seconds and it isn't bad.

I've been playing Halo for 2 years...and I still play it each day to see if people in my dorm are online.

If you think in terms of "2 Years Ago"....the game kicks ass. AI-wise it was awesome...gfx-wise it was amazing...game-wise...it was the shit.

EDIT: To see how people liked the game when it was first released, check out IGN's review .
Hmmmm... Halo...

Well, it has its moments... I love the vehicles... the Covenant Grunts are hilarious to listen to... I like the story and the scenery...

However, I got bored of the singleplayer pretty quickly, and split-screen multiplayer just sucks something that shouldn't be sucked...

Meh. 60%. I don't really see what all the fuss is about.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
However, I got bored of the singleplayer pretty quickly, and split-screen multiplayer just sucks something that shouldn't be sucked...

Man, if you haven't tried Halo PC Multiplayer, then you haven't tried anything...
i tried the Halo demo.. and i did not like any of the weapons.. IMHO they sucked ass

the warthogs and banshees were fun.. but i ain't gonna spend cash a game just for the vehicles and airships.. i have to like the weapons.. at the minimum..
Yea they do pretty much suck, nothing beats shotgun.. the energy weapons are dumb :P
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
Yea they do pretty much suck, nothing beats shotgun.. the energy weapons are dumb :P

The energy weps can be hella useful to take down Banshee's and in SP...Elites. Charge up a shot with the pistol and the shields are outta the equation for a while.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I loved Halo, and am still loving Halo.

What I Like about it, is the fact that the enviroments ARE repititive. In one sense, Halo is a TRUE FPS, unlike Half Life, where often it's the enviroment that is slowing you down, in Halo, the only thing that stops you is the enemies... pretty good methinks. I love it...

Oh, and it runs amazingly on my system... even though it's mid-range :)

Nice to know I'm not the only one who likes Halo...
Halo has it's good sides and bad sides, but IMO the vehicles are the games strongpoint. The vehicles combined with the physics (that i think suit the game well) make it worth playing more than once.

The weapons for halo 1 are very bland and uncreative, except for maybe the plasma grenades, and I very rarely play on indoor maps (or maps without vehicles).

...now halo2 on the other hand... thats a different story. I have a feeling there are going to major improvements in the gameplay, not to mention the graphics. There will be more vehicles and from what i've seen so far, they will be designed much better than the ones in the first halo.
Here's something funny that I realized... I constantly mix up Unreal 2 and Halo... take that as you will...

The multiplayer seldom worked for me (many games lagged like Hell for me), but when it did work... it was okay I guess. For teamplay, nothing beats Tribes 2 in my book... oh yeah... and Tribes 2 vehicles were done better...

Additionally, the feel of the movement/aiming didn't seem quite right... felt detached and 'glide-y'...
I find Halo to be extreamly boring unless I'm playing co-op, then I really enjoy the game.
Well, i don't have much time atm, so i won't argue much.
*note i only have played the xbox version*

I persoanlly loved the single-player, it was jsut amazing. With that aside....

If your complaint about halo is that it runs badley on your system, don't waste forum space.

Anyway, even if you didn't like the single-player, the greatest-gaming moments in my life have all been playing 8v8 CTF in blood gultch. That is the pinnicle of gaming. I have to find anyhting in gameing that is better than having you and 15 friedns all yelling at each other...
"he's got the flag!!!!!!!"
"no!! you fliiped the fruicking warthog again!!!!!!"
"arg! you'r warthog landed on my head!"
"F**k u stuck me with a plasma!"

i could go on........

I wish i could take screenshots of some of these games..... there are so many great moments to capture..... A warthog flying over a bump next to you, a rocked flashing near it, sniper bullet trails everywhere....."
Originally posted by mrBadger
I loved Halo, and am still loving Halo.

What I Like about it, is the fact that the enviroments ARE repititive. In one sense, Halo is a TRUE FPS, unlike Half Life, where often it's the enviroment that is slowing you down, in Halo, the only thing that stops you is the enemies... pretty good methinks. I love it...

Oh, and it runs amazingly on my system... even though it's mid-range :)
You are so lucky if you can run it nicely :)

Concerning the engine and its speed:
800x600, without AA (though with 16xAF), all settings maxed, around 50 fps, quite serious drops sometime. That's what my 2400+/9700 Pro could pull. Increasing to 1024x768 effectivly HALVED fps, making it unplayable. Now, compare that to such a petty engine as Max Payne 2, less advanced (DX9 vs DX8.1), but with 10x the polygons: 1600x1200, 6xAA/16xAF, everything maxed, fully playable.
In short: The engine blows worse than a FX dustbuster, and that really BLOWS.

Concerning gameplay:
I like the health system. It makes the difficulty throughout the game perfect, absolutely perfect. But the levels... I just lost track on where I was. Had I been there? Wasnt this familiar? Havent I done this 10 times already? And the story left alot to wish for. I gave up in the end, I didnt find interest for it anymore (was somewhere where you have to stand in some generators, no idea where that is compared to the endgame).
Originally posted by dawdler
(was somewhere where you have to stand in some generators, no idea where that is compared to the endgame).

Hah, that's where I am right now. I hate those goddam rooms, they're all circular, symmetrical and nearly exactly the same. I can't tell if I'm going the right way or if I got turned around somehow. I don't know why they force you to spend so much time in such a crappy place. The outdoor swamp area was cool, but you hardly spend any time there. And the vehicles are awesome, of course.
I suppose this is why we are all HL2 fans. HL2 has everything that was good of Halo...and a shit load more, plus it won't have these stupid problems. If all else fails, people will MOD HL2 to perfection!
I dont understand why you guys are saying halo sucks, atleast its out on the market. Ehemmm lets see you say HL2 is pimp, but all we've seen are scripted videos and screenshots. Now im not saying that HL2 is going to be bad. but come on i could say that HL2 will suck compared to HL3 even though HL3 hasnt even been considered. any one understand what im saying?
"I guess its just that people like to rub it in your face that they think its such an awsome game. And you dont think its that great..... so you are the idiot and n00b...

seems like the same crowd that plays CS plays HALO....thats a turnoff right there."

How can you say "thats a turnoff right there" after you just finished saying what you did. Your saying that people who play counter strike are obnoxious. Basically saying "other games pwn, counter strike suxorz. other games pwn j00". You are a hipocrite.